
What is a flat foot?

What is a flat foot?

This is the 3557th article of Da Medical Care

Foot is one of the keys to our movements, and foot diseases can prevent us from walking healthily and seriously affect our colorful lives. In the foot and ankle clinic, you will often see some patient friends who are plagued by flat feet. Today, I will talk to you about the diagnosis and treatment of flat feet.

What is a flat foot?

A flat foot, as the name suggests, is a flat arch that does not have the curved height that a normal arch should have. The inside of the foot is collapsed, showing an external figure-of-eight shape, and the contact area between the foot and the ground is significantly increased. So how are flat feet obtained?

What is a flat foot?

Flat feet are mainly caused by congenital inheritance, foot trauma, or chronic strain. Most patients with flat feet have a distinct family history. Chronic strain injuries caused by foot trauma or foot overload are also one of the causes of flat feet.

What is a flat foot?

What to do if you get flat feet, how to treat it, this is the top priority of everyone's concern. Most patients with flat feet have no obvious symptoms, especially adolescent patients, and they are only found during physical examinations, so they usually do not pay special attention.

If there are some symptoms of foot discomfort, it is necessary to wear flat foot insoles or flat foot orthopedic shoes, raise the inside of the heel, and move the weight line outward to prevent and alleviate foot deformities.

What is a flat foot?

Foot therapy and massage, insist on soaking the feet with warm water every night, can be combined with some Traditional Chinese medicine to wash and massage the calves and foot muscles. You can put some small cobblestones in the basin and use your toes to grasp them while soaking your feet to move the muscles of your feet. It is also possible to train the lateral foot to walk on the ground and improve the pressure on the inside of the foot.

What is a flat foot?

If the patient is more severe, surgery is required, but the sooner the correction, the better. I hope that everyone can gain something after reading it and have a further understanding of flat feet. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, I hope that everyone will care for their foot health and pay attention to my foot and ankle clinic (every Thursday morning joint surgery - foot and ankle special disease).

Shanghai Seventh People's Hospital Joint Surgery Department Ju Yufeng

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