
Lonely and tall Miaoyu, cheerful Xiangyun, who was sold into the fireworks courtyard? There is truth at a feast

A song "Good Song" is the best interpretation of "Dream of the Red Chamber". However, the author is still worried that readers will not understand, and deliberately let Zhen Shiyin annotate for all readers. The "Good Song" after this annotation is even more exhaustive of the rise and fall of "Dream of the Red Chamber".

Lonely and tall Miaoyu, cheerful Xiangyun, who was sold into the fireworks courtyard? There is truth at a feast

"The Burrow Was Empty Hall, full of beds in those days; the grass withered and withered, it was once a song and dance hall", this is the contrast between the prosperity of ningrong erfu and the decline after that. Such a sharp contrast is enough to make the reader feel sad. And the next "say what fat is thick, pink is fragrant, how the two sideburns become frost; yesterday the loess head piled up white bones, tonight the red light tent under the bottom of the Mandarin duck", is the unavoidable fate of the daughters of the Red Chamber.

However, one of the most puzzling to the reader is the sentence "Choose the anointing sorghum, who promises to wander in the fireworks alley". A golden lady with a golden dignity and a jade nobleman, the door is not out, the second door is not out, "wandering in the fireworks alley", is an extremely humiliating thing. In history, there have been countless women who have chosen to commit suicide because they could not bear such humiliation. So, who is in the fireworks courtyard in "Dream of the Red Chamber"? How could she bear such a humiliating day?

What is certain is that this woman must be one of the "Twelve Nobles of Jinling", otherwise there is no need for the author to write a proverb specifically for her, after all, the police fairy goddess in the illusory realm has said: "There are many women in your province, but choose the most important ones to record... The rest of the mediocre have no record. ”

Lonely and tall Miaoyu, cheerful Xiangyun, who was sold into the fireworks courtyard? There is truth at a feast

In the "Twelve Nobles of Jinling", the fate of many women has passed through their sentences and judgments, and there is a clear conclusion: Dai Yu died in tears, Xue Baochao was abandoned after marrying Bao Yu, Yuan Chun died in the deep palace, Tan Chun and kissed, Ying Chun died at the hands of "Zhongshan Wolf" Sun Shaozu, Xi Chun became a monk, Wang Xifeng "calculated all the organs, and counted Qingqing's life", Qin Keqing died of illness long ago, Li Feng enjoyed the blessings of his son and became the Lady of the Curse, Sister Qiao was saved by Liu Grandma, and the ending was more ambiguous, only Shi Xiangyun and Miao Yu.

Shi Xiangyun and Miao Yu are the two women with the biggest personality differences in "Dream of the Red Chamber". Shi Xiangyun has a cheerful personality, loves to talk and laugh, Miao Yuqing is lonely and arrogant, and ordinary people do not pay attention to them at all, and they will not easily make friends with people. Of these two women, who will be the one who "lingers in fireworks alley"?

Some readers believe that it is Miaoyu, because in Miaoyu's sentence there is "If you want to be clean, the clouds may not be empty." Poor gold and jade, and finally fell into the mud" sentence. In Gao Yan's sequel, according to Miaoyu's sentences, she was designed to be abducted by bandits.

Some readers think that it is Shi Xiangyun, because the woman who "lingered in the fireworks alley" had been "selected" for her by her family. As a monk and without her parents, Miao Yu certainly could not have the opportunity to "choose anointing sorghum".

So, the lonely and tall Miaoyu, the smooth Xiangyun, who is the woman who "lingers in the fireworks alley"? In fact, a banquet in "Dream of the Red Chamber" has already told the truth.

Lonely and tall Miaoyu, cheerful Xiangyun, who was sold into the fireworks courtyard? There is truth at a feast

On the twenty-eighth occasion, Feng Ziying invited Xue Pan and Jia Baoyu to their home to eat wine, and there was also a good ling, Jiang Yuhan, and a prostitute from Jinxiangyuan, Yun'er.

When Cao Xueqin wrote this name, she couldn't help but be shocked - we all know that Yun'er is actually Shi Xiangyun's nickname, and Bao Yu and Dai Yu once called Shi Xiangyun in this way. Why would Cao Xueqin let a prostitute and Shi Xiangyun have the same name? In "Dream of the Red Chamber", all people with similar names will definitely have a mapping relationship with each other.

Therefore, in fact, this Yun'er is actually the author hinting at Shi Xiangyun's ending, she is the poor woman who was sold into the fireworks yard. And Shi Xiangyun was once promised a "talented xianlang", which also corresponded to the sentence of "choosing anointing liang".

In fact, for the relatives of officials and eunuchs who were raided in ancient times, this is also a very common ending. I have to say that Shi Xiangyun's life is also the most tragic, since he was a child, he had no parents since he was a child, fortunately he was picked up by Jia Mu and had a few years of comfortable life, and later returned to Shi's family, and he was not welcomed, although his uncle chose a very good husband for her, but he ended up with such a sad end.

A "Dream of the Red Chamber" is to destroy the most beautiful things in the world for people to see, in order to arouse people's vigilance and let people know to cherish.

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