
Residents of the Yangtze River who lived 7,000 years ago! Mastering extremely developed technology almost disappeared overnight

How many years has human civilization been in? Is it really like the history books we see now? Five thousand years, but in recent years, not only are the artifacts discovered little by little overturning this theory, but what new artifacts have archaeologists discovered?

The earliest known history of civilization is 5,000 years, but the latest excavated cultural relics tell people that a developed civilization appeared 7,000 years ago, and the excavation of this batch of cultural relics caused a lot of turmoil. In the Zhejiang area, in a certain archaeological excavation of cultural relics, there were major discoveries. Archaeologists have found advanced ships, and if Zhejiang is in a coastal area, there are ships that can sail past. But the next discovery is not so simple, so what is it? To cultivate mature artificial rice, you must know that thousands of years ago, there was no such superb cultivation technology, what is going on?

Mysterious civilization also from a small village in Zhejiang Province, this small village is located in Yuyao City, originally an ordinary village, but because of a coincidence is well known to everyone, because the spring and summer season is the rainy season, and close to the sea, at this time the water is indispensable, the villagers can only do more drainage and protection, but just when people dig pits to do drainage, the mysterious civilization is here to show its head, when the villagers dig to a depth of more than one meter, dig out a lot of stones and wood, usually dig out is accustomed to it, Know that this place is in the field,

The villagers hurriedly found the person in charge, the person in charge heard about the matter and rushed to the scene, he found that these stones are not like ordinary stones, and there are some patterns on the stones, the person in charge realized that the "debris" in the mouth of these villagers may not be simple, so he hastily found professionals to explore. Sure enough, after expert research, it was found that these artifacts had never been seen before, and no one knew, why was this? According to the explanations of experts, these woods have a history of seven thousand years, and the earliest known civilization is only five thousand years. In this way, is there a prehistoric civilization before the earliest civilization of mankind?

The research institute in Yuyao City heard about this, and a team of archaeologists urgently summoned came to the field to conduct excavation research. Experts dig up the floating dust on it little by little, and the true face of the cultural relics also surfaces little by little. Experts have dug out a lot of old wood, but even so, experts still find that it is not ordinary wood, these wood has a large number of traces of human processing, but if you think about it, this is wood from seven thousand years ago. After careful study, some people think that the coffins used in ancient tombs, the funerary culture of the ancients can be much more complicated than we have now, but the coffins are also only available in the later period. Some people say it's a cowshed, or a tool room. But is this really the case? After many studies and discussions, it was found that this is an ancient well.

Here the pipe brother small class is about to start, have you ever wondered, why the tic-tac-toe is two horizontal and two vertical, in fact, the first tic-tac-toe in the middle of a little "丼", because the ancient people's technology is not superb, dig a big pit can take water on the line, but the time will become very muddy and easy to fall, so people will build a stick on the edge of the big pit, so that the water is also convenient and not easy to fall, orderly placement, on the top it looks like the well is now two horizontal and two vertical wells.

But back to the point, some of the ends of these woods have been hewn into two other pits, which makes it easier to put sticks, but the ancients have begun to use ancient wells seven thousand years ago? Things are far from simple, keep digging down. At about two meters, there were tombs and ash pits, as well as a large number of utensils, and things became more and more confusing.

Most of the utensils excavated in the ash pit are pottery, and they are carefully polished and modified by people, which is very exquisite. But the history of these things is seven thousand years old, and the exquisite modification of these pottery has surprised archaeologists, knowing that in our current history, pottery is an experience that has been slowly precipitated after a long time. But these are not the highlights, as archaeologists continue to excavate, at a depth of about three meters, there are more significant discoveries. Sure enough, good things always appear in the finale, and when the original digging reached three meters, there were golden particles, which formed a sharp contrast with the brown land.

But the experts took a closer look, eh! It has become gray carbon again, and the rate of oxidation of this gold is a little faster, but this is not gold, its value can be more valuable than gold, what is it? This operation is also with the archaeologists a whole face of doubt, after research, the expert's face of the doubt gradually turned into surprise, this face change speed of the small thing is not anything else, actually rice! You must know how many years of hard work and painstaking efforts it has experienced today's rice to have what it is today. Could it be that six or seven thousand years ago, people had already begun to artificially cultivate mature rice and start planting it? To know that the earliest rice technology that can be archaeologized at present is still the discovery of India more than 4,300 years ago, and to know that the rice in China was still passed down in India in history, then where did these rice grains come from?

At first, experts speculated whether it would be wild, and there were many wild rice, but then this answer was denied, because experts found that these rice were more artificially cultivated. It can be seen that the Hemudu people more than 6,000 years ago were already able to grow rice very well.

Archaeologists continued to dig, and found a lot of tools made of bones, and what is even more amazing is that one of the bone products also has a handle wrapped with kudzu vine, and the tool for bone polishing is still acceptable, but it is very unexpected to use kudzu to wrap the handle, and it seems that the appearance of the utensils should be the agricultural tools used by the Hemudu people to cultivate the land. The excavation of these artifacts shows more obviously that people at that time no longer slashed and burned but began to use tools, and the excavation of cultural relics was far more than these pottery, stone and bone products and rice, but also many molds and wooden stakes.

The appearance of these things once again brought problems to experts, but at this time there seemed to be a legend that solved the answer, saying that the land was once a sea, and the dug stake was a ship, and this explanation seems to be the same. But cultural relics can not rely on legends alone, there must be a basis to be able to do, expert research found that this is indeed the case, in ancient times it was indeed a sea.

But the boat can explain the past, but there is rice in the sea, it does not make sense. Could it be that something important happened at that time that forced the Hemudu people to leave the land and eventually bury themselves in the sea? It's not that it's impossible, but we have found tombs and coffins before, is it possible that we also brought coffins in the process of fleeing? This is inevitably a bit far-fetched, and experts can only extract from these conjectures and continue to excavate to find a reasonable answer, but at this time it has reached the bottom of the site, where a large number of planks and stakes have been piled up.

These seemingly ordinary planks and stakes are different, and experts have found that there are traces of mortise and mortise on both sides of the planks, which are obviously not the poles. Isn't it simple to have a few ships, or a shipyard? However, everyone should know that the earliest appearance of tenons and tenons is also after bronze, with metal utensils to produce mortise and mortise structures, many historical sites are this structure, the most obvious is the Forbidden City, no metal relies on the tenon structure to support for so long, Guan Brother sat on the bench when he was a child, and now in some remote rural areas should also be able to see.

But the composition of this structure requires metal to do it, and the artifacts excavated by experts are far earlier than the Bronze Age by more than two thousand years. And at that time, the Hemudu people had already begun to use this structure to build houses, was it influenced by some advanced civilization? After the research experts found the answer, the Hemudu people found a sharp stone, which became sharper after processing, so that there was a mortise, and these stone tools were still very sharp after so many years. Experts then restored it based on the excavated wooden stakes, showing that the construction method of the Hemudu people at that time was a kind of building that was like a shed on the ground, and there was a term for "dry column building". And along with the wooden stakes unearthed grass mats, the exquisite weaving craftsmanship is no less than the current presumably, adding up these things compared with that era, people can not be connected.

The things were dug up almost as much, and experts began to do chronological analysis and found that the things could be divided into four time periods, but all contained between seven thousand and five thousand years. However, according to our existing historical discoveries, the earliest origin of our civilization is the Yellow River Basin civilization three thousand years ago, and the emergence of the Hemudu civilization also tells us that human civilization is far more than the Yellow River Basin, and there are more ancient civilizations. The last excavation in the cultural relics is an ivory, with exquisite carvings on it, the pattern looks like a sun in the middle, next to two flying birds, like the sun god mentioned in the mythological story, is it that people have begun to worship the sun at that time? What does this pattern represent?

Through these utensils and the pattern totems on them, it can be seen that the Hemudu civilization of seven thousand years ago has been very advanced, so why did such an advanced civilization disappear without a trace, these sites have only been excavated until now, what did the Ancient Hemudu people experience? Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area.

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