
The antique industry that has collapsed, can it still be saved? This spring in the collecting world is finally coming

Some netizens raised an interesting question: Why can the small Pei County produce so many high-quality talents such as Xiao He, Cao Shen, and Fan Duo?

Then, when you give an example, you find that this is not an accidental phenomenon. More than half of the twenty-eight generals of the Eastern Han Dynasty were from Nanyang and Yingchuan; most of the Tang Dynasty Lingyange heroes were from the nobles of the Six Towns; and the main team of the founding heroes of the Ming Dynasty was basically from Huaiyou Fengyang. In all the dynasties and dynasties, there has been a phenomenon that many founding generals came from a small place.

why? In fact, although these people are high-quality talents, the most important thing is that there is a leader who can play the potential of these talents! Such as Liu Bang, Liu Xiu, Li Shimin, Zhu Yuanzhang, without such "Bole", then no matter how capable, they may also be invisible to everyone, and their talents will not be displayed.

The antique industry that has collapsed, can it still be saved? This spring in the collecting world is finally coming

This fully illustrates the point: ability is important, but it is more important to have a platform to play!

Shrink down to a business, too. When Ma Yun started his business, not to mention the undergraduate degree, even college students and high school students can also go in, they have been fully experienced, and they have become the mainstay of various industries today, because Alibaba's platform has given them the opportunity.

And now not to mention college high school, even undergraduate students to seek jobs have been brushed off, can you say that high school students are better than undergraduates? In fact, it is because they have caught up with the times and met a good Bole.

The same is true for the collecting world, folk collecting, because there is no good platform, has undergone a complete process from prosperity to collapse.

The antique industry that has collapsed, can it still be saved? This spring in the collecting world is finally coming

The development of the people and Tibet for more than 20 years has completely explained a sentence: the industry is chaotic, and all kinds of demons and ghosts have popped out.

From beginning to end, the high-end market did not intend to take Minzang to play together. Auction houses and expert groups that grasp the right to operate and speak, one by one, pull up the banner as a tiger skin, cite foreign auction mechanisms and certification standards, and make the inheritance orderly into an "industry authority", which not only avoids legal risks, but also completely seals the upward passage of minzang.

On the one hand, it is hyped up, as if it has not given up the folk collection, the treasure hunting program is in full swing, the expert group "grounded" to open the era of treasure hunting, and the network hype has made the gimmick of "folk treasure hunting overnight rich" known to passers-by. However, all this is to prepare for the squeezing of the hard-earned money of Tibetan friends.

The antique industry that has collapsed, can it still be saved? This spring in the collecting world is finally coming

If the state has not opened up the circulation and trading of high-ancient cultural relics, how dare experts identify folk cultural relics as valuable authenticities? Oh, it turned out to be a cooperation with a pheasant auction company, taking the opportunity to cheat high fees, don't think about the transaction, spending money is equivalent to being cut leeks.

Again, there is no standard for the identification of daimyo artifacts, relying on the collection theory, the amount of existence and the auction record, we dare to conclude that the folk collection is a fake, what about academics? What about the details of counterfeiting? It turns out that it is a complete regression!

A collection is sky-high in the hands of celebrities, even if the stars of primary school culture can sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars. But if it is in the hands of private Tibetan friends, it can only be sold cheaply, and it is a fake that is not willing to sell, what is the reason for this?

In those years, the so-called "regular platforms" were all circles of rich people playing money games, and you couldn't get in without spending money. The so-called platforms of the people, from the offline antique market to the online false propaganda, are all filled with countless fraudulent ingredients.

The antique industry that has collapsed, can it still be saved? This spring in the collecting world is finally coming

The antique market has completely degenerated into a craft market, and the counterfeiters don't care what kind of collection culture you have, and the counterfeiting is so "profiteering" that it is still thankless to find the real thing, so the bad money drives out the good money. While creating a large number of national treasure gangs, old goods can not sell new goods, and the real folk boutiques have become priceless.

Those auction companies and cultural companies that advertise "private solicitation" every day on the Internet, no matter which expert they cooperate with, there is one count, basically all of them are fraud, and none of them are true.

Old players began to shrink in a small circle easily do not show their faces, new players "embattled" in addition to being deceived or deceived, some people began to become "rag gang", since the valuable can not play and dare not play, just play with the circulation of gadgets.

The whole market is extremely hypocritical and pits each other because there is no good platform for opening up to Minzang. Until the rise of network micro-auction, live broadcasting, and second-hand trading, people have seen a ray of light, but they are still not optimistic.

The antique industry that has collapsed, can it still be saved? This spring in the collecting world is finally coming

The consequence of the lack of supervision is that the platform has become bigger but the problems continue, a certain pat hall, a certain Dezhi has been exposed by CCTV to know the problem of selling fakes, a coin rating company has directly thundered this year, millions of counterfeit money into the box, so that the market reputation that has been hard to accumulate is facing the danger of collapse.

The trillion-dollar scale of the entire collection market is still supported by the long-outdated "old rules". Plagiarizing foreign standards, but also exposing the face of quick success, players play with fear, there is no sound "exit mechanism", facing the risk of coming at any time, who dares to invest?

Art collections, like other cultural industries, are an important part of the country's cultural strategy and have unparalleled economic potential, and the state is clearly seeing this. This time, the "Opinions on Strengthening the Management of Cultural Relics in Folk Collections and Promoting the Orderly Development of the Cultural Relics Market" issued by six departments including the State Administration of Cultural Relics is an unprecedented opportunity.

The antique industry that has collapsed, can it still be saved? This spring in the collecting world is finally coming

There are three most important points in the Opinions for Minzang.

First: it is too important to establish a normal mechanism for the identification of folk cultural relics. In the past, the cultural and cultural departments were not open to the outside world, and the experts who came out of it only cared about making money, resulting in the chaos in the appraisal industry continuing. This time, state-owned museums, state-owned cultural relics stores, and cultural relics assessment institutions involved in the case are encouraged, and these three regular units provide public welfare appraisal consulting services to the society, and Tibetan friends can save a lot of appraisal fees on the one hand, and on the other hand, they can get more fair appraisal treatment, which is a great thing.

Second: explore the registration and trading system of folk cultural relics, as long as it is not a collection of illegal gains, such as stolen cultural relics, cultural relics involved in the case, etc., then once this system is formed, the folk collections will have a registration and filing of state endorsements, and since then there will be a real "orderly inheritance" of authoritative standards. It is equivalent to getting a "legal identity card", and the auction house has no reason to refuse minzang.

Third: multi-departmental joint supervision, which everyone understands, will not say more.

Although the people's collection is flooded with counterfeits, there is no shortage of really good collections, and this time with the endorsement of state authority, the elites of the people's Tibet can finally let go of their hands and feet, and the collapsed antique industry will usher in a new life!

The antique industry that has collapsed, can it still be saved? This spring in the collecting world is finally coming

After the news came out during this time, the collection circle was boiling, some people were happy, and naturally some people sang down. To tell the truth, there is no ghost in the heart frankly engaged in collection, what are you afraid of? It turned out that I was afraid that the experts would not recognize their own collections.

In the future, the cultural and cultural departments across the country can identify, will all the experts make mistakes? As long as your own things really arrive, are you still afraid that no one will see the pearls? Even if you really don't trust experts, then you should get an academic paper and professional research? I can't take it out and scold, is it afraid that the collection industry has really become clean, and I can no longer touch the fish in muddy waters, right?

The warm wind of the collection industry has blown over, and the real collection boom has arrived. Of course, those who can seize the opportunity are still those players with vision and ability, for whom expert identification and cultural certification are just natural assistance.

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