
Ancient cultural relics are "alive" and modern life is wonderful



Let the cultural relics collected in museums, the heritage displayed on the vast land, and the words written in ancient books come to life, so that the Chinese civilization, together with the rich and colorful civilizations created by the people of all countries in the world, can provide mankind with correct spiritual guidance and powerful spiritual power.

——On March 27, 2014, President Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech at the headquarters of UNESCO

Cultural relics are the witness of history and the carrier of culture. Protecting every cultural relic and cultural heritage on the land of China is to protect the roots of the Chinese nation's spirit.

The surging and magnificent Yellow River has brought a long history and splendid culture to the land of China. Located in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, the Yellow River Museum is one of the earliest river museums in the world, vividly showing us the natural overview of the Yellow River and the splendid Yellow River culture through rich historical documents, precious cultural relics specimens, and water crossing engineering models.

3,600 years ago, the Shang Dynasty built its capital in Zhengzhou. Located in the central area of Zhengzhou, the ruins of Zhengzhou Mall have witnessed the city's continuous connections and unchanging ruins for 3,600 years. The Zhengzhou Shang Dynasty Capital Ruins Museum is an exclusive cultural space in the Zhengzhou Mall National Archaeological Site Park, focusing on the archaeological achievements and early Shang civilization in the past 70 years. The historical Bodu and today's Zhengzhou are in the same place, and the ancient relics interact with the central area of the city. People stroll through the heritage park, walk into the museum, feel the history, and taste the heavy Chinese civilization.

Ancient cultural relics are "alive" and modern life is wonderful

Tourists watch the restoration of the city building scene at the Zhengzhou Shang Dynasty Capital Ruins Museum (photo by Ma Yupeng from CCTV)

"Seeing the exquisite cultural relics such as the animal face pattern copper square tripod and the animal face pattern copper Yue, I have a more intuitive understanding of the ancient urban planning concept, and a deeper understanding of the long history and profundity of Chinese civilization." Tourist Shen Yikun has visited the Zhengzhou Shang Dynasty Capital Ruins Museum many times, "each time there is a different harvest".

How to make cultural relics "live"? At the Yinxu Museum in Anyang, Henan Province, visitors can appreciate the splendor of ancient civilization and experience the integration of cultural relics and modern life. Yinxu Museum uses digital technology to set up a bronze casting simulation scene, a naked-eye 3D large screen and an immersive digital experience hall in the exhibition hall, bringing the cultural relics to life, leading the audience to travel back to the prosperous era of the Shang King Wuding and feel the social environment and life scenes at that time.

Ancient cultural relics are "alive" and modern life is wonderful

GIF: Yachang Niu Zun displayed on the naked-eye 3D large screen of Yinxu Museum (produced by Zhao Mengyang)

At present, more than 4,000 cultural relics are exhibited in the Yinxu Museum, including the high-profile Yachang Niuzun, Simu Xinding and the turquoise carved bones on display for the first time. The museum is characterized not only by the abundance of exhibits and the digitization of cultural relics, but also by the development of its cultural and creative products.

Guo Weibing, deputy director of the Yinxu Museum, said that in order to better integrate cultural relics with modern life, the museum has developed a series of cultural and creative products such as Yachang Niuzun bottle opener, "women's good" figures, and oracle bone noodles, so that tourists can feel the charm of Yin Shang culture in their daily lives.

"There are 160,000 oracle bone fragments scattered around the world, and we are currently conducting a global oracle bone digital return campaign." Liu Yongge, director of the Key Laboratory of Oracle Information Processing of the Ministry of Education of Anyang Normal University, said that the plan will re-collect holographic digital high-definition oracles from all over the world to realize the protection, research, inheritance and activation of oracle bone culture.

Ancient cultural relics are "alive" and modern life is wonderful

Zhengzhou Shang Dynasty Capital Ruins Museum cultural and creative products "Shang Xiaoxian" (photo by Xing Xiaolong)

"In addition to traditional exhibitions and public lectures, the current popular activities such as tomb script killing and museum fashion shows can also effectively mobilize everyone's interest in history and culture." Song Chaoli, a researcher at the Institute of Literature of the Henan Academy of Social Sciences (Yellow River Cultural Research Institute), believes that cultural and creative products and cultural variety shows can make more ordinary people fall in love with museums and cultural relics. Nowadays, cultural tourism and immersive cultural experience are also effective ways to make cultural relics "live".

Director: Zhang Jun Yu Feng

Chief Planner: Wu Gang Gong Xinhui

Co-ordinator: Tao Yude

Curator: Peng Hua

Production: Xia Sha, Wang Yongsheng, Zhang Xilun, Zhang Lina

Editor: Bu Ye

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