
618 is imminent, but Dong Yuhui and Brother Yang have slipped off the list

618 is imminent, but Dong Yuhui and Brother Yang have slipped off the list

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2024-05-21 12:52Posted in Beijing, creators in the field of science and technology

618 is imminent, but Dong Yuhui and Brother Yang have slipped off the list

"Douyin First Brother" is not powerful.

Written by | Xue Yaping

Edit | Tan Xiaohan

As the vanguard of the 618 promotion, the big anchor is an important bargaining chip in the platform's 618 war, and the competition between them is largely the competition between platforms.

Li Jiaqi prepared 618 early and sent 300 million red envelopes in the live broadcast room; Simba, who denounced Kuaishou, apologized on the eve of 618, and the account was finally unblocked; Jingdong also invited Zhou Hongyi to bring goods live. Just as other big anchors were preparing to do a big job, the Douyin buddies collectively took a step back: Brother Xiao Yang was busy filming short dramas, and Dong Yuhui was busy participating in activities and doing cultural tourism live broadcasts.

According to the live broadcast preview released with Hui, from May 20th to May 26th, Dong Yuhui will only appear for four days, with a total of 7 hours of live broadcast. Brother Xiao Yang has been live for three days since May, with a total of 14 hours and a total GMV of more than 200 million yuan.

618 is imminent, but Dong Yuhui and Brother Yang have slipped off the list

On the eve of 618, a Douyin buddy took a step back in advance.

According to the Douyin April delivery list released by Whip Bull Warrior integrating three-eye check data, after falling out of the top 20 in February and March, Crazy Brother Yang once again missed the top 20 on the list. And Dong Yuhui also broke into the top three of the Douyin list for three consecutive months, and the ranking fell to ninth.

618 is imminent, but Dong Yuhui and Brother Yang have slipped off the list

It is not difficult to explain that Crazy Brother Yang fell out of the list, in April, Brother Xiao Yang only broadcast live for three days. Among them, on April 27, the live broadcast lasted for 5 hours, bringing more than 100 million yuan; The live broadcast on April 29 lasted for about 40 minutes, and there was no goods; On April 30, the live broadcast lasted for one and a half hours, bringing 500,000-700,000 goods.

As for the reason why Dong Yuhui fell from the top three to ninth, one view believes that this is related to Dong Yuhui's start of Henan walking broadcast in late April.

This may not be the case. According to data from the third-party data platform Feigua, from April 25th to April 29th, that is, 5 days of Henan travel, the cumulative sales of the live broadcast room with Hui exceeded at least 130 million yuan, and the average daily sales were 25 million to 50 million yuan. From April 1st to April 24th, the average daily sales of Hui peers were 7.5 million to 10 million yuan. Obviously, "Henan Tour" contributed a lot of GMV to the live broadcast room with Hui.

In fact, it is related to the decline in GMV in the live broadcast room of Hui in April and Dong Yuhui's fading out of the live broadcast room.

According to the previous schedule with Hui, usually from 8 o'clock to 10 o'clock in the evening, Dong Yuhui will appear in the live broadcast room. But in April, in addition to the days when the live broadcast room was off for the rest of the day, Dong Yuhui did not appear in the live broadcast room for at least 12 days. This situation seems to have become a rule, as of May 20, Dong Yuhui only appeared in the live broadcast room for 6 days in May.

618 is imminent, but Dong Yuhui and Brother Yang have slipped off the list

Behind falling out of the list, these two big anchors who once competed for the first brother of Douyin are fading out of the live broadcast room.

The big anchor has limited time and energy, even Dong Yuhui, the ceiling of the knowledge anchor, has been questioned for the poor quality of the explanation, after all, he is no longer just the anchor in front of the camera, but also the leader of the team with Hui; Brother Xiao Yang not only needs to perform in front of the camera, but also needs to manage an enterprise with nearly 1,000 people. Even if big anchors often appear in the live broadcast room, in the case of their limited energy, it is only a matter of time before the GMV scale of the live broadcast room hits the ceiling, and it is better to tap other businesses with greater room for growth.

The deeper reason is that the live broadcast e-commerce industry has developed for many years, and it has bid farewell to exponential growth and reached a period of stable development. According to iResearch, the overall scale of China's live broadcast e-commerce industry will reach 4.9 trillion yuan in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 35.2%, and it is expected that the compound annual growth rate of China's live broadcast e-commerce will be 18% from 2024 to 2026. At this stage, instead of single-line growth, it is better to develop multiple lines at the same time.

In this case, it is inevitable that the head anchor seeks transformation. Brother Xiao Yang chased the wind to shoot a short drama, and Dong Yuhui bet on the live broadcast of cultural tourism.

And so that they can temporarily put down the live broadcast room to seek transformation, also because their account already has a fan base. When Dong Yuhui did not appear in the live broadcast room, although the sales and traffic of the live broadcast room declined, at least it remained at the top of the list. At the same time that Brother Xiao Yang disappeared from the list, Brother Xiao Yang's apprentice Boss Seven Boss broke into the top 20 on the list for two consecutive months.

Of course, the big anchors will not completely fade out of the live broadcast room, and for the sake of fan stickiness, they can't completely stay away from the live broadcast room.

618 is imminent, but Dong Yuhui and Brother Yang have slipped off the list

Compared with January to March, the popularity and GMV of April and May with Hui have indeed decreased.

From the perspective of traffic, in March, there were a total of 360 million people in the live broadcast room with Hui, and it fell to 312 million in April, and more than half of May, this data was less than 100 million.

From the perspective of GMV, in January this year, Dong Yuhui's live broadcast won the first place in the monthly list of Douyin with 921 million yuan in 22 days, and on the 16th of the live broadcast in February, the sales volume also reached 410 million yuan;

The decline in popularity and GMV is largely related to Dong Yuhui's absence from the live broadcast room.

From April 12th to 14th, Dong Yuhui did not appear in the live broadcast room for three consecutive days, and the highest number of online people in the live broadcast room with Hui did not exceed 50,000, with a cumulative number of 16 million views and an average daily sales of 7.5 million to 10 million yuan. Similarly, from April 18th to April 21st, Dong Yuhui also did not appear in the live broadcast room, and the highest number of online users did not exceed 50,000, with an average daily sales of 7.5 million to 10 million yuan.

In contrast, on the evening of April 7, Dong Yuhui broadcast live for two hours, and the peak popularity of the live broadcast room reached 250,000, the cumulative number of viewers exceeded 11 million, and the sales volume was 10 million to 25 million yuan.

618 is imminent, but Dong Yuhui and Brother Yang have slipped off the list

Obviously, whether Dong Yuhui appears in the live broadcast room has a considerable impact on the popularity and sales of his peers.

In fact, Douyin buddies have long been retiring.

Brother Xiao Yang has already expressed his attitude. Last year, when Brother Yang's apprentice "Yellow of the Traffic Light" caused controversy over bringing YSL beauty products, Brother Xiaoyang's vulgar delivery also sparked discussions, and Brother Xiao Yang asked his apprentice in the live broadcast room, "If I announce my withdrawal from the network, will you support it?" ”

At the beginning of March this year, when Crazy Brother Yang talked about the plan of the three sheep in 2024 in the live broadcast room, he also mentioned that this year he will reduce the number of live broadcasts, and there will be more entertainment live broadcasts, such as focusing on electronic music festivals, concerts, film and television projects, etc. If there is a special event, consider handing over the accounts you have followed directly to your apprentices.

618 is imminent, but Dong Yuhui and Brother Yang have slipped off the list

Source: Douyin @ Three Sheep Theater

And Dong Yuhui was unwilling to be a "seller" from the beginning. After last year's small essay incident, Dong Yuhui once said to Yu Minhong,

His personality is relatively lazy, he likes to be vassal, and he has a headache and a cough when he sells goods. "I can't take advantage of everyone's love and care for me and turn myself into a sales champion to get more benefits."

Yu Minhong responded, "I don't want Yuhui to sell things there every day." I feel that his contribution to the company is a cultural contribution, a value contribution, and a contribution to the development of Eastern philosophy. Soon after, Dong Yuhui bluntly said in an exclusive interview with China Daily: "Actually, I don't like to sell goods until now."

In March this year, Dong Yuhui also said when talking about the plan to walk with Hui, he would spend 1/3 of his time to bring agricultural products, use 1/3 of his time to lead everyone out and enjoy the mountains and rivers of the motherland together, and the rest of the time to do literature, film-related things, and interviews with celebrities and entrepreneurs.

618 is imminent, but Dong Yuhui and Brother Yang have slipped off the list

The pressure of public opinion from the outside world is the common problem faced by Dong Yuhui and Brother Xiao Yang.

Since becoming popular, Dong Yuhui has faced various controversies. According to statistics from third-party institutions, in 2023 alone, Dong Yuhui will be on the hot search 223 times. After the small composition turmoil, the situation is especially serious, in the first two months of 2024, Dong Yuhui will be on the hot search 80 times. Finally at the end of February this year, after being questioned for "disrespect" and "discrimination against women" for refusing to talk about underwear, Dong Yuhui emptied his Weibo in anger, Dong Yuhui called his behavior "the anger of the husband", "I can't change anything, but I just want to do it." ”

Dong Yuhui, who quit Weibo, still inevitably accepted the encirclement and trial of Weibo netizens. Since March this year, Dong Yuhui has been hung on Weibo hot searches many times, such as the pomp and circumstance of the Hubei trip, the poor quality of the explanation, the live broadcast of the museum delaying the tourists' visit itinerary, and speaking English in the same frame with Huo Qigang was questioned too much.

Dong Yuhui once mentioned that he was scared when he saw the hot search, "endless, strange hot search, scared, really scared." ”

There is also Brother Xiao Yang who is afraid. In December last year, Brother Xiao Yang said when talking about the increasingly boring live broadcast room, "There are too many people staring at me, if I play the same set back then, I will be gone a long time ago." If the live broadcast room is still playing like it was back then, it will be a long time ago. ”

Not long ago, Brother Xiao Yang was questioned about stealing customers because of the "ridiculously high prices" of the electric music festival hosted by Xiao Yang, and some netizens complained that at the event site, a cup of pure water was sold for 20 yuan, and Red Bull and Pulse were sold for 28 yuan and 30 yuan a bottle respectively.

618 is imminent, but Dong Yuhui and Brother Yang have slipped off the list

Brother Xiao Yang came forward to explain the situation, saying that all food and drinks at the scene of the electronic music festival were clearly marked with prices, and there was no fraud. And after finding that the price is high, the price has been reduced, and the price of a bottle of water is 10 yuan, which is the lowest price in the previous electronic music festivals. According to The Paper, a staff member of Wuhan Tieshu Culture Media Co., Ltd., one of the organizers, also said that the sales prices of the items on the site were all public and checked by the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau.

Of course, the reason why Douyin has reduced live streaming is not limited to this, and the risks and challenges faced by live streaming are getting higher and higher. In the past five years, the scale of live streaming in mainland China has increased by 10.5 times, but the number of related complaints has increased by 47.1 times. On this year's Consumer Rights Day, Dong Yuhui and Xiao Yang Ge were both caught in a storm of public opinion because of the accusations that there were problems with the meat products they sold.

The "Public Opinion Analysis Report on the Protection of Rights of Live Streaming Consumption (2023)" also shows that Crazy Brother Yang's live streaming consumption rights protection accounts for the second second only to Li Jiaqi, as high as 31.3%, among which problems such as false propaganda and uncivilized delivery are prominent; Dong Yuhui is in sixth place with a share of 4.4%.

618 is imminent, but Dong Yuhui and Brother Yang have slipped off the list

The public statement that entrepreneurs retreat to the second line to do behind the scenes is to focus more on corporate strategy, and the big anchors who retreat to the background are to take more time to do company management and seek new development routes.

As the legal representative and person in charge of Hui Walk, Dong Yuhui has to focus more on the operation and management of the company with Hui Walk. He once said in the live broadcast room, "When you open your eyes, it's the rent, and it's the salary of so many people."

Some time ago, Dong Yuhui was questioned about the deterioration of the quality of the explanation, and he also said frankly, "Now that the energy is a lot of distraction, maybe our company must have such a period of time when it is quickly on the right track at the beginning, everyone will allow me for a while, of course, I will reduce and remove some as much as possible, leaving myself more time to prepare, but after the company is relatively on the right track, I may be more calm." ”

Dong Yuhui is only responsible for a team of dozens of people, and Xiao Yang is responsible for a large enterprise with nearly 1,000 people, according to the "New Fortune" report, Xiao Yang brother has 54 companies under his name, with a total registered capital of 330 million yuan, of which more than 40 companies are controlled, and the business involves all aspects of live broadcast e-commerce such as Internet celebrity brokerage, content distribution, and supply chain management.

When Brother Xiao Yang disappeared in the live broadcast room, the five apprentices took the lead. For example, the seventh boss, who broke into the top 20 of the list of goods for two consecutive months, only has more than 6 million fans on Douyin, and in November last year, the sales of the seventh boss exceeded 100 million yuan in a single month, becoming the first anchor to break 100 million among Xiao Yang's apprentices; Brother Zui, an apprentice, has also sold more than 50 million yuan in a single month. In addition to the family-based live broadcast room brought by the apprentices, Brother Xiao Yang has incubated a matrix live broadcast room with sales of more than 10 million in at least 4 months on Douyin.

Not only Dong Yuhui and Brother Xiao Yang, Li Jiaqi's live broadcast time is also gradually decreasing, a year ago, Li Jiaqi's live broadcast time has been reduced from the original 5 to 6 hours to 3 to 4 hours, and the rest of the time is introduced by the assistant broadcaster. Since the beginning of this year, Li Jiaqi's live broadcast time has been further reduced. For example, from April 25th to May 5th, Li Jiaqi's personal live broadcast room was broadcast live by the assistant broadcaster, and Li Jiaqi disappeared from the live broadcast room for 10 days.

But although Li Jiaqi disappeared in the live broadcast room, the audience in the live broadcast room can reach more than 10 million; The "All Girls" live broadcast room and the "All Girls Wardrobe" live broadcast room broadcast by other anchors can also stabilize at about 2 million and 5 million viewers.

618 is imminent, but Dong Yuhui and Brother Yang have slipped off the list

The deeper reason why big anchors leave the live broadcast room is that the live broadcast industry has entered a slow development track and needs to open up new businesses.

Brother Xiao Yang aimed at the skit. After falling out of the top 20 on the list of goods in February, Brother Xiao Yang responded in the live broadcast room that he was concentrating on filming film and television films. In April this year, Three Sheep Group launched the account "Three Sheep Theater" on Douyin, with 43,000 fans, and the introduction is that the self-made boutique short dramas will be updated one after another, and announced that the first short drama "Fu Ye, Your Substitute Bride is a Big Guy" officially started filming.

Brother Xiao Yang's top video on Douyin account has a photo with Stephen Chow, with more than 14 million likes. Brother Xiao Yang also publicly stated that he dreams of being a comedian and wants to make Stephen Chow's comedy movies.

Dong Yuhui is also looking for new ways to grow and monetize the live broadcast room. In April this year, Dong Yuhui's live broadcast room received advertising sponsorship for the first time, and Jihu Motors and OPPO mobile phones became the exclusive cars and special mobile phones of the "Reading Mountains and Rivers with Hui" column respectively.

At present, there are also three columns in the live broadcast form incubated in the live broadcast room with Hui, in addition to the "Love Life" that is responsible for the daily live broadcast of goods, there is also the "Reading Mountains and Rivers" that focuses on the live broadcast of cultural tourism and the "Breaking 10,000 Volumes" that is responsible for guest interviews and reading sessions, and there is obviously more commercial space to explore in the live broadcast room with Hui.

Douyin buddies have a reason to have to get out of the live broadcast room, retire or transform, but the reality is not so easy.

The current Brother Xiao Yang, a benchmark anchor being cultivated in Hefei, is also a traffic signboard for the development of Hefei's local e-commerce industry. Hefei's e-commerce layout around Xiao Yang has also been launched. Crazy Brother Yang has been leading the live broadcast for key enterprises in Hefei for two consecutive years. Brother Xiao Yang also has a certain influence on the introduction of MCN institutions in Hefei, and "Chinese Entrepreneur" reported that in 2023, the well-known game MCN organization Little Elephant and Big Goose will settle in Hefei High-tech Zone, which is related to the influence of Crazy Brother Yang.

618 is imminent, but Dong Yuhui and Brother Yang have slipped off the list

The same is true for Dong Yuhui, he once said in the live broadcast room that he must have enough money to pay the salaries of employees when he walks with Hui, plus the cost of normal daily operations, which are maintained by selling goods.

And Dongfang Selection, and even Douyin also need a head anchor like Dong Yuhui. On March 13 this year, Dong Yuhui revealed in the live broadcast room that Douyin put forward a lot of development ideas and expectations to his peers with Hui, especially hoping that he would develop faster with Hui, "Douyin's requirements are too high, and there is a gap between the expectations of Hui's peers and Douyin." ”

Before the 79 yuan eyebrow pencil incident, Li Jiaqi once said to the camera in the live broadcast room, "I don't have to work" and "Really, I have a headache to death every day, and I sit here every day", Li Jiaqi, who said this, had a hoarse voice and was very tired. But despite the increased popularity of anchors such as Want Want, they still can't replace Li Jiaqi.

Luo Yonghao originally brought goods live to repay debts, and after the debt repayment, Luo Yonghao chose to start a business again. However, despite the announcement of his withdrawal from the network, in the face of the performance pressure of making a friend and the decline in traffic, Luo Yonghao also had to re-broadcast many times to carry the banner of live broadcast of making a friend.

The traffic of live broadcast e-commerce is very large, so big that big anchors want to retreat but can't. It is not only the audience who falls into consumerism in front of the camera in the live broadcast room that is coerced by live broadcast e-commerce, but also the big anchors who are illuminated by the spotlight in the live broadcast room.


"Escaping from the live broadcast and bringing goods, Brother Xiao Yang changed careers" Salt Finance

"Dong Yuhui responds to the poor quality of the explanation now", financial network

"Crazy Brother Yang, Made in Hefei" Chinese entrepreneur

"It's hard to do live streaming? Li Jiaqi, Dong Yuhui and others were named, and Simba and Brother Xiao Yang intended to be invisible" China Business Daily

""Crazy Little Brother Yang" hosted the electronic music festival and was questioned about stealing customers, why is the water of the music festival so expensive? >> Tide News Client

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  • 618 is imminent, but Dong Yuhui and Brother Yang have slipped off the list
  • 618 is imminent, but Dong Yuhui and Brother Yang have slipped off the list
  • 618 is imminent, but Dong Yuhui and Brother Yang have slipped off the list
  • 618 is imminent, but Dong Yuhui and Brother Yang have slipped off the list
  • 618 is imminent, but Dong Yuhui and Brother Yang have slipped off the list
  • 618 is imminent, but Dong Yuhui and Brother Yang have slipped off the list
  • 618 is imminent, but Dong Yuhui and Brother Yang have slipped off the list
  • 618 is imminent, but Dong Yuhui and Brother Yang have slipped off the list
  • 618 is imminent, but Dong Yuhui and Brother Yang have slipped off the list
  • 618 is imminent, but Dong Yuhui and Brother Yang have slipped off the list
  • 618 is imminent, but Dong Yuhui and Brother Yang have slipped off the list
  • 618 is imminent, but Dong Yuhui and Brother Yang have slipped off the list

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