
Can Nanjing really not last long as the capital?

In Chinese history, There were many regimes in Nanjing. It is known as the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties. Among them, the Eastern Jin Dynasty was 52 years, the Eastern Jin Dynasty was 102 years, the Song Dynasty was 59 years, the State of Qi was 23 years, the Liang State was 55 years, and the Chen State was 32 years. We know that in the past 102 years of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it was the longest regime.

Can Nanjing really not last long as the capital?

What was the reason why the Nanjing regime was so short-lived?

I think there are several reasons. During the period of ancient Chinese agricultural economy, the Central Plains was a very developed region and was the political, economic and cultural center of the time. However, after the Six Dynasties, the economic and cultural center gradually moved to the south.

Can Nanjing really not last long as the capital?

However, without the premise of modern air force and navy, Nanjing's topography has its inherent flaws. China is high in the west and low in the east. The Yangtze River flows from west to east. Once the Yangtze River antenna is not in the hands of its own people, Nanjing will naturally fall. Nanjing was geographically unable to control the surrounding areas, especially north of the Yangtze River. It can only be used as a defensive terrain.

Can Nanjing really not last long as the capital?

Historically, the unification of China was generally the first time that the northern regime occupied the Shu state. It then ruled from Western Shu, Central Plains, Luoyang, and Eastern China to the east and south. To the Western Jin Dynasty, Sui and Tang Dynasties, Song Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty, Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, Republic of China, to the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation. All use the favorable terrain in it.

Can Nanjing really not last long as the capital?

The Northern Expedition of the Ming Dynasty and the National Revolutionary Army, which cooperated with the Kuomintang and the Communists, had to morally surpass the North to compensate for Nanjing's geographical disadvantages. The second is in terms of the five elements. It belongs to water in the north, fire in the south, gold in the west, and wood in the east. Under the same conditions, water wins over fire, gold wins over wood, but water is weak and fire is strong, or can be boiled as sweet as water. The heart is like a wall of wood, and wood can hurt gold. But this was resistance after all, so the Northern Expedition of the Ming Dynasty did not completely destroy the northern plateau. The National Revolutionary Army also failed to completely eliminate the Beiyang warlords. This statement can be seen as superstitious entertainment.

Can Nanjing really not last long as the capital?

From the essence of human geography. The south is rich in water resources, flat terrain and warm climate. Most Southerners are weaker. In the north, there are many mountains, open grasslands and cold climates. Most people are very blunt. Soil and water on one side nourish the other. For example, the four seasons of the spring city of Kunming are not obvious, the pace of people's lives is relatively slow, and there are few hurried walks on the streets. This is the so-called benevolent man wants the mountain, and the wise man wants water. There is a lot of water in the south, water is the master of wealth, and water is also flowing. It makes sense that Southerners are good at doing business. In ancient China, the south was known for peace, and the north was known for turmoil. In the south, if there are talented people such as Zhou Yu, Lu Xun, Wang Dao, Xie An, etc. Although the north is strong, this is not how to Nanjing. But the South was only on the defensive, fighting the North. Once the cultural power of the Nanjing regime declined, it would not become an opponent of the northern regime. As soon as there is war, the regime that established Nanjing as its capital will perish immediately. The fourth point is that the luck of the country is different. The regime that established the capital in Nanjing was basically a remnant of the corrupt old regime in the north. In the corner. Moreover, once settled in a fertile land, it was difficult to have the spirit of the Northern Expedition to recover the lost land. Eventually, it slowly disappeared into the long river of history.

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