
Chen Diansong, a writer who inherits the red memory |, tells the story of the Guangzhou Uprising


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"Studying Party History, Passing on Classics, and Promoting New Works"

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Chen Diansong, a first-class writer, a member of the China Writers Association and a contracted writer of Guangdong Literature College, was invited to tell his observations and insights in the process of creating a long-form documentary literature "Before Dawn - Chronicle of the Guangzhou Uprising" with the theme of "Chronicle of the Guangzhou Uprising - Remembering the DNA of the City's Red Culture".

Chen Diansong, a writer who inherits the red memory |, tells the story of the Guangzhou Uprising

"Before Dawn - Chronicle of the Guangzhou Uprising" is one of the Guangdong Red Documentary Literature Series planned by the Propaganda Department of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and organized by the Guangdong Writers Association, co-authored by Chen Diansong and Chen Zhixiao. The book comprehensively and three-dimensionally reproduces the historical picture of the Guangzhou Uprising, depicts the portraits of the uprising figures including the leaders, workers, soldiers, and peasants through rich details, and shows the difficult process and fearless spirit of the Communist Party of China leading the people to create China's first urban Soviet power in Guangzhou.

Chen Diansong, a writer who inherits the red memory |, tells the story of the Guangzhou Uprising

Guangzhou Uprising: A tragic red legend

Chen Diansong introduced that Guangdong is a red hot land, not only the source of modern democratic revolution, but also one of the provinces in China that first spread Marxism and established the early organization of the Communist Party. Here we witnessed the whole process of revolutionary struggle of the Communist Party of China from its rebirth to the Great Revolution, the agrarian revolution, and then to the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, leaving behind a glorious revolutionary history and revolutionary spirit, as well as a precious and rich red cultural and historical heritage.

The Guangzhou Uprising, which broke out on December 11, 1927, was a joint uprising of urban workers, peasants, and soldiers led by the Communist Party of China after the Nanchang Uprising and the Autumn Harvest Uprising. At that time, under the leadership of Zhang Tailei, Ye Ting, Yun Daiying, Ye Jianying, and others, the rebel army launched a surprise attack on important locations in Guangzhou. After several hours of fierce fighting, the rebel army occupied most of the city of Guangzhou and established the Guangzhou Soviet Government. This was the first urban Soviet power established by the Communist Party of China and the first urban workers' and peasants' power in China. Due to the huge disparity between the enemy and ourselves, the Guangzhou uprising soon failed, but the revolutionary flames inherited were scattered everywhere, providing valuable experience for the follow-up struggle of the Communist Party of China.

Chen Diansong concluded that compared with the Nanchang Uprising and the Autumn Harvest Uprising, the Guangzhou Uprising mainly showed three characteristics: First, not only the peasants, but also more extensively mobilized workers, students and soldiers to jointly resist the decadent regime; second, it attracted more attention from the Soviet Union, North Korea and other international communist forces at that time; finally, the Guangzhou Uprising was also the first major practice of the Chinese Communist Party to try to establish a revolutionary regime in the central city.

"This is a long scroll of history painted by more than 5,700 Chinese sons and daughters with their lives and blood, and it is a tragic red legend." Chen Diansong sighed, "It is precisely because the Communist Party of China has always stood with the people and represented the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people that it was able to organize and mobilize such a powerful insurrection force in a very short period of time." ”

Chen Diansong, a writer who inherits the red memory |, tells the story of the Guangzhou Uprising

Literature collection combined with fieldwork recreates real history

Talking about the creation process of the book "Before Dawn - Chronicle of the Guangzhou Uprising", Chen Diansong introduced that on the basis of conducting a six-month field investigation of the historical and cultural sites of the Guangzhou Uprising, he and Chen Zhixiao fully collected, studied and used publicly published domestic and foreign documents, "including official historical materials, memoirs or interview accounts written by many witnesses, and news reports at home and abroad", analyzed and sorted out through logic, and tried to restore the whole picture of the Guangzhou Uprising.

"Because it is a literary work, in this book, we have also added our own experiences, perceptions and imaginations, but these are based on respect for history." Chen Diansong said that the creation of the book "Before dawn - Chronicle of the Guangzhou Uprising" has always adhered to two principles: one is not to violate historical facts, and the other is that the development of events conforms to normal logic. To this end, the descriptions in the book are based on historical facts, and the materials of controversial or different memorable texts are rigorously analyzed, and all plots and details are based on original materials, which fully guarantees the authenticity of documentary literature.

Chen Diansong also introduced: "In the process of writing this book, many details and materials, I read very moved. There are some things that I wrote with tears in my eyes. He believes that the moving red memory has been deeply engraved in the spiritual core of the city of Guangzhou, "I hope that through this book, the history of this red history of Guangzhou will be passed down, and the great spirit of the revolutionary martyrs will be passed on." Chen Diansong said.

Text/Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Wu Bo

Photo/ Guangzhou Daily, Xinhuacheng reporter: Wu Bo

Video/Guangzhou Daily Xinhuacheng Reporter: Wu Bo

Correspondent: Zeng Jianping

Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Editor: Li Yani

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