
He was the first commander-in-chief of our army, and was forced into exile for ten years by Wang Ming's slander, and then commanded an army of 80,000

He was the first commander-in-chief of our army, and was forced into exile for ten years by Wang Ming's slander, and then commanded an army of 80,000

As we all know, after the breakdown of the first Kuomintang-Communist cooperation, the Nanchang Uprising, the Autumn Harvest Uprising, and the Guangzhou Uprising also marked the beginning of the independent armed struggle of the Communist Party of China, of which the initiators and commanders of the Nanchang Uprising and the Guangzhou Uprising were Ye Ting.

He was the first commander-in-chief of our army, and was forced into exile for ten years by Wang Ming's slander, and then commanded an army of 80,000

The first formal armed force created by the Communist Party was ye Ting's independent regiment. Therefore, many years later, when the great man recalls the past, he cannot help but sigh that "Ye Ting was the first commander-in-chief of the Communist Party, and the history of the people's army should be written from him."

Ye was born in 1896 in Huiyang, Guangdong Province, to an ordinary rural family. When he was seven years old, he began to study primary school, and later in his youth, he was arrested for opposing the cutting of his hair in long braids and opposing the rule of the Qing Dynasty, and at that time he showed the ambition to dare to resist, and after his release, inspired by the Wuchang Uprising, he was inspired to go to the road of revolutionary salvation, and successively studied at the Hubei Second Preparatory School and the Baoding Military Academy.

He was the first commander-in-chief of our army, and was forced into exile for ten years by Wang Ming's slander, and then commanded an army of 80,000

After graduation, Ye resolutely went to a different path from his classmates, joined the Northern Expedition, and firmly believed that he must overthrow the warlords and establish a new China, just in the process of the Northern Expedition, won the victory in the battles of Hubei Tingsi Bridge and Hesheng Bridge and other battles and made a huge reputation, Ye led the Fourth Army known as the "Iron Army" to be invincible and invincible, and then the Nanchang Uprising broke out, various accidents occurred, the army suddenly changed, and finally only eight hundred people escaped under the leadership of Zhu Laozong.

But soon after the Guangzhou uprising, Ye gradually disappeared from the public eye, what is going on? Because at the time of the Guangzhou uprising, Ye Ting went to the Soviet Union to study, but at home he was criticized by a group of "mediocres", and the reasons for the failure of the Guangzhou uprising were all entangled in Ye Yiren, because he could not stand this kind of nest, there was no reason to say. Coupled with the fact that he was still wanted at that time, it was certainly impossible to return to China, so Ye went to Europe and went into exile for ten years.

He was the first commander-in-chief of our army, and was forced into exile for ten years by Wang Ming's slander, and then commanded an army of 80,000

However, after the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, he returned with a heart of serving the country, because he wanted to kill the enemy too much, and finally served as the first commander of the New Fourth Army, and personally led the troops to smash the Japanese army's "Anhui South Sweeping" plan in 1838, giving the Japanese army a heavy blow, although on this road and the deputy commander Xiang Ying had many contradictions and different views on the military, and ran away many times, but Ye always adhered to the party's basic line without wavering.

He was the first commander-in-chief of our army, and was forced into exile for ten years by Wang Ming's slander, and then commanded an army of 80,000

In 1941, when the Kuomintang launched the "Anhui Southern Incident", Ye had already expected such a day, so he urged Xiang Ying to transfer troops many times before this, but the contradiction between the two people was too deep, Xiang Ying refused to decide, and finally Xiang Ying was killed and Ye was arrested and imprisoned.

Ye, who had suffered from prison, did not have any heart in the face of Lao Jiang's threats and inducements, politely refused his friend's request to go to Burma to resist the enemy, and was trapped in Shangrao, Jiangxi, Enshi, Guangxi, Guilin and other places, and finally transferred to Chongqing, and wrote an indomitable "Prison Song" in prison: I can only look forward to the fire under the sky and the earth, burn this living coffin with me, I should get eternal life in the fire and hot blood.....

In the end, under the efforts of the CPC Central Committee on many sides, he was finally released from prison after being trapped for five years, thinking that the first thing to do after he was released from prison was to reunite with his family or enjoy it, but the first thing he did after he got out of prison was to ask the Chinese Communist Party to restore his party membership. The next day, Ye immediately sent a telegram to the Central Committee asking if he could rejoin the Communist Party of China, and after a meeting of the Party Central Committee, the Party Decided to Agree to this request, and the great man personally called back, calling him "Dear Comrade Ye Ting".

However, unfortunate things still happened, a month later, when Ye and his family flew to Yan'an, they were unfortunately killed because the plane hit the mountain in the fog, in addition to himself and his family, there were also wang Ruofei, the leader of the party, and others. Ye Ting was 50 years old at the time of the death, his wife Li Xiuwen was only 39 years old, and he had two children...

He was the first commander-in-chief of our army, and was forced into exile for ten years by Wang Ming's slander, and then commanded an army of 80,000

Lee So-man was born in a family of the richest people in Macau, and he is also very beautiful, in today's words, the proper White Fumei. In 1925, only 18 years old Li Xiuwen married Ye, who was 11 years older than himself, although he was young, but this did not hinder Li Xiuwen's great righteousness, when he learned that his husband had difficulties, Li Xiuwen resolutely persuaded his parents to support her husband's anti-Japanese cause, sold his family property, poured out his savings and the support of his parents, bought more than 3600 guns, and personally escorted them to her husband, which shows that Li Xiuwen's mind is not only a good wife, but also a good son and daughter of the Chinese nation.

At the 1955 award ceremony, Comrade Ye Jianying sighed, "If Ye Ting is still alive, I, Ye Shuai, should be replaced." Chen Yi also said, "If Comrade Ye Ting is still alive, there will be two Ye Shuai." ”

He was the first commander-in-chief of our army, and was forced into exile for ten years by Wang Ming's slander, and then commanded an army of 80,000

The great man once issued a eulogy: "Comrade Ye Ting, died for the people, although he died with honor."

Ye Ting's life was dedicated to the revolution, and the time to participate in the revolution was even earlier than many founding marshals, but the heavens were jealous of the talents, and General Ye died young, or he did not rely on his qualifications, and the position of marshal was well deserved. Although the experience of a lifetime is regrettable, the people will never forget the great achievements he made as a great general in modern China!

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