
Digging corners of each other, the talent competition between Apple and Meta has intensified, and AR/VR has made the competition between the two sides more obvious

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Recently, the phenomenon of mutual talent mining between Apple and Meta has been very intense

(Yingwei Network, December 29, 2021) The phenomenon of poaching among technology giants is very common. But in order to retain talent and ensure team stability, such as Apple, Meta and Microsoft have given very generous salaries and benefits. According to Bloomberg, Apple is handing out huge bonuses to a series of engineers to ensure that they do not flow to competitors such as Meta. As a background note, Meta poached about 100 Apple engineers in recent months, and Apple has similarly poached a range of Meta employees.

Bloomberg quoted sources as saying that the huge bonus was offered in the form of stocks, most of which ranged from $80,000 to $120,000, while the highest reached $180,000. In addition, the award will be issued within four years.

Apple did not respond to a request for comment, and is not sure what department or specific position the employees work for.

Digging corners of each other, the talent competition between Apple and Meta has intensified, and AR/VR has made the competition between the two sides more obvious

The phenomenon of mutual talent mining between Apple and Meta has been very intense recently, and one of the most interesting aspects is AR/VR. According to multiple sources, Apple is about to officially enter the meta-universe field of Meta's key focus in 2022, and in order to warm up the first immersive headset expected to be released next year and responsible for related marketing work, Apple has poached Andrea Schubert, the media and public relations director who has been with Meta for six years and is mainly responsible for the AR business.

That's because Meta has always been the leader in the AR/VR headset market, with years of deep roots in the said field, so it makes sense to poach people from the first headset devices as they come to market.

But in turn, Apple has also invested a lot of resources in AR/VR research and development, and has acquired and recruited a series of teams and talents.

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