
What was the real reason why Liu Bang did not take measures to prevent Lü Hou's dictatorship?

After Liu Bang's death, Lü Hou basically mastered Liu Shijiangshan, and Liu Bang certainly had an unshirkable responsibility for this. However, according to the records of historical books such as the "Records of History", we can speculate that Liu Bang had already predicted this situation of Lü Hou's dictatorship, but Liu Bang in his later years was unable to change this situation. As a politician, Liu Bang could abandon his own children or ignore his father's death, and of course he could get rid of Lü Yan in order to stabilize jiangshan sheji. The reason why he did not do this was because he went through a process from reluctance to inability.

First of all, Liu Bang was once inseparable from Lü Hou

What was the real reason why Liu Bang did not take measures to prevent Lü Hou's dictatorship?

As we all know, when Liu Bang was in distress in his early years, Lü Hou risked his life to not abandon him, and when Lü Hou was captured by Xiang Yu, Liu Bang had another new love. However, in the end, Liu Bang still made Lü Hou empress, made Liu Ying the crown prince, and gave Lü Hou a lot of power, the reason is that Lü Hou and Liu Bang grew from ordinary people to politicians. Liu Bang could not do without Lü Hou, on the one hand, because Lü Hou had a high prestige in the PeiXian Meritorious Servant Sect, and the ministers also opposed Liu Bang's abolition of the crown prince, was it only because of the consideration of etiquette or because of Liu Ying's benevolence? No! Because behind Liu Ying is Lu Hou! On the other hand, Lü Hou already had strong political ability and solved many difficult problems for Liu Bang, didn't Peng Yue the Prince of Liang and Han Xin the Marquis of Huaiyin all die at the hands of Lü Hou? At this time, Lü Hou had become Liu Bang's right and left arm.

In addition, the history books also record that Liu Bang was beaten by Xiang Yu that year, and it was with the support of Lü Yan's brother Lü Ze that he made a comeback, and it should be known that Liu Bang was almost already the commander of the light pole at that time, and without Lü Ze's help, he had no chance of overturning.

Secondly, it is not excluded that Liu Bang had the idea of getting rid of Lü Hou

What was the real reason why Liu Bang did not take measures to prevent Lü Hou's dictatorship?

After Liu Bang wanted to get rid of Lü, the most direct evidence was that Liu Bang wanted to depose Liu Ying, although on the surface Liu Bang wanted to replace Liu Ying with Liu Ruyi (Filial piety was benevolent and weak, Gao Zu thought that he was not like me, often wanted to abolish the prince, Li Qi Ji Zi Ruyi, Ruyi kind of me), on the surface Liu Bang did not like Liu Ying, but where did a well-behaved child offend you? Didn't Liu Bang, who was brilliant and ambitious, understand that after the establishment of the Han Dynasty, the first task was to rest with the people, and the people needed renjun? Did Liu Bang, who was a man of great talent, forget the lesson of Qin II's fall? Therefore, one of the deep reasons why Liu Bang deposed the crown prince was that he knew that the powerful Empress Lü would have a more profound negative impact on the Han Dynasty.

What was the real reason why Liu Bang did not take measures to prevent Lü Hou's dictatorship?

Under the obstruction of Lü Hou and the PeiXian Gongchen faction, Liu Bang finally gave up his intention to abolish the establishment, but he launched a second plan--this plan was still to take Liu Ying's knife, that is, to let Liu Ying lead his troops to recruit the King of Huainan. This time, it was still Shangshan Sihao who gave Lü Hou a wake-up call: "The prince will be a soldier, and if he has merit, he will not benefit the prince; if he has no merit, he will suffer from this disaster." And all the generals that the prince has with him, all of them have tasted the same as the lord of the world, and now the prince will do it, which is no different from making the sheep and the wolf, and they are not willing to do their best, and their achievements will be accomplished. This means that the emperor ostensibly wants the prince to go out and make meritorious contributions, but in fact, the prince has no possibility of making meritorious service at all, and once the prince walks out of Chang'an City, then Liu Ruyi is closer to the position of prince.

In the end, Liu Bang did not move Lü Hou, but gave Lü Hou many warnings

What was the real reason why Liu Bang did not take measures to prevent Lü Hou's dictatorship?

After Shangshan Sihao came forward to give Liu Ying a platform, Liu Bang "summoned Lady Qi to instruct the four people: 'I want to change it, and the four of them will assist it, and the wings will be completed, and it will be difficult to move.'" Lü Hou is really and masterful. However, Liu Bang warned Lü Hou on other occasions, one of which was the famous "White Horse Oath", which stipulated that "those who are not the king of the Liu clan, the whole world will condemn it." Another time was when Liu Bang was seriously ill and asked Chen Ping and Zhou Bo to hunt down Fan Duo (Lü Hou's brother-in-law) who was out on the expedition.

Of course, Liu Bang did not expect Fan Duo to be spared death, because he had already died when Fan Duo was arrested. But we can imagine what Fan Duo's fate would have been if Liu Bang had not died—it was nothing more than being killed or not being killed, but this was both a knock on Lü Hou. Don't be too out of line — Liu Bang's meaning is already clear.

Therefore, Liu Bang did initially rely on the assistance of Lü Ze, Lü Yan and others to seize and stabilize the Jiangshan, and in the later period, Lü Yan "had already formed his wings", and it was difficult for Liu Bang to attack her again.

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