
What was the outcome of "Unit 731" after Japan's defeat? The sin-ridden demons were not judged

What was the outcome of "Unit 731" after Japan's defeat? The sin-ridden demons were not judged

Site of Unit 731.

In 2017, Japan's NHK television broadcast a feature film that shocked the world, "The Truth About Unit 731", exposing the inhumane crimes that Japan had committed in China. A year after the film was broadcast, Japan's NHK television station broadcast a documentary exposing the ugly deeds of the Japanese army , "Unit 731 - Human Experiments Unfolded Like This", which exposed in detail the ugly crimes of Japan's Unit 731 in secretly conducting human experiments in northeast China and developing bacteriological weapons. According to records, since the "September 18" incident in 1931, Japan's Unit 731 has secretly developed bacteriological weapons in the northeast and used the "ZN people" as "materials" for human experiments.

What was the outcome of "Unit 731" after Japan's defeat? The sin-ridden demons were not judged

Backbone elements of the 731 bacteriological force.

Speaking of Unit 731, it is necessary to mention one person, and he is Shiro Ishii. In 1924, Shiro Ishii entered Kyoto Imperial University as a daipei cadet to study and study bacteriology, epidemic prevention, pathology, and preventive medicine, which also provided the conditions for him to create the evil "Unit 731". From 1928 to 1930, Shiro Ishii visited Europe and realized that neither belligerent nor a belligerent under the Geneva Conventions could use lethal biological and chemical weapons in war. Because of this, Ishii Shiro believes that in the next war, whoever has biological and chemical weapons will get the initiative in the war.

After the "918 Incident", the Japanese army occupied three northeastern provinces. Shiro Ishii, who had returned from a european expedition at the time, thought it was a great place, so he founded the evil 731 unit in the northeast region of our country.

What was the outcome of "Unit 731" after Japan's defeat? The sin-ridden demons were not judged

The main leaders of 731 were Shiro Ishii and Masaji Kitano.

After occupying northeast China, the Japanese army wantonly slaughtered Chinese people, who considered Chinese to be an inferior race. The Japanese scholar Nakamura once said in an interview: "Barbarism that is explicitly prohibited in Japan is approved by the Japanese leadership in China." For example, Japanese doctors can conduct various medical experiments on Chinese civilians, without restrictions on any type of experiment or the number of people. In this way, the fallen Harbin became the testing ground of Shijing. Nominally, their job is to prevent infectious diseases, but in reality it is they who make the virus. As the scale of the experiment expanded, so did the number of people, and eventually Ishii established a biochemical force of more than 10,000 people. In Unit 731, Ishii set up a research center where he experimented with prisoners, including low-temperature and low-pressure tests. Ishii also ordered his doctors to conduct live tests, and after these subjects were infected with the plague, they were dissected, and no anesthetics or painkillers were allowed on the way to avoid affecting the results of the test.

During World War II, Japanese military doctor Yuasa Ken once said in an interview: "During that period, a total of 10,000 people participated in vivisection, including hundreds of nurses and hygienists, but I was the only one who dared to talk about that period of time." Unit 731 also released a variety of biological and chemical weapons over Villages and Towns in China, including bacteria such as anthrax, plague, and cholera, which claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Chinese. An estimated 300,000-580,000 people died in bacterial tests by the Japanese army.

What was the outcome of "Unit 731" after Japan's defeat? The sin-ridden demons were not judged

Three Chinese tied to pillars.

Ishii Shiro demanded that his men must swear to keep Unit 731 secrets forever. In 1945, japan was defeated and surrendered, and shortly before the end of the war, Ishii ordered the emperor to flee back to the country, and ordered the "Four-Square Building" to be blown up and all the detainees killed to destroy evidence.

After Japan's defeat, MacArthur, commander of the Allied forces in Japan, vowed to severely punish Japanese war criminals. At that time, Ishii Shiro knew that he was likely to be accused of war crimes, but he knew that he had chips in his hands. According to the U.S. Secret Service, some Japanese bioscientists at the time were willing to hand over their test data but feared prosecution. The United States sent MacArthur to negotiate with them for the sake of the test materials in their possession. In the end, the backbone members of Unit 731, including Ishii, did not get their due trial, and they traded with the U.S. military with the biochemical information in their hands.

What was the outcome of "Unit 731" after Japan's defeat? The sin-ridden demons were not judged

Unit 731 weapons and gas masks.

After the outbreak of the Korean War, Shiro Ishii flew from Japan to North Korea at the request of the Americans to assist South Korea in germ warfare. After investigation, the International Commission of Inquiry confirmed that the United States did use the biological and chemical weapons left behind by Shiro Ishii in Unit 731 after the end of World War II. In this way, a criminal demon with blood-stained hands escaped trial under the protection of the Americans, and on October 9, 1959, ishii, 67, died of illness in Tokyo.

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