
Look at the 2022 | Wei Jianjun: New energy and intelligence will lead the global automotive industry to change

From December 8 to 10, the Central Economic Work Conference was held, which summarized the economic work in 2021, analyzed the current economic situation, and anchored the direction for the next step of China's economy.

Where are the opportunities and variables for the future of China's economy? How to "stabilize" and "advance", how to "break" and "stand"? Regarding 2022, many answers are waiting to be revealed.

At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the Beijing News Shell Finance launched "Look 2022", we talked to 16 experts in various fields, around the keywords of the Central Economic Work Conference, talk about their views and judgments on china's economy.

Look at the 2022 | Wei Jianjun: New energy and intelligence will lead the global automotive industry to change

Wei Jianjun, chairman of Great Wall Motors.

In 2021, "double carbon" has become one of the keywords throughout the year.

The Central Economic Work Conference emphasized: Correctly understand and grasp the peak carbon neutrality. As one of the main sources of carbon emissions, the automotive industry will become one of the main forces contributing to the realization of the "double carbon" goal. At the same time, "double carbon" is also becoming another important factor affecting the transformation and restructuring of the automotive industry chain.

"From the perspective of relevant industrial policies and regulations, the 'double carbon' goal will drive the layout of new energy vehicles to accelerate", Wei Jianjun, chairman of Great Wall Motors, said in a written interview with the Beijing News Shell Financial Reporter that new energy and intelligence have become the consensus of the global automotive industry, which will lead the great change of the global automotive industry and the "new outlet" for the future development of the automotive industry. He expects that by 2022, the competition for new energy vehicles will further intensify, and new energy vehicles will begin to compete with traditional energy vehicles for market share.

By 2025, Great Wall Motors is expected to launch more than 50 new energy models

Beijing News Shell Finance: The Central Economic Work Conference pointed out that "it is necessary to correctly understand and grasp the carbon peak and carbon neutrality." Achieving carbon peak carbon neutrality is an inherent requirement for promoting high-quality development, and it is necessary to unswervingly promote it, but it is impossible to do it in one battle. In June this year, Great Wall Motor announced that it would achieve "carbon neutrality" by 2045. In promoting the realization of the "carbon neutrality" goal, how is Great Wall Motors progressing so far?

Wei Jianjun: In order to achieve the goal of "2045 carbon neutrality", Great Wall Motors has made in-depth layout in the core technology and industrial chain of new energy, established a multi-route development strategy, and continued to carry out saturated precision investment in the three major fields of pure electric, hydrogen energy and hybrid, and is expected to launch more than 50 new energy models before 2025.

In the past year, Great Wall Motors has accelerated its global production and sales layout, released its European strategy, marched into the global high-end market, put into operation the Rayong plant in Thailand, consolidated its influence in the ASEAN market, and continued to improve in many overseas market segments, setting a new record for overseas sales.

Thanks to this, Great Wall Motor sold 1.12 million new cars from January to November this year, and its cumulative sales have exceeded that of last year, which is especially rare in the current situation of epidemic uncertainty and chip shortage, and it also proves the correctness of the "2025 Strategy". Through the development of 2021, let us have more confidence in the development of the next few years.

Beijing News Shell Finance: What is the consideration of Great Wall Motors for the establishment of tanks and salon independent brands?

Wei Jianjun: In the view of Great Wall Motors, users' consumption choices are based on categories to think and express themselves with brands. Therefore, Great Wall Motors continues to innovate categories, build category brands with category leadership, let brands become the representatives of categories, and ultimately realize brand value.

The birth of the tank brand and the salon brand is based on the thinking of category innovation. Among them, the tank brand, based on the positioning of the tide play off-road SUV, breaks the category barriers of urban SUVs and off-road SUVs, and monopolizes the new track of the market; the salon brand, as the world's first warm and cool mecha technology brand, re-stimulates the industry's imagination of the future in a new way and redefines the next era of automobiles.

Beijing News Shell Finance: In the "2025 Strategy", Great Wall Motors aims to achieve global annual sales of 4 million vehicles by 2025. What is Great Wall Motor's sales target for the whole year next year?

Wei Jianjun: In 2022, Great Wall Motors' sales target is 1.9 million units. Based on this goal, Great Wall Motors has formulated a relatively detailed product plan, and the five major brands and Salon Motors will make full efforts to launch more new models.

With the slowdown in the spread of the global epidemic, the problem of chip shortage is expected to be effectively solved, and Great Wall Motor's global production capacity will also be accelerated, which will also provide a strong guarantee for our sales increase.

Great Wall Motor has formed seven large-scale key markets: Russia and the surrounding CIS and Central Asian countries markets, ASEAN regional markets, Central and South America markets, Australia and New Zealand markets, Middle East and North Africa markets, South African regional markets, and European regional markets. In these seven large-scale markets, market deepening will be carried out in a targeted manner according to local conditions.

Beijing News Shell Finance: How do you evaluate the development of Great Wall Motors this year?

Wei Jianjun: 2021 is the first year of the "Great Wall Motor 2025 Strategy", and it has achieved good development around the strategic content and various goals. Throughout the year, Great Wall Motors established the organizational form of "one car, one brand and one company" through the innovation of organizational mechanism, forming a 3.0 version of the organizational structure of "strong backstage, large middle office, and small front desk", building a more powerful ecosystem and laying the foundation for future sustainable development.

In terms of talent development, the rolling implementation of a wide coverage of the equity incentive model, covering 100% value employees, to achieve the transformation of employees from "migrant workers" to "partners". At the same time, it also launched the two major talent innovation plans of "10,000 people plan" and "global talent living water plan", so that more outstanding employees can fight in different places, flow overseas and key businesses, and completely activate the potential of employees.

In terms of products, deepening the category innovation strategy, the two major brands of tanks and salons have appeared one after another, leading the brand to continue to rise, and more than 50 new products have appeared one after another to enhance market influence.

It is expected that next year, new energy vehicles will begin to compete with traditional energy vehicles for market share

Beijing News Shell Finance: Since the beginning of this year, the domestic new energy vehicle market has made great progress. What are your predictions for the development of China's new energy vehicle market next year?

Wei Jianjun: Compared with the same period last year, from January to November 2021, domestic new energy vehicle sales increased by 1.7 times, and the new energy vehicle market has entered an explosive growth stage, and has shifted from the past policy-driven to market-driven and user-driven. In 2022, the growth of the new energy vehicle market will accelerate again, and it is expected to significantly surpass the same period this year.

For Great Wall Motors, Euler's full range of products and Salon's first product, pure electric products based on mechosaurus, as well as a number of products equipped with lemon hybrid DHT power architecture, will also be launched, and the proportion of new energy products will also achieve substantial growth.

Beijing News Shell Finance: The industry believes that 2022 will be a watershed in the new energy automobile industry. Do you agree? Why?

Wei Jianjun: As early as 2020, the watershed of new energy vehicles has emerged, and with the entry of new car-making forces and world-class automobile groups, the competition of new energy vehicles has entered a new era of competition. At present, the automotive industry is not only the competition of new energy vehicles, but also a big competition for the application of automobile intelligence, which is an unprecedented opportunity.

We expect that by 2022, the competition for new energy vehicles will further expand, and new energy vehicles will begin to compete with traditional energy vehicles for market share. First of all, from the perspective of relevant industrial policies and regulations, the "double carbon" goal will drive the layout of new energy vehicles to accelerate; secondly, through years of development, the price of new energy vehicle products continues to plummet, the quality continues to improve, the infrastructure such as charging and replacing is also constantly improving, and the overall advantages of new energy vehicle products continue to appear; third, the world has formed a variety of new energy technology routes such as pure electricity, hybrid, hydrogen energy, and various technologies are very mature; fourth, the large-scale growth of the new energy automobile industry. The ecology of new energy vehicles has tended to be perfect.

At the same time, with the full advent of the era of automotive intelligence, how to stand out in the increasingly fierce intelligent competition has become the key to the brand's victory in the future. Only by seizing market opportunities, quickly enlarging advantages, and achieving breakthroughs in brand value and market share can it be possible to lead the new track of new energy and intelligence.

Beijing News Shell Finance: In recent years, independent brands have set off another round of rushing waves, especially in the field of new energy vehicles. In your opinion, what opportunities and challenges do Chinese auto brands face?

Wei Jianjun: For Chinese car brands, the previous high-end and the current wave of rushing are two stages, strictly speaking, after, Chinese car brands aimed to catch up and surpass on other people's tracks, and this time, it is to lead on a new track.

New energy and intelligence have become the consensus of the global automotive industry, which will lead the great change of the global automotive industry and the "new outlet" for the future development of the automotive industry. The opportunity lies in the fact that foreign capital and joint venture brands no longer have a leading edge, but stand on the same starting line as us, and in the field of new energy and intelligent technology, China has a number of technologies in the world's leading position, which is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it is possible to surpass and lead by seizing the opportunity.

The challenge is that There are still some key areas of Technology in Chinese auto brands that have not yet been broken, and the level of core technology autonomy still needs to be improved, which limits the development of the automotive industry chain, which requires China to give full play to the advantages of industrial governance, coordinate production, education and research resources, focus on weak links to tackle key problems, and accelerate the industrialization layout of relevant achievements.

Written | Beijing News shell financial reporter Zhang Bing

Edited by | Yue Cai Zhou

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