
Tang Xuanzong was eloquent and strategic in his early years, why did he behave so badly after encountering the Anshi Rebellion?

author:Xiao Yi said history

Tang Xuanzong Li Longji, the legendary emperor of the Tang Dynasty, was known for his eloquence in his early years, and single-handedly created the prosperous era of the Kaiyuan Dynasty and made the Tang Empire shine. However, who would have thought that such a Ming Jun would become so powerless and cowardly after encountering the Anshi Rebellion?

Tang Xuanzong was eloquent and strategic in his early years, why did he behave so badly after encountering the Anshi Rebellion?

I think back then, when Tang Xuanzong first ascended the throne, he was high-spirited and ambitious. He reused virtuous ministers, rectified the rule of officials, and developed the economy, making the Tang Dynasty increasingly powerful. At that time, he seemed to be a natural emperor, and everything was under his control. As time passed, Tang Xuanzong gradually became arrogant and lascivious, indulging in beauty and pleasure. He began to alienate virtuous ministers, reuse traitors, and the government gradually became corrupt.

Tang Xuanzong was eloquent and strategic in his early years, why did he behave so badly after encountering the Anshi Rebellion?

At this time, An Lushan and Shi Siming, two ambitious guys, began to emerge. They used the military power in their hands to gradually form a separatist force in the border areas. And what about Tang Xuanzong? Not only did he not perceive the ambitions of these two guys, but he also praised and reused them. This is simply a foreshadowing of the Anshi Rebellion!

Tang Xuanzong was eloquent and strategic in his early years, why did he behave so badly after encountering the Anshi Rebellion?

Finally one day, An Lushan couldn't help it, and he led a large army to rise up against the Tang Dynasty. This sudden rebellion caught Tang Xuanzong off guard. He hurriedly mobilized his army to resist, but at this time, the Tang Dynasty army had been outgrown and untrained, and was no match for the An Lushan rebels at all. Soon, the rebels broke through Chang'an City, and Tang Xuanzong had to flee in a hurry.

Tang Xuanzong was eloquent and strategic in his early years, why did he behave so badly after encountering the Anshi Rebellion?

In the process of escaping, Tang Xuanzong was really embarrassed! He first ran to the place of Maweipo, but was pursued by the rebels. In order to protect the safety of Tang Xuanzong, the soldiers of the forbidden army demanded the execution of Yang Guifei and her brother Yang Guozhong. Although Tang Xuanzong was reluctant to give up Yang Guifei, he had no choice but to cut his love at the moment of life and death. It is said that Yang Guifei asked Tang Xuanzong to leave her life before she died, but Tang Xuanzong could not do anything. This scene is really heart-wrenching!

Tang Xuanzong was eloquent and strategic in his early years, why did he behave so badly after encountering the Anshi Rebellion?

Tang Xuanzong also encountered many difficulties and dangers in the process of fleeing. He first took refuge in Shudi, and later moved to the Jiangnan region. In the process, he not only had to face the pursuit and attacks of the rebels, but also had to deal with various disputes and contradictions within the imperial court. These predicaments made Tang Xuanzong feel stressed and helpless, and he began to miss the glory and glory of his youth.

At this point, Tang Xuanzong has no power to return to the sky. He could only watch his empire decline and perish step by step. After the Anshi Rebellion was pacified, although Tang Xuanzong was welcomed back to Chang'an City, he had lost his former majesty and status. He was forced to abdicate and become Emperor Taishang, spending the rest of his life in loneliness and loneliness.

Tang Xuanzong was eloquent and strategic in his early years, why did he behave so badly after encountering the Anshi Rebellion?

Looking back on the life of Tang Xuanzong, we can't help but sigh at the ruthlessness and cruelty of history. It is a great sorrow that this former Ming Jun will become so sloppy and powerless in his old age! However, this is also the charm of history. It allows us to see the complexity and diversity of human nature, and it also makes us cherish a peaceful and stable life even more.

So, why did Tang Xuanzong change from a brilliant monarch to a faint monarch? In fact, there are many reasons behind this. First of all, Tang Xuanzong became arrogant and indulged in pleasure in his later years, causing him to lose control of the government. Secondly, he reused traitors and alienated virtuous ministers, which made the court corrupt and disheartened. In the end, he was overconfident and reckless, and did not take effective countermeasures in time after the outbreak of the Anshi Rebellion. The combination of these factors led to the defeat and helplessness of Tang Xuanzong.

Of course, we can't completely blame Tang Xuanzong alone. After all, he is also a flesh-and-blood man with his own weaknesses and flaws. But as an emperor and leader, he should indeed assume more responsibilities and obligations to safeguard the interests of the country and the nation.

So what should we think of Tang Xuanzong's failure and helplessness? I think we should learn from this. First of all, we must always keep a clear mind and firm belief to deal with various challenges and difficulties; Second, we should pay attention to the cultivation and selection of talents to ensure the prosperity and stability of the country and the nation; Finally, we should cherish a peaceful and stable life and create a better future together.