
The Japanese captured 500 schoolgirls, one of whom was given a burnt cake and could only go home after eating

War is cruel for anyone, and now our people live in the era of peace, and they still can't forget the damage suffered by our country during World War II for a long time, nor can they forget that a 72-year-old veteran of the Japanese invasion of China said bitterly: The Japanese army arrested 500 female students, one of them sent a burnt cake, and after eating it, they could go home.

The Japanese captured 500 schoolgirls, one of whom was given a burnt cake and could only go home after eating

Japanese Shiro Ishii is the founder of the Kwantung Army's epidemic prevention and water supply unit, he is known to the world for human experiments, the development of bacteriological weapons, in World War II, the Japanese burned and looted our country, so that the people were displaced, the family was destroyed, and what made the world feel that the Japanese were inhumane was the germ warfare carried out by the Japanese against our country.

In 1932, Ishii Shiro came to the northeast of China and began to plan to establish a bacteriological research base, the reason why he chose the northeast was because he believed that northeast China was easy to get the "material" of bacterial research: the human body. At that time, the Japanese occupied the northeast region of China and supported the puppet emperor Puyi to establish the "puppet state of Manchukuo".

The Japanese captured 500 schoolgirls, one of whom was given a burnt cake and could only go home after eating

The following year, the 731st Epidemic Prevention And Water Supply Unit of the Japanese Kwantung Army stationed in Manchuria was set up in Nangang District, Harbin City, claiming to be a study of disease prevention and control and drinking water, but in fact it was using living people in China and prisoners of war captured by Japan to conduct bacterial human experiments, and the size of the 731 bacteriological unit far exceeded that of the German fascist "Poznan Bacteriological Research Institute", becoming the world's largest killing force.

After Japan announced its surrender in 1945, a 72-year-old veteran of the Japanese invasion of China felt a great condemnation of conscience, and for the first time stood up to show that the Japanese army had buried a large number of poison gas bombs in the northeast region, saying: "I can never forgive and forgive myself." ”

The Japanese captured 500 schoolgirls, one of whom was given a burnt cake and could only go home after eating

In 1938, the 2nd Wing of the Botian Detachment of the Japanese Army released hundreds of cartridges of poison into the positions of two Battalions in China, and then the Japanese wearing gas masks stabbed our soldiers to death on the ground in pain, reaching more than 300, and in 1941, the Japanese 13th Division used germ weapons again in Yichang.

He recalled that once the Japanese army arrested 500 Chinese female students who did not understand the world, Ishii Shiro did not let the Japanese abuse them, but gave one of them a burnt cake, forced them to eat before letting them go, and then Zhangjiatun people and livestock were not spared, because 500 female students ate the baked cake, has long been injected with rinderpest, plague and other viruses, Ishii Shiro just want to show off himself.

The Japanese captured 500 schoolgirls, one of whom was given a burnt cake and could only go home after eating

The fate of those people who were hurt by our people is really unbearable to think about what kind of pain they suffered at that time, and after the surrender of Japan, Ishii Shiro left his subordinates and returned to Japan first, and the 731 unit he established was ordered to leave evidence of destruction, and the people detained in the laboratory were killed. ”

In order to avoid trial, Shiro Ishii even prepared a fake funeral, asked his assistants to negotiate with the U.S. military, and used human experiments and bacterial research data as a condition to exempt the relevant personnel of The Japanese Unit 731 from war responsibility, and then he lived in Tokyo's Shinjuku Ward and ran a clinic.

The Japanese captured 500 schoolgirls, one of whom was given a burnt cake and could only go home after eating

Later, he embraced Christianity and treated the children around him for free, and often said, "It is really happy to save lives as a doctor." "On October 9, 1959, Shiro Ishii died of throat cancer, which shows that he still lived for 14 more years after the war, which is really infuriating.

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