
Why did Liu Bang give up deposing the crown prince? Yan Siyuan was resolutely opposed unless he learned from Zhu Yuanzhang

Why did Liu Bang give up deposing the crown prince? Yan Siyuan was resolutely opposed unless he learned from Zhu Yuanzhang

In his later years, Liu Bang favored Lady Qi, loved Wu and Wu, and also favored Lady Qi's son, Ruyi the Prince of Zhao, and once intended to depose the crown prince Liu Ying and establish Ruyi the Prince of Zhao as the crown prince. This matter is obviously not simple. Because if this thing is not done, it will be done, then the collateral will shake the position of Lü Hou. That is to say, if Liu Bang really succeeded in deposing the crown prince, then he would depose Lü Hou and make Lady Qi empress. Therefore, Liu Bang's idea was strongly opposed by the courtiers, and Liu Bang could only give up in the end, and the result was that after Lü Hou came to power, he took revenge on a large scale, forced Ruyi to die, and cruelly tortured and killed Lady Qi.

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Moreover, the reasons liu Bang found were actually justified, Liu Ying had a cowardly personality and was not suitable to be an emperor. Especially in Liu Bang's view, the Han Dynasty has just been established, the elders and heroes involved in entrepreneurship are still there, and these people are all born of reckless heroes, let a cowardly and benevolent son to control these people, Liu Bang is worried that the han Dynasty Jiangshan that was just built may overturn the ship, in fact, it is not unreasonable. What's more, when the world was first decided, the central government of the Han Dynasty could actually control only the former land of the Qin State and the former land of Han Wei, and there were a large number of feudal princes in the Kwantung region, liu Ying was so cowardly, once some of the Kwantung princes followed Xiang Yu Liu Bang, whether the Han Dynasty's Jiangshan could continue, it would be very problematic.

Lü Hou and Lady Qi were not alone in the fight, and behind the palace fight between the two of them, there were also the interest groups that the two represented.

Liu Bang was able to seize the world by relying on three forces, that is, the three groups of the Han Dynasty Gongchen Group. First of all, of course, the troops who participated in the Peixian Uprising and were assigned after being crowned by King Huai of Chu, this group was the original shareholder of Liu Bang Group, and the earliest about 30,000 people, such as Cao Shan, Zhou Bo, Fan Duo, Xiao He, Xiahou Nian, etc., all belonged to this group. The second group was when Liu Bang attacked the Guanzhong Valley of the Qin state on the orders of King Huai of Chu, and recruited a large number of old Han Wei nobles in the central plains around the han wei homeland, such as Zhang Liang and Han Xin, who basically belonged to this group. The third group was that after Liu Bang entered Guanzhong, he used the qin state as his hometown as a base to compete with Xiang Yu, so the main body of the army basically became a Qin people.

Why did Liu Bang give up deposing the crown prince? Yan Siyuan was resolutely opposed unless he learned from Zhu Yuanzhang

These three groups can roughly correspond to the three levels of Liu Bang's group, Andi Siyuan is the backbone of Liu Bang's group, and Liu Bang's senior generals are basically from this group, which is also a group that Liu Bang trusts the most. Hao Jie, who was summoned by Han Wei, was a middle-level cadre of the Liu Bang Group, and except for Zhang Liang and Han Xin, who successfully entered the senior leadership of the Liu Bang Group, the others basically did not have this opportunity. The third level, that is, during the Period of Chu-Han Rivalry, Liu Bang expropriated a large number of peasants from the qin homeland, which was the main component of Liu Bang's soldiers. Of course, in the process of Han Xin pacifying Zhao and Qi, a large number of Qi and Zhao people were also added, but the grass-roots cadres were basically mainly Qin people.

Lü Hou was Liu Bang's wife, and Liu Bang was also a fellow countryman, so standing behind Lü Hou was the entire Gong Siyuan Conggong group that participated in the whole process of Liu Bang's uprising. Lady Qi was acquired by Liu Bang in the Han Wei area, so behind Lady Qi was the hero group of zhao Wei and Han in the Liu Bang group. When Liu Bang was considering deposing the crown prince, it was still the early establishment of the Han Dynasty, and the ministers who could speak were basically from the group of heroes from Yan Siyuan, with few exceptions. Even Zhang Liang, a strategist whom Liu Bang trusted more, actually had a much lower status than that of Yuan Siyuan. This is also the reason why after the establishment of the Han Dynasty, Zhang Liang retreated bravely and returned to the hidden mountains and forests, because he saw that Liu Bang and Yan Siyuan were wary of him from the clique.

Why did Liu Bang give up deposing the crown prince? Yan Siyuan was resolutely opposed unless he learned from Zhu Yuanzhang

This Yuan Siyuan was extremely powerful in the political arena of the early Han Dynasty from the Gongchen clique, and it continued until the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, before gradually withdrawing from the stage of history. For example, the Jiuqing in the early Han Dynasty was basically from this group. When the first generation of this group died, by the time of Emperor Wen and Emperor Jing, the second generation still continued this political privileged position, for example, the three dukes were basically from this group, with very few exceptions. It was not until the time of Emperor Jing that the proportion of this group in senior positions of more than 2,000 stones began to gradually decline. That is to say, although the emperor is Liu Bang, it is still this group of heroes who help Liu Bang manage the entire country, which is the power base for Liu Bang to sit in the country. Therefore, Liu Bang could not but consider the reaction of this group when making decisions.

In the end, Liu Bang gave up the abolition of the crown prince, and also found that the entire Attitude of The Yuan of Yan Siyuan was very resolute in opposing the group, and there was not much room for negotiation. In this situation, if he still had to forcibly depose the crown prince, it would mean that he would have to fight against the entire Group of Yuan, and those who opposed him would have to be purged, otherwise even if he made Ruyi the crown prince, it would be difficult to stand firm in the future. But to do this kind of political major surgery, the first is that the political situation of the Han Dynasty at that time was not particularly stable, Liu Bang did not have much time to do it until he went to the battlefield, on the other hand, doing so at that time would shake the foundation of the Han Dynasty's rule. Therefore, in the end, Liu Bang himself chose to compromise and gave up this plan.

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