
Reminder: Recently there are 3 kinds of abnormalities in the foot inexplicably, most of which indicate that the liver is not good, and you are advised to nourish the liver as soon as possible

In the field of ancient Chinese medicine health care, there is such a saying: hundred diseases begin with the foot, and health care is first nourished!

This sentence is enough to illustrate the importance of the foot to human beings. However, in everyone's daily life, the most easily overlooked part is the foot, because the foot is at the end of the human body, plus there are socks and shoes wrapped, so it is not too much attention. As everyone knows, it is not only an important supporting part of the human body, but also a "mirror" of liver health.

Reminder: Recently there are 3 kinds of abnormalities in the foot inexplicably, most of which indicate that the liver is not good, and you are advised to nourish the liver as soon as possible

You know, the liver is the most important metabolic and detoxification organ in the human body. At the same time, the liver also undertakes the operation of many other systems, including digestion, endocrinology and so on.

Therefore, once the liver has a problem, the effect will also be systemic. If the following symptoms appear in the foot for no apparent reason, beingware is a sign of liver function damage:

Reminder: Recently there are 3 kinds of abnormalities in the foot inexplicably, most of which indicate that the liver is not good, and you are advised to nourish the liver as soon as possible

1. Puffiness

There are many causes of foot puffiness, first of all, whether it is standing or sitting for a long time, limb compression affects blood circulation, causing puffiness to appear, and secondly, it is necessary to consider diseases, such as deep vein thrombosis of the lower limbs, kidney disease, heart disease, etc. In the development of the disease, there may be lower limb puffiness.

In addition, if you often feel tired and weak recently, the abdomen is abnormally bulging like a frog drum, and there is also abnormal foot puffiness, it is necessary to be highly vigilant for whether it is a signal of the arrival of liver disease.

Especially after the appearance of severe lesions such as cirrhosis and liver cancer, patients often have problems such as portal hypertension, hypoproteinemia, water and sodium retention, and poor fluid circulation, which then induces body puffiness;

Reminder: Recently there are 3 kinds of abnormalities in the foot inexplicably, most of which indicate that the liver is not good, and you are advised to nourish the liver as soon as possible

2. Abnormal ecchymosis of the feet

Obviously, I have not bumped the skin of the foot recently, but there are ecchymoses on the surface of the foot, and there have been abnormal bleeding manifestations such as nosebleeds and bleeding gums recently, and the bleeding symptoms are not easy to stop, which may also be related to liver lesions.

Because the liver involves a wide range of functions, it also plays an important role in the coagulation system, and the vast majority of coagulation factors in the human body are generated in the liver.

Therefore, when the liver function is seriously damaged, patients can have different degrees of coagulation disorders, because the foot skin cover is relatively weak, so it is more likely to appear subcutaneous ecchymosis;

Reminder: Recently there are 3 kinds of abnormalities in the foot inexplicably, most of which indicate that the liver is not good, and you are advised to nourish the liver as soon as possible

3. Abnormal yellowing of the foot

The liver is the most important metabolic organ of the body, whether it is inside the body or ingested toxins, it will be metabolized and decomposed through the liver, such as bilirubin is one of them. This is an orange-yellow substance and the most dominant pigment for bile synthesis.

When the liver appears disease, such as viral hepatitis, cirrhosis or cancer, it will affect the metabolism of bilirubin and the discharge of bile, resulting in a large amount of bilirubin accumulating in the body and swimming with the blood, so the skin becomes more and more yellow, which is also the most typical sign of jaundice.

After the development of severity, the patient's skin, sclera, and mucous membranes will have abnormal yellow staining, accompanied by abnormal color of bowels and urine, skin itching and other symptoms.

Reminder: Recently there are 3 kinds of abnormalities in the foot inexplicably, most of which indicate that the liver is not good, and you are advised to nourish the liver as soon as possible

Written in the end: The manifestations of liver disease are diverse, and the symptoms appear sooner or later, and the severity of the symptoms are related to the type and stage of liver disease.

Through the foot symptoms, it can only indicate that the body may have a disease, but the specific problem cannot be directly judged, which is just a distress message sent by the body. Only after a professional examination can we know what disease the body is suffering from.

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