
What to do if your child's foreign body jams in the throat

If the foreign body is stuck in the throat, it will show pain, coughing, eating stuck in the throat, do not force the swallow to get it down, it may damage the esophagus. If it gets stuck in important areas, such as the main bronchi on both sides, severe breathing difficulties can occur, and even suffocation death can occur.

In particular, the curiosity of young children is particularly strong, and it is not why, that is, they love to stuff small things into their mouths, noses or ear canals, including nasal foreign bodies, ear foreign bodies, tracheal foreign bodies and throat foreign bodies. Among them, the tracheal foreign body is the most dangerous, because it can cause immediate death; followed by the esophagus foreign body; even the ear and nose foreign body can not be taken lightly, can lead to ear and nose infection, causing eardrum perforation, nasal pus, odor, headache and other symptoms.

What to do if your child's foreign body jams in the throat

Nasopharyngeal foreign body: more common in children, trauma, or surgical accidents. There are often symptoms of nasal obstruction, nasal discharge with a foul smell, unexplained fever and other symptoms, and eustachian tube inflammation and otitis media can be complicated.

Oropharyngeal foreign body: mostly persists in the tonsils, the root of the tongue or the epiglottore valley, often as a small foreign body, easy to penetrate into the tissue or hidden in places that are not easy to detect. Due to the different types of foreign bodies and the site of penetration, it often feels that the throat is tingling, which is aggravated when swallowing, and more avoids turning the neck, and the patient can point out the location of the pain.

Laryngeal foreign body: more common in the piriform fossa or posterior ring, often with difficulty swallowing. Irritation of the laryngeal mucosa, there may be itching, coughing, and even cause laryngeal mucosal edema, hematoma, etc., such as blocking the entrance of the larynx, there may be a risk of suffocation. Sometimes the foreign body is spit out or swallowed due to choking, swallowing, vomiting and other actions.

When it is found that a child has a foreign body in the throat that causes respiratory obstruction, it must not be blindly dug up with your fingers, or try to swallow vegetables, steamed buns, etc. to suppress the foreign body to avoid serious consequences. It should be timely patted on the back or performed abdominal impact and chest impact to discharge the obstruction, and pay attention to the child's situation, if necessary, call 120 first aid in time.

The principle of Heimlich first aid is to use the impact of the abdomen - the soft tissues under the diaphragm, which is suddenly impacted, generating upward pressure, compressing the lower parts of the two lungs, thus driving the residual air in the lungs to form a stream of air. This long, impactful, directional drive directly into the trachea of the air flow can drive away foreign bodies such as food blocks in the trachea and throat, and save people.

What to do if your child's foreign body jams in the throat

First aid techniques for children over 1 year old:

The first responder stands or kneels behind the child, wraps his hands around the child's waist, holds a fist in one hand, presses the thumb side of the fist against the child's abdomen above the umbilicus and below the sternum, and holds the fisted hand with the other hand, quickly presses the child's abdomen upwards, and repeatedly and quickly presses until the foreign body is discharged. It should be noted that the Heimlich First Aid Law does not apply to infants under 1 year of age.

First aid techniques for infants under 1 year of age:

First pat the back, the baby's body is placed on the forearm of the first responder, the head is facing down, the first responder supports the baby's head and neck with his hand, and uses the palm of the other hand to pat the area between the baby's back and the shoulder blade, 5 times in a row, about 1 second.

If you can't get rid of the obstruction after 5 pats on the back, start chest compression first aid.

Safely clamp the baby with both hands, flip the baby over, so that the baby's back lies on the forearm of the first responder, the baby's head is still facing down, the first responder supports the baby's head and neck with his hand, and then the middle finger or index finger of the other hand is placed on the position where the two nipples are connected on the baby's chest, rapid compression, the pressure can not be too small, the depth is about 1/3 or 1/2 of the small baby's chest, repeat the compression 5 times, about 1 second 1 time. If a foreign body is found already on the baby's lips, carefully remove it.

What to do if your child's foreign body jams in the throat

Because young children's glottis is very narrow and slightly irritating, it is easy to cause laryngospasm, and young children's tolerance to hypoxia is particularly poor. Therefore, if a foreign body is found to be entering the ear, nose and pharynx of the child, do not delay, and should be immediately treated in the hospital. At the same time, if there are young children at home, they should try to pack up small volumes of objects to prevent young children from plugging into the respiratory tract out of curiosity, and when children eat, do not laugh at young children to prevent choking into the trachea.

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