
How do | write a year-end summary for yourself? Let's see the "alternative template" compiled by netizens

The signal to open the year is the writing of the year-end summary. But for most people, "it's hard to pick up a pen" is the norm for writing. In desperation, I can only find inspiration from ancient and modern Chinese and foreign works, and gradually, a rather alternative "high-energy year-end summary template" was successfully born in the brainstorming of netizens. Whether the year is frustrating or progressive, you will find the "painting style" you need here. Yangzi Evening News/Purple Cow News reporter Yang Tianzi

How do | write a year-end summary for yourself? Let's see the "alternative template" compiled by netizens

Figure | Visual China

The year-end summary written to oneself can also be "high-end expression"

The inventory of the old and the new must always be written beautifully to get it. "It was a happy year, I overcame procrastination, achieved financial freedom, learned to dress myself up, and lived a very fulfilling life", is it not common to say such a sentence? Netizens @ Bingbing is a little fairy, @ blue round dance, @Tian_, @ Bose and other people to disassemble the sentence and extract the "high-end expression" that expresses the same meaning from the writer's work——

Haruki Murakami put it this way: "No more procrastination": Staying up late and not sleeping is not good at all. It's better to get into the bed as soon as it gets dark and wake up with the sun in the morning. Virginia Woolf's "financial freedom" is the envy of many people: do your best to find ways to earn yourself enough money to travel, to do nothing, to think about the future or past of the world, to read books, to dream or hang out in the streets, to let the fishing line of thinking sink deep into this stream. As for the long expression of "happiness", it comes from "chicken soup master" Zhou Guoping: In my opinion, if a person can do what he likes, and rely on it to support himself, and can be with the people he likes, and make them feel happy, he can be called happy. If you combine the above sentences, do you feel that the expression of the sentence is instantly high-end?

Imagination cannot be the whole of the year-end summary, and reflection and self-examination are also important. 2021, which is about to pass, did not earn money, always could not read books all day long, and stayed up late bald, such a state of life, how to write in the year-end summary? Netizen @ camellia to help you "quote the scriptures": "straight ball" expression comes from the writer Lao She, "doing things there all day long, all I don't like to do." There was also Chekhov, a master of conciseness, "The weather is wonderful. There is almost no money. Daniel Halmes, a less popular playwright in the public eye, lived a bald life as early as the 1930s, "I lived an incorrect life, I did nothing and slept late." ”

Won't plot a layout? You can learn the "template" of the ancients

The famous sentences picked out by netizens can become a weapon to enhance the "literary content" of the year-end summary. However, there are still unsatisfied guys who continue to "get in the inch": the root cause of worrying about the pen is not expression, it is that they don't know how to write it at all!

Don't worry, the old ancestors have already set a super serious writing template for us. Open the middle school Chinese textbook, find Zhuge Liang's "Teacher's Table" to draw a key point, you will find that this summary logic is clear, the language is earnest, and the basic framework of the work summary is established, and it is not exaggerated to use it as a model. Zhuge Liang's year-end summary is mainly divided into three parts: work review, problem analysis and future planning. In particular, the part of the clearly organized outlook for the future is fully in line with the "upward- and upward" painting style of the workplace: "May His Majesty entrust his subjects with the effect of seeking the revival of thieves, and if it does not work, then the sins of the subjects will be cured, so as to sue the spirit of the former emperor." If there is no word of Xingde, it is necessary to blame him, Yi, Yun, etc., so as to show his guilt; His Majesty should also conspire with himself, to consult the good way, to say that he has spoken, and to pursue the edicts of the former emperor, and the subjects are greatly grateful. ”

Just looking at Zhuge Liang's article may not realize the true meaning of writing, so a "chicken soup master" who is known for being good at writing summary reports has successfully surfaced in the nomination of netizens. Netizen "Little Vest" nominated Zeng Guofan, a well-known minister in history. Zeng Guofan, who had to write the recital every three to five minutes, simply produced a "Complete Book of Sonatas" like the selected compositions of the college entrance examination, selected the works of Kuang Heng, Jia Yi, Liu Xiang, Zhuge Liang, Lu Zhen, Su Shi, Zhu Xi, Wang Shouren, Fang Bao, Sun Jiagan, and others, and compiled the "Mingyuantang Papers." The book was seen as a "template" for instructing and training senior officials on how to write to the emperor.

"Zeng Guofan is teaching everyone to write a report by hand!" "@Little Vest" in the nomination ridicule, Zeng Guofan even his brother Zeng Guoquan did not let go, but also specially wrote an article to encourage his brother: like Zuo Zongtang, Li Hongzhang, Guo Songtao, this kind of composition is well written, you see just like the grading homework as carefully marked, what the central idea, the main structure, the word construction must be paid attention to, and then combined with the manuscripts of those excellent predecessors, the old is new. Reading more, learning more, and practicing more, there will definitely be great progress.

"Healthy family" has become the most popular summary this year

At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, we really need to take stock of our own year, and by the way, we will set goals for the new year.

In the comments of netizens, a netizen named "@Milk Chaxi" left a message, which was liked by 775 netizens, "The best summary of this year: the family is very healthy!" For the year of normalization of epidemic prevention and control, "health" is undoubtedly the most popular word. A group of netizens said in the post, "Fully agree, there is nothing more important than health." There are also candidates who are participating in the examination in Xi'an, who also left a message in the comments, saying, "Successfully participated in the examination, and the first Microblog after the examination was sent to me." Long live the difficult year. ”

A few days later, at the beginning of January 2022, netizens made New Year's wishes: "@Alicewu" wrote, "2021 has achieved the three goals of becoming thinner, reading more books, and traveling, in fact, only you know how much sweat you have shed, and believe that self-discipline can obtain the truth of freedom!" "@Adu" hopes that he can do everything as he pleases, "2021 to apply for 3 exams, none of them have been, 2022 with the failure of 2021 came, I hope 2022 can be full of hope under their own efforts, get what they want!" ”

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