
Information丨The subsidy for new energy vehicles has declined, and the sales of new energy vehicles are expected to exceed 6 million units in 2022

Yesterday, the Ministry of Finance and other four departments issued the "Notice on the Financial Subsidy Policy for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles in 2022", and the subsidy standard for new energy vehicles will be reduced by 30% on the basis of 2021.

Information丨The subsidy for new energy vehicles has declined, and the sales of new energy vehicles are expected to exceed 6 million units in 2022

According to the content of the "Notice", the current framework and threshold requirements of the current purchase subsidy technical indicator system will remain unchanged in 2022, and the subsidy for new energy vehicles in 2022 will be reduced by 30% on the basis of 2021. Under the subsidy policy for new energy vehicles in 2021, pure electric passenger cars with a cruising range of 300-400 km (including 300 km) will be subsidized by 13,000 yuan, and pure electric passenger cars with a cruising range greater than 400 km (including 400 km) will be subsidized by 18,000 yuan.

According to the 2022 New Energy Vehicle Promotion Subsidy Plan, under the new energy subsidy policy in 2022, the subsidy for pure electric passenger cars with a cruising range of 300-400 km (including 300 km) is 0.91 million yuan, the subsidy for pure electric passenger cars with a cruising range greater than 400 km (including 400 km) is 12,600 yuan, and the subsidy for plug-in hybrid (including extended range) passenger cars is 0.48 million yuan.

Information丨The subsidy for new energy vehicles has declined, and the sales of new energy vehicles are expected to exceed 6 million units in 2022

Cui Dongshu, secretary general of the Association, said that according to the latest released policy, the current purchase subsidy technical indicator system framework and threshold requirements will remain unchanged in 2022, and the subsidy scale will be relaxed from the original expected upper limit of 2 million subsidy scale to achieve subsidies throughout the year. Therefore, the increase at the end of 2022 is very strong, which will inevitably promote the total sales volume of new energy vehicles in 2022.

Cui Dongshu said that the policy will inevitably promote the total sales of new energy vehicles in 2022, with new energy passenger cars adjusted from the original expectation of 4.8 million to 5.5 million, and new energy vehicles are expected to exceed 6 million.

Information丨The subsidy for new energy vehicles has declined, and the sales of new energy vehicles are expected to exceed 6 million units in 2022

It is understood that the subsidy policy for the purchase of new energy vehicles in 2022 will be terminated on December 31, 2022, and vehicles licensed after December 31, 2022 will no longer be subsidized. Therefore, the increase at the end of 2022 is very strong, which will inevitably promote the total sales volume of new energy vehicles in 2022.

According to the new policy: under the subsidy policy for new energy passenger cars in 2022:

Pure electric vehicle models with a pure electric mileage of 300-400 (including 300) kilometers are subsidized by 0.91 million yuan;

Pure electric vehicle models with a pure electric mileage greater than or equal to 400 kilometers are subsidized by 12,600 yuan.

Plug-in hybrid models subsidize 0.48 million yuan.

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