
Chairman Mao commented on Sun Quan: Sun Quan's employment skills are superior to Cao Cao and Liu Bei

【Chairman Mao comments on Sun Quan of the Three Kingdoms】

During the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan were the three most influential figures.

However, compared with the richness of Cao Cao and Liu Bei, Sun Quan's stories are very few, most of the time it is someone else's background board, and the appearance rate is less than that of his subordinates.

The reason may be related to his growth experience.

Chairman Mao commented on Sun Quan: Sun Quan's employment skills are superior to Cao Cao and Liu Bei

Cao Cao and Liu Bei both started from scratch, fought out of the war step by step, suffered a lot of humiliation in the middle, and suffered a lot of suffering, and finally achieved hegemony, which in itself is a legendary and wonderful entrepreneurial drama.

On the other hand, Sun Quan, but there is no such entrepreneurial experience, the Jiangshan of Eastern Wu was fought down by his father Sun Jian and his brother Sun Ce, in this process, Sun Quan did not seem to have any strength, and when his brother died, he naturally took over this large company, and even the elders of the company were loyal to him, and it was smooth enough to make people envious and jealous.

Therefore, whether it is Zhengshi or Yeshi, there is no interest in such people, and the stories circulated are naturally not as many as those of Cao Cao and Liu Bei.

Chairman Mao was familiar with the Three Kingdoms and had many classic evaluations of Cao Cao and Liu Bei, but he also did not have many evaluations of Sun Quan. However, it can be seen from these few evaluations that Chairman Mao still has a positive attitude toward Sun Quan, believing that he is a great figure and a representative of young and promising.

Chairman Mao commented on Sun Quan: Sun Quan's employment skills are superior to Cao Cao and Liu Bei

In Chairman Mao's view, Sun Quan's greatest characteristic is that he will use cadres, especially young cadres, to stimulate their vitality and creativity. Although this point is also reflected in Cao Cao and Liu Bei, in Chairman Mao's eyes, Sun Quan's employment skills are even better.

Some people once made statistics, between 1953 and 1958, Chairman Mao quoted the example of Sun Quanquan using Zhou Yu on many occasions and in many conversations, stressing that in the selection and promotion of cadres, we must not discuss seniority, we must pay attention to ability, pay attention to level, let go of the use of new people, give them opportunities, and let them have a stage to show.

For example, in 1957, Chairman Mao said at a meeting: "At the time of the Battle of Chibi, Cheng Pu was in his 40s and Zhou Yu was in his 20s. At present, who is in charge of the great enemy? Or the rising star Zhou Yu hung up the marshal seal of the Metropolitan Governor. In ancient times, we could use people out of the ordinary, why can't we boldly promote them? ”

Chairman Mao commented on Sun Quan: Sun Quan's employment skills are superior to Cao Cao and Liu Bei

The novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" writes Zhuge Liang as a "god man", who knows the heavenly opportunity and calculates all strategies, for example, in the famous Battle of Chibi, Zhuge Liang's grass boat borrowed arrows and cleverly borrowed the East Wind, which directly determined the direction of the Battle of Chibi, but in fact, this is different from the real history.

In this regard, Chairman Mao also believed that the Battle of Chibi was mainly fought by Sun Quan's Eastern Wu, and once said: "If there is truth in the world, there must be falsehood, and there are also those who exaggerate in ancient times." In the Battle of Chibi, Cao Cao claimed 830,000 horses, but in fact there were only 200,000 or 300,000, and he was not familiar with water, and he was defeated by Sun Quan's men, not only because Kong Ming borrowed the East Wind. ”

In September 1972, when Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka visited China, Chairman Mao warmly received him and recalled the friendship between China and Japan over the past two thousand years. ”

This joke actually refers to the second year of Sun Quan's succession to the throne, considering that he only has the Jingchu region and the land of Jiangnan, plus fighting with Cao Cao and Liu Bei, always losing battles, and most importantly, the land of Jingchu and Jiangnan is not a high-yield area for warhorses, so Sun Quan decided that instead of competing with Cao Liu for territory, it is better to directly expand the territory, so he sent a huge fleet of ships to explore the new world at sea, and he went to Japan.

Therefore, Chairman Mao is still very familiar with Sun Quan and appreciates his boldness.

Chairman Mao commented on Sun Quan: Sun Quan's employment skills are superior to Cao Cao and Liu Bei

Sun Quan was born into a family, received a good education from an early age, loved to read, and also repeatedly advised his subordinates to read, such as the famous Lü Meng, who began to study hard under the persuasion of Sun Quan, becoming a model of "treating each other with admiration for three days".

Chairman Mao is also very familiar with this story, and once said to Luo Ruiqing: "At present, 80 or 90 percent of our senior officers are from the military and have only studied culture after joining the revolution. ”

At a meeting, Chairman Mao mentioned Sun Quan again, and after the meeting, he explained two sentences from his "Water Tune Song Head Swimming": "I said 'only drink the water of the Yangtze River', that is, the water of the Baisha well. 'Wuchang Fish' is the ancient Wuchang, between the current Wuchang and Daye, that place came out of the bream. That's why I said, 'Only drink the water of the Yangtze River, and eat Wuchang fish'. Sun Quan later moved to Nanjing to transport wuchang timber to Nanjing, and Sun Quan was a capable man. ”

Chairman Mao's words are a bit jumpy, and from this sentence alone, it may not be clear what he wants to express, in fact, he means that Sun Quan was originally called emperor in Wuchang, and later, he made a wise decision and moved the capital from Wuchang to Nanjing, thus starting his own great cause, so he said that Sun Quan was a capable person.

Chairman Mao commented on Sun Quan: Sun Quan's employment skills are superior to Cao Cao and Liu Bei

Chairman Mao liked "capable people" very much, and he was also very caring for "capable cadres" and doubled down on promotions, such as Ye Jianying and Ye Shuai, who Chairman Mao once commented that "Zhuge was only cautious in his life, and Lü Duan was not confused about major matters."

At the meeting on May 3, 1975, Chairman Mao quoted Xin Zhiyi's "Nanxiangzi Dengjingkou Beiguting Youhuai" and read one of the sentences: "Who is the hero of the world?" Cao Liu. Having a son should be like Sun Zhongmou. When he read this, Chairman Mao suddenly asked Ye Jianying to recite this poem.

Ye Jianying stood up and recited the whole word according to Chairman Mao's request.

After Ye Jianying finished reciting it, Chairman Mao continued: "Who is the hero of the world?" Cao Liu. Today, there is no Sun Zhongmou. This person (referring to Ye Jianying) has some culture. ”

Chairman Mao commented on Sun Quan: Sun Quan's employment skills are superior to Cao Cao and Liu Bei

In this sentence, Chairman Mao changed the phrase "having a son as if Sun Zhongmou were like Sun Zhongmou" to "There is no Sun Zhongmou today," expressing regret over the lack of talent at that time, but at the same time, he also expressed his appreciation for Ye Jianying, especially for Ye Jianying to recite this poem in public, in fact, he was also reminding Ye Jianying that he should do a good job like Sun Zhongmou and be at ease.

In addition, at the April 1970 meeting, Chairman Mao also mentioned Sun Quan. At that time, everyone suggested that Chairman Mao be the president of the country, but Chairman Mao refused, and told everyone the story of Sun Quan, saying: "During the Three Kingdoms, Sun Quan persuaded Cao Cao to become emperor, and Cao Cao said that Sun Quan wanted to put him on the fire and roast him. I advise you not to treat me as Cao Cao, and you should not be Sun Quan. ”

In fact, this was a strategic and strategic contest between Sun Quan and Cao Cao, and Chairman Mao certainly would not be unaware; when he said this story, he was not negating Sun Quan, but using this story to illustrate the situation at that time, which was also the way Chairman Mao often used to speak.

(References: Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Chairman Mao's Reading History, Analysis of Chairman Mao's Reading Notes)

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