
In the Battle of the Street Pavilion, at least three people can guard the Street Pavilion, why didn't Zhuge Liang use it?

In the Battle of Jieting, Shu Han was defeated, and the biggest culprit was naturally Ma Mo, but Zhuge Liang did have no small problems in employing people! At that time, at least three people in the Shu army could guard the street pavilion, but Zhuge Liang did not use it, and it has to be said that this was indeed Zhuge Liang's mistake. So the question is, since someone can guard the street kiosk, why doesn't Zhuge Liang use it?

In the Battle of the Street Pavilion, at least three people can guard the Street Pavilion, why didn't Zhuge Liang use it?

Battle of the Street Kiosk

Let's first understand the causes and consequences of the Battle of the Street Kiosk! After Liu Bei's death, the outside world's evaluation of Shu Han was that there was no threat, so both Cao Wei and Eastern Wu lowered their guard against Shu Han, and the two of them began to compete for hegemony. Unexpectedly, Zhuge Liang was really too capable, and it only took a few years to stabilize the interior of Shu Han, restore the strength of Shu Han, and start the Great Cause of the Northern Expedition!

Since Cao Wei did not expect Shu Han to quickly recover his strength, when Zhuge Liang led the Northern Expedition, Cao Wei was caught off guard! Zhuge Liang asked Zhao Yun and Deng Zhi to go out of Jigu valley as suspects to attract the main force of the Wei army, and he himself led an army to attack Longyou, directly forcing the three counties of Longyou to surrender, if the other two counties were captured, then the national strength of Shu Han would be greatly replenished! Seeing that the Shu army's offensive was so fierce, Wei Guo panicked and immediately ordered Sima Yi to lead the army to rescue, and when he heard that the Wei army reinforcements were coming, Zhuge Liang decided to order people to defend the street pavilion and block the pace of the Wei army. As long as the Wei army was dragged along, zhuge liang completely occupied Longyou, and then brought troops to duel with the Wei army, then this Northern Expedition won a big victory! Win!

However, in terms of the selection of guards for the street kiosk, Zhuge Liang made a big mistake! At that time, Zhuge Liang was surrounded by a lot of talents, and there were not many veteran generals, and using these people to guard the street kiosks would certainly be able to complete the task well, but Zhuge Liang tried his best to overcome public opinion and chose the inexperienced Horse Mo, which surprised everyone! Ma Mo this person, although good at discussing military planning, but has always existed as Zhuge Liang's staff officer, and has no actual combat experience, and Liu Bei specially gave Ma Mo a comment before his death, saying that Ma Mo was exaggerated and could not be of great use, so everyone was actually not optimistic about Ma Mo, but Zhuge Liang was the commander, so everyone could only obey Zhuge Liang's orders and let Ma Mo go to guard the street pavilion!

In the Battle of the Street Pavilion, at least three people can guard the Street Pavilion, why didn't Zhuge Liang use it?

The truth is often in the hands of most people! Everyone thinks that Ma Mo is exaggerated, lacks actual combat experience, and is not the best person to guard the street kiosk, and the facts have proved this! When Ma Mo arrived at the street pavilion, instead of choosing to go down the road and wait in a strict position, he ran to the mountain to camp and wanted to give the Wei army a center to blossom, but sima Yi cut off the water source and exploded! Since then, the street pavilion has fallen, Zhuge Liang is facing the danger of the rear road being cut off, and can only announce the withdrawal of the army, so the first Northern Expedition, which was originally in a good situation, finally ended in failure!

Undoubtedly, the biggest culprit in the defeat of the Battle of the Street Pavilion was Ma Mo, because he was not only a man who lacked actual combat experience, but also completely ignored the advice of others! At that time, he asked Zhuge Liang for war, saying that he was proud and ambitious, thinking that Zhang Guo and Sima Yi were not afraid, even if the Emperor Cao Rui of the State of Wei came in person, he ma mo also had a way to break the enemy, but Zhuge Liang was naturally cautious and still worried that Ma Mo would have a problem, so he chose to let Wang Ping be Ma Mo's deputy general to prevent Ma Mo from coming and losing his measure!

Original text: That is, to summon the king to divide the payment: "I know that Ru Pingsheng is cautious, so I specially entrust him with this heavy responsibility." Ru Ke carefully guarded this place: the lower village must be the key point, so that the thieves are eager not to steal. After the camp was completed, I drew four to eight geographical shape maps, which I originally looked at... Quit! Quit! ”

Judging from Zhuge Liang's explanation to Wang Ping, in fact, his own psychology is also a bit weak, and he is also afraid of Ma Mo's problems, so he chose Wang Ping, who is old and heavy, to follow, hoping that Wang Ping can correct Ma Mo's mistakes.

After Ma Mo and Wang Ping's leaders left, Zhuge Liang was still a little worried, so he arranged for The Shu general Gao Xiang to go to Lieliu City, northeast of the street pavilion, and once the street pavilion changed, Gao Xiang immediately led his army to the rescue!

After arranging Gao Xiang's response, Zhuge Liang was still not at ease, and sent Out Wei Yan, the most powerful of the Shu army.

Original text: Kong Ming also thought: Gao Xiang is not Zhang Gao's opponent, he must get a general, tun soldiers on the right side of the street pavilion, can be defended, so he summoned Wei Yan to lead the headquarters soldiers to the street pavilion after Tun Za.

In the Battle of the Street Pavilion, at least three people can guard the Street Pavilion, why didn't Zhuge Liang use it?

Zhuge Liang asked Wei Yan to go to the street pavilion as well, in fact, in order to plan for Ma Mo, in case the street pavilion fell. It can be seen that Zhuge Liang's meticulous arrangement, in addition to the importance of the street kiosk, there is another very important reason, that is, he is not at ease with Ma Chen! Everyone knows that Ma Mo lacks actual combat experience and is not the best candidate to guard the street kiosk, so why doesn't Zhuge Liang know? In his opinion, he had already arranged for Wang Ping, Gao Xiang, and Wei Yan, who had been in the battlefield for a long time, to go and deal with Ma Mo, and Ma Mo should have no problem in this battle, unfortunately, Ma Mo still let him down! Therefore, the biggest culprit in this battle is Undoubtedly Ma Mo, so many famous generals help him, he can lose, there is nothing to explain!

From the above, we can see that Zhuge Liang was actually very worried about using Ma Mo, so he would send Wei Yan and Wang Pingceying, so since Zhuge Liang doubted Ma Mo's ability, why did he let Ma Mo be the commander of the defensive street pavilion? Could it be that there was no one available in the Shu army anymore?

In fact, in the entire Shu army, at least three people could guard the street kiosk! It's just that Zhuge Liang didn't use it!

1. Wang Ping

Wang Ping was a very talented man, he was originally Cao Cao's subordinate, during the Battle of Hanzhong he served under Xu Huang and gave Xu Huang good advice, but Xu Huang did not listen, and the result was a big defeat. Xu Huang was worried about the defeat of the Northern Expedition and wanted to push the responsibility to Wang Ping, so Wang Ping could only helplessly surrender to Liu Bei, and Liu Bei, after learning that Wang Ping had come to surrender, directly said such a sentence: "The lonely Prince Jun, take Hanzhong undoubtedly!" "In the Battle of Hanzhong, Wang Ping made great contributions to Liu Bei, and when Zhuge Liang was fighting against Southern Man, Wang Ping also made great contributions with the army many times, showing good military ability. More importantly, Wang Ping's defensive ability is very strong!

In the Battle of the Street Pavilion, at least three people can guard the Street Pavilion, why didn't Zhuge Liang use it?

During the Battle of Halo City, Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang faced each other head-on, and in the face of Zhang Gao's attack, Wang Ping could not hold out, so that Zhang Gao could not continue to fight, and could only retreat in ashes. Cao Shuang led an army of 100,000 to attack Hanzhong, most of them wanted to retreat, and it was Wang Pingli who resolutely refused to resist the enemy, and finally successfully repelled the Wei army and defended Hanzhong! Judging from Wang Ping's performance, he is actually very good at defense, if Zhuge Liang uses him as the commander of the street pavilion, he can definitely guard the street pavilion!

In fact, Zhuge Liang himself knows this! His evaluation of Wang Ping was cautious and serious, and his military ability was good, so he would let Wang Ping follow Ma Mo to guard the street kiosk, hoping that Wang Ping would help Ma Mo more. So since Zhuge Liang himself knew Wang Ping's strength and knew that Wang Ping could guard the street pavilion, why didn't he want Wang Ping to be the commander?

In fact, the reason is very simple! Because Wang Ping was a surrendered general, and Zhuge Liang had always been wary of surrendering generals, when Wei Yan surrendered to Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang wanted to kill Wei Yan because he did not like the kind of disloyal and unjust people. Wang Ping surrendered to Liu Bei in the Battle of Hanzhong, although he helped Liu Bei make a great contribution, but he was a general after all, and this kind of person could be a deputy general, but absolutely could not be a commander! It is precisely for this reason that in many conquests, Zhuge Liang took Wang Ping as his deputy general and fought with the commander, and he basically would not let Wang Ping be the commander!

After the Battle of Jieting, although Zhuge Liang paid more and more attention to Wang Ping, Wang Ping was not promoted to commander until Zhuge Liang's death, and Wang Ping still existed as a deputy general to help Wu Yi jointly guard Hanzhong! Until Wu Yi's death, Wang Ping officially became the manager, zhen shou Hanzhong!

In the Battle of the Street Pavilion, at least three people can guard the Street Pavilion, why didn't Zhuge Liang use it?

2. Wei Yan

Wei Yan's ability as a person actually did not need to be questioned at all, as a military ability second only to Zhuge Liang's existence, if Wei Yan went to guard the street pavilion, he would definitely be able to defend it! So why did Zhuge Liang not let Wei Yan be the commander to guard the street kiosk, but let him play auxiliaries? The reason for this is actually very simple!

First, Wei Yan was born as a descendant, and had betrayed Liu Chun and Han Xuan successively, zhuge Liang thought that this was a very bad deed, so he wanted to kill Wei Yan as soon as they met, but was blocked by Liu Bei. Although Wei Yan survived, Zhuge Liang always had opinions about Wei Yan and was unwilling to entrust him with heavy responsibilities. Second, Wei Yan was arrogant and arrogant, and always worked against Zhuge Liang, which made Zhuge Liang very annoyed, so he could not let Wei Yan make great contributions and further strengthen Wei Yan's power.

Original text: Kong Ming laughed: "Wei Yan is known to be contrary, and I know that he often has unfair intentions; because of pity for his bravery, he is heavy." I said to the former emperor that after a long time, I will suffer from harm. Now that it has been revealed, it can be removed. ”

The relationship between Zhuge Liang and Wei Yan was very poor, and when it came to the back, Zhuge Liang even killed Wei Yan, and he naturally couldn't let Wei Yan go to the street pavilion and make a great contribution!

3. Wu Yi

Wu Yi was a fierce general in the Shu army, but a man who had been in battle for a long time, and the people recommended by the generals to guard the street pavilion were Wei Yan and Wu Yi, which showed how much everyone recognized Wu Yi! It can be said that if Wu Yi is allowed to guard the street kiosk, he should be able to hold it! So why did Zhuge Liang not want Wu Yi to go? In fact, this reason is also very simple, because Wu Yi is not a Jingzhou sect!

Liu Bei's clique is a foreign force, they rule Yizhou, the main object of dependence is the Jingzhou faction, and Wu Yi is the Yizhou faction, is the target of suppression of the Jingzhou faction, Zhuge Liang is impossible to give credit to Wu Yi, it is impossible to strengthen the power of the Yizhou faction, no matter what, Zhuge Liang will choose the people sent by Jingzhou to guard the street pavilion and give the credit to the people of the Jingzhou faction!

In the Battle of the Street Pavilion, at least three people can guard the Street Pavilion, why didn't Zhuge Liang use it?


Taken together, the biggest culprit in the defeat of the street kiosk was Ma Mo! In order to let Ma Mo get this credit, Zhuge Liang sent such fierce generals as Wang Ping and Wei Yan to help him fight for assistance, but Ma Mo was still defeated, really too incompetent! In fact, in the Battle of the Street Pavilion, at least three people could guard the Street Pavilion, these three people were Wei Yan, Wu Yi, and Wang Ping, but Zhuge Liang did not use them, and the reason was very simple, that is, Zhuge Liang wanted to cultivate Ma Chen! Wang Ping is a descending general and not a Jingzhou sect, not worth cultivating, Wu Yi is not a Jingzhou faction, not worth cultivating, Wei Yan is a Jingzhou faction, but he is a descending general, and his temper and Zhuge Liang do not deal with it, how can Zhuge Liang cultivate an opponent?

(This article mainly refers to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms)

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