
In the peaceful liberation of Peiping in 1949, there were 3 senior Kuomintang generals who resolutely opposed it

In January 1949, Fu Zuoyi, who was now the kuomintang's highest official in north China, conveyed the order that all officers of divisional rank and above should come to the meeting.

Fu Zuoyi planned to announce his decision to revolt to all the officers of the division at the meeting, and when Fu Zuoyi finished announcing his decision, the senior officers of the Kuomintang army below were stunned, and the venue instantly fell into a dead silence.

In the peaceful liberation of Peiping in 1949, there were 3 senior Kuomintang generals who resolutely opposed it

For the officers below, there were those who supported Fu Zuoyi's decision, and of course there were those who opposed it. Those who supported it naturally chose not to speak, and those officers who were opposed in their hearts did not dare to protest in public at the venue.

What the officers present did not expect was that the silence in the meeting room lasted only half a minute, and suddenly a person stood up, slapped the table and scolded Fu Zuoyi, saying that Fu Zuoyi was apostasy, and said that he was resolute not to carry it out! This man's name is Li Wen.

In the peaceful liberation of Peiping in 1949, there were 3 senior Kuomintang generals who resolutely opposed it

After Li Wen jumped out to oppose, two people stood up immediately after him, one was Shi Jue and the other was Yuan Pu. After the two made generous statements, the three men left the venue in anger.

Why did Levin object

At that time, Li Wen's power was very large, although in name Li Wen was only the commander of the 4 Corps, but he really controlled far more than this number. To know how many armed Forces Li Wen had at that time, he could divide the entire North China area into two parts, half of which was the Sui Army led by Fu Zuoyi, and the other half was the Concubine Army, which was not in harmony with the former, with a number of about 200,000 each.

In the peaceful liberation of Peiping in 1949, there were 3 senior Kuomintang generals who resolutely opposed it

Although Li Wen was not the supreme leader of the Yan clan army, a total of eight armies in the Yan clan army were under his command, and basically controlled most of the yan clan army in Beiping and the surrounding areas.

If Fu Zuoyi's decision was carried out, Li Wen would face the loss of military power in his hands and damage his own vital interests, so Li Wen was the first to jump out and resolutely oppose Fu Zuoyi's uprising.

Why did Shi Jue object

Shi Jue was in charge of the Ninth Corps at that time, and this Ninth Corps was very strong, and it could be said that it was the strongest combat ability of the Yan Army in North China, reaching 120,000 people in number.

In the peaceful liberation of Peiping in 1949, there were 3 senior Kuomintang generals who resolutely opposed it

Shi Jue himself was a backbone talent among the generals of the Yan faction, and he had a loyalty to the Kuomintang that he had always identified with. On the day of the meeting, after seeing Li Wen take the lead and stand up, Shi Jue immediately stood up, and he cried bitterly while saying that he was sorry for Chiang Kai-shek's cultivation and so on.

In the peaceful liberation of Peiping in 1949, there were 3 senior Kuomintang generals who resolutely opposed it

Li Wen stood up to oppose more out of his own interests, but Shi Jue's opposition was more from his own so-called "loyalty".

Why yuan Pu objected

Yuan Pu's rank was much lower than the first two, and he was only a commander of the Sixteenth Army. Although this unit led by Yuan Pu was also a regular concubine army, it only had more than 20,000 people, and its main task was to partially defend Beiping City.

In the peaceful liberation of Peiping in 1949, there were 3 senior Kuomintang generals who resolutely opposed it

Yuan Pu was a bit stubborn, he was a person who would not bow his head easily, and seeing that the two commanders in front of him had already stood up against it, he stood up with the wind.

How did the three end up

Not all of the troops that Fu Zuoyi could control were Kuomintang troops, so in order to smoothly implement his uprising plan, Fu Zuoyi did not restrict the freedom of movement of Li Wen, Shi Jue, and Yuan Pu.

In the peaceful liberation of Peiping in 1949, there were 3 senior Kuomintang generals who resolutely opposed it

Although the three of them are free to act and can choose to leave Beiping to earn a living, there is a premise that they will hand over all the teams in their hands.

Since Li Wen and the three of them could not take their respective teams away, they could only leave Peiping by plane alone and return to the southern Kuomintang army to lead the new troops again.

In the peaceful liberation of Peiping in 1949, there were 3 senior Kuomintang generals who resolutely opposed it

Later, Li Wen, the first to stand up against Fu Zuoyi, was besieged in the Southwest Campaign and actually took the opportunity to flee to Taiwan by relying on the plot of "false surrender." Shi Jue and Yuan Pu both went to Taiwan together during the great evacuation in 1949.

Later, Li Wen, Shi Jue, and Yuan Pu all died in Taiwan.

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