
Sun Haiyang's younger son talked about "Sun Zhuo" and was willing to live with his brother, and the warmth behind it originated from his parents

The child who has been lost for 14 years has finally been found! How fortunate is this for parents, but if their long-lost son returns home and his parents are willing, will the other children in the family accept him?

Sun Haiyang's younger son talks about "Sun Zhuo" and is willing to sleep with his brother, and the warmth behind it comes from his parents

When the "brother" who has never met before appears, how will the younger son Sun Hui react, and whether he will "lose his temper" and "compete for favors" like other people's children.

In the interview with the reporter, we got the answer, the youngest son Sun Hui talked about his brother Sun Haiyang, in fact, very happy, when the mother asked: Brother is back, and you grab the room what to do?

Sun Haiyang's younger son talked about "Sun Zhuo" and was willing to live with his brother, and the warmth behind it originated from his parents

Sun Hui also calmly said that he slept in my room, I lived with him, and when I lived with my brother, they also chatted about games, and the conversation between the two was very harmonious, and even made people feel a little envious.

Sun Zhuo's mother also said: When Sun Hui was born, his body was relatively weak, so Sun Hui's body was not as good as Sun Zhuo's. Careful netizens found that when pregnant with their youngest son, it was the time to look for Sun Zhuo, because the pregnancy state was not good, which caused such a situation.

Sun Zhuo's father, Sun Haiyang, mentioned that they did not specifically tell the younger son that you have an older brother who was "taken away" by others, and the family has never given up and has been looking for it, just don't want the children to know the suffering of the family.

Sun Haiyang's younger son talked about "Sun Zhuo" and was willing to live with his brother, and the warmth behind it originated from his parents

The first time the two children met, they hugged each other, very close, which is enough to show that "blood is thicker than water", whether they have ever met or not, as long as they see each other again, they know that that person is my family.

Such a warm picture also touched many netizens, praising the youngest son Sun Hui for really understanding things, without good family education, it is impossible to educate such a child.

I have to say that the netizen's words are really "the finishing touch", and the warmth behind it stems from the parents' education of their children. In fact, it is not difficult to see that neither the father nor the mother has ever given up the search for Sun Zhuo.

Sun Haiyang's younger son talked about "Sun Zhuo" and was willing to live with his brother, and the warmth behind it originated from his parents

This persistence is not something that ordinary parents can imitate, and the three children are "school bullies", the sister studied abroad, and the two younger brothers have excellent grades. Although Mr. and Mrs. Sun Haiyang did not have so much time to take care of their children, the persistence and diligence that flowed in their blood were passed on to their children.

In fact, from the aspect of family education of Sun Haiyang and his wife, it is also worth many parents to think deeply and learn, and whether the child can be well educated is largely determined by the parents.

On the one hand, the persistence and persistence of Sun Zhuo's parents, 14 years of searching has consumed their youth, not only the payment of money and energy, but also the debt to the other two children.

Sun Haiyang's younger son talked about "Sun Zhuo" and was willing to live with his brother, and the warmth behind it originated from his parents

Just like Sun Zhuo's mother said: even if life is hard, you have to cry and move forward, how many people have been stabbed by this remark, and how many people can persevere.

What Sun Haiyang admires is that no matter how the world changes, he has never given up looking for his son, and even raised this matter to a height, echoing the attention of the whole society.

Such "double quotient" are online parents, it is no wonder that the three children are all school bullies, it turns out that they are all inherited "parents". Although parents owe money to the other two children, their "reverse quotient" is the best educational wealth left to their children.

Sun Haiyang's younger son talked about "Sun Zhuo" and was willing to live with his brother, and the warmth behind it originated from his parents

On the other hand, Sun Zhuo's parents will always have children in their hearts, and it is their "selflessness" that educates better children.

In the interview, no matter what Sun Haiyang and his wife eat, they will think of "Sun Zhuo", and they do not know whether he eats well, whether he is warm or not, and whether he is happy. As long as Sun Zhuo was not there for a day, they felt that they did not deserve to be happy.

Although the two did not mention their suffering to their younger son, the child's heart is more simple, I believe that Sun Hui can also feel it, so when the two children meet, there is no sense of violation, and they are kind like relatives who have been together.

All in all, after hearing the answer of the younger son Sun Hui, netizens also felt relieved and moved, and wished their family a final reunion.

Sun Haiyang's younger son talked about "Sun Zhuo" and was willing to live with his brother, and the warmth behind it originated from his parents

Write at the end:

Sun Haiyang's younger son talked about "Sun Zhuo", willing to live with his brother, behind the warmth comes from the parents, because of the efforts of the couple, in exchange for the current happy life.

But human tragedies and joys are not the same, and it may be difficult for us to understand their inner excitement, but we can draw strength from their education methods and accompany the growth of our own children.

The picture source of this article is network, invaded and deleted

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