
Tribute to China's "Dare to Be a Pioneer"

Since the reform and opening up, China has gradually realized the rise of a great power and national rejuvenation, and behind it are the generations of daredevils who have gathered their strength to influence and change the era we are in. On the New Year's Day of 2022, Geely brand CMA high-end series China Star and well-known media surging news launched a video clip of the era portrait character record - "Dare to act, be the Chinese star of the times", spreading the voice of the times and allowing the public to better perceive and transmit the spirit of "dare to do".

Tribute to China's "Dare to Be a Pioneer"

"Dare to do" is the epitome of the era when China has the courage to challenge and surpass itself, and in the context of the big country in the new era of dreams, China needs more "dare to be a person" to continuously challenge and break through in the spirit of "dare to do". On the occasion of New Year's Day in 2022, with "dare to be" as the key word of the New Year, the film invited 5 "dare to be pioneers" in different fields - Yang Lan, a well-known media personality, Xing Aowei, the first Olympic men's gymnastics team gold medalist of the Chinese team, Yu Yifei, the "Top Ten Most Beautiful Ambulance Workers", Xia Boyu, a legless warrior who successfully climbed Mount Everest, and Gan Jiayu, the head of the post-80s car, interpreted the spirit of "dare to be" through their oral descriptions and deeds, giving every ordinary you and me the power of the times: dare to do, be the Chinese star of the times. At the same time, this is also the first time that Geely China Star released the "dare to do" value proposition during the eleventh period last year, and once again used "dare to do" as the key word of the 2022 New Year, responding to the call of the spirit of the times and playing the strongest sound of the times.

In the name of "dare to do", the Chinese stars of the times shine

An era has a hero of an era, and every era has a "Chinese star" that illuminates the era. In today's China, culture is prosperous, science and technology are flourishing, cities are prosperous... Behind the development of the times, there are countless "Chinese stars" emerging from all walks of life, who dare to challenge, dare to explore, dare to innovate, dare to be the first in the world, and constantly lead the times forward.

The 5 "dare to be pioneers" presented in this film, whether they are Olympic champions, mountaineers, doctors, media people, and auto people, have all made great contributions in their respective fields, and they have played a leading role in social stability, economic development and a better life with the spirit of "daring to be" such as persistence, responsibility, hard work, exploration, breakthrough, and innovation. Through the life stories of these 5 Chinese stars and their understanding of "dare to do", the film interprets the "dare to do" spirit of the times with the "dare to do" spirit of the characters.

At the end of the film, Geely Automobile's first post-80s CEO, Gan Jiayue, appeared in the scene, through a self-monologue represented by the national auto people, telling the courage of Geely Automobile to forge ahead and constantly make breakthroughs, and explaining the persistence and innovation of the national automotive industry. In the end, together with other big names in various industries, he deepened the "dare to do" spirit of the times, and said in the film, "The most beautiful scenery in China is the Chinese of 1.4 billion dare to do, and the most powerful force of the Chinese dream is the convergence of thousands of strivers", which triggered a strong sense of pride of the Chinese people and formed a socialized emotional resonance.

Geely Automobile's "dare to do" road is to fight for the value of Chinese cars

At present, China has become the most important arena of the global automobile industry, hunting at home, when There is a leading force in China. As the global leader of Chinese automobiles, looking back at Geely's 25-year car-making process, it will be found that Geely has been making breakthroughs and constantly innovating, and eventually the impossible will become possible. From the technical "card neck" to the current realization of the dual output of power products and technologies to overseas high-end brands, Geely Automobile has gone from weak to strong, from a small mountain village to the world, relying on the "dare to do" spirit of all Geely people! In terms of mastering the core technology, at the expense of huge investment, in the past decade, Geely's research and development investment has exceeded 140 billion, and what cannot be done is research and development. After 5 years of construction, Lei Shenzhiqi Hybrid has achieved a comprehensive transcendence of Japanese hybrid in key technologies such as thermal efficiency and fuel saving rate, breaking the long-term monopoly position of Japanese hybrid, and will achieve "Chinese power, supply global" for the first time.

At the moment when the global chip famine is spreading, Geely officially released China's first 7-nanometer process vehicle specification SOC chip "Dragon Eagle One" in December 2021, breaking through the technical barriers of high-end chips for smart cars and opening up the era of China's automotive "core".

Tribute to China's "Dare to Be a Pioneer"

In addition, Geely is also the only Chinese car company with four world-class modular architectures of CMA, BMA, SPA and Haohan, which will ensure that Geely's products always remain globally leading. Born in the CMA architecture, the "China Star" series brings together all of Geely's current best technologies, comprehensively surpasses the strong joint venture brand products, and makes the popularization of high-end products a reality.

Tribute to China's "Dare to Be a Pioneer"

"China Star" is the geely brand CMA high-end series released by Geely Automobile last year, which currently includes three models: China Star and flagship SUV Xingyue L, China Star and high-performance SUV Xingyue S, and China Star and flagship car Geely Xingrui. With the listing of Xingyue in 2019, it has broken the inherent perception of users' distrust of the three major pieces of Chinese cars; by 2020, Geely Xingrui will be listed, breaking the Chinese family car standard that has long been dominated by foreign brands; and then in 2021, Xingyue L will be listed, redefining the new standard for SUVs. In the past three years, the three high-end series products of China Star created by the CMA architecture have formed the strongest lineup of China's flagship.

Tribute to China's "Dare to Be a Pioneer"

The mission of "China Star" is to dare to do the spirit of the times, on behalf of the Chinese brand to dare to challenge the world's mainstream cars, fight for the value of Chinese cars, and make Chinese cars bigger and stronger. The "China Star" series breaks the traditional independent brand habit of "cost-effective" as the strategy, but truly matches other competitors with "high value". Since the release of "China Star", with its product strength and high value far beyond the joint venture brand, it has won the praise of the market and consumers. At present, the total sales volume of China Star has exceeded 200,000 vehicles, more than 60% of users of China Star have chosen high-end models, 52% of China Star sales have come from the demand for additional purchases, and more than 40% of users have experience in joint venture cars.

Tribute to China's "Dare to Be a Pioneer"

Therefore, "dare to do" is not only the vanguard spirit of breaking through the shackles and striving forward to become the benchmark of the field, but also the important spiritual core of Geely Automobile's development from an unknown private car company to a big country brand. In the film, Gan Jiayue said with confidence: As Chinese auto people, our responsibility and mission is to fight for the value of Chinese cars and let Chinese cars run all over the world. Now we are at the critical point from manufacturing cars to creating cars, which is also the only way for China to go from a big country in automobile manufacturing to a strong country. This road is difficult to walk, but it is precisely because it is difficult to walk that we have to go, and we want more people who dare to think and dare to walk together.

Tribute to China's "Dare to Be a Pioneer"

All the past is the prologue. At the time of the bell ringing in 2022, in the face of the change of the times and the rapid changes in the world, we can only dare to climb higher mountains and achieve more brilliant achievements. As Gan Jiayue said at the end of the film, "In an era of daring, when each of us thinks and strives to go to one place, no matter how difficult the mountain can be crossed, how beautiful the scenery can be enjoyed." Looking forward to the future, I hope that every Chinese can dare to do something and promote the development of the new era together. In 2022, together with 1.4 billion Chinese, dare to do it, and be the Chinese star of the times!

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