
The National Silk Museum released a number of blockbuster exhibitions in 2022

The National Silk Museum released a number of blockbuster exhibitions in 2022

Exhibits in "Colorful Reproduction: Exhibition of Achievements in the Protection and Restoration of Textile Cultural Relics Scientific Research Bases". Courtesy of the China Silk Museum

Hangzhou, December 28 (Tong Xiaoyu) On December 28, the reporter learned from the China Silk Museum that in 2022, the museum will hold a number of activities and exhibitions such as the 30th anniversary of the National Silk Road, the "International Museum Day" forum, and the "2022 Silk Road Week".

The China Silk Museum (hereinafter referred to as the "National Silk Museum") is the largest textile and clothing professional museum in China and the largest silk professional museum in the world.

The Silk Road is an ancient trade route that connects the two major civilizations of China and the West, and it has also preserved many cultural heritage due to cultural interaction. The National Silk Pavilion held the first "Silk Road Week" in 2020 and will usher in the third edition in 2021.

Zhao Feng, director of the China Silk Museum, said that the event will be jointly carried out in Qinghai Province. Qinghai is an important part of the Silk Road Economic Belt, and the Qinghai Road of the Silk Road has shouldered the heavy responsibility of Sino-Western exchanges for more than 200 years.

At the "2022 Silk Road Week" event, the exhibition "Qinghai Changyun: Tuguhun on the Silk Road in the 6th-8th Century" will be launched.

The exhibition will focus on the international trade of the Silk Road on the Qinghai Road, starting from the ancient country of Tuguhun that has long operated the Qinghai Road, showing the value of the Qinghai Road in connecting the East and the West on the Silk Road, as well as the diversified integration of various ethnic groups in Qinghai, serving the "cultural aid to youth".

In addition to displaying the Silk Road culture, the China Silk Museum has been exporting experience in textile restoration.

In 2010, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage established a key scientific research base of the State Administration of Textile and Cultural Relics Protection based on the National Silk Museum, and was listed in 2012. In the past 10 years, the scientific research base has set up 7 workstations at home and abroad, and has carried out a lot of work in scientific research, emergency protection, cultural relics restoration, talent training and other aspects.

Based on this, in June 2022, the National Silk Museum will launch the "Colorful Reproduction: Textile Cultural Relics Research Base Protection and Restoration Achievements Exhibition". The exhibition summarizes the application of modern scientific and technological means in the protection of textile cultural relics, and shows the collaborative application of traditional methods and scientific and technological means in the protection of textile cultural relics.

"At the scene, we will exhibit heavy cultural relics such as cloaks excavated from the Xiaohe Cemetery in Xinjiang and the flags of the Potala Palace in Tibet." Zhou Yang, deputy secretary of the general branch of the Party of the National Silk Museum, said that the way each cultural relic is restored is different, and the restoration technology used behind it will be presented in this exhibition.

Located in the "Digital City" of Hangzhou, the National Silk Pavilion also made full use of digital technology in the "Silk Road Neon Dress: Collection of 30 Costumes Digital Activation Innovative Design Exhibition" launched in May 2022. It is reported that the exhibition will use digital virtual display technology to carry out static and digital virtual exhibition of 30 pieces of clothing.

In addition, the "Microscopic Photo Exhibition on Cultural Relics Conservation and Archaeological Science", which will be held in June 2022, will show cultural relics under the microscope to the public and disseminate the scientific beauty of cultural preservation work.

February 26, 2022 is the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the National Silk Museum, when a series of activities with the theme of "Thirty Years of the National Silk Road, a New Journey of the Silk Road" will also be carried out at the museum. (End)

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