
China found the "Loulan Beauty" 3800 years ago, and Japan restored it to its appearance and stunned the four sides

In 1900, the Swedish explorer Sven Hedin was on an expedition in Lop Nur and by chance he discovered an ancient ruin on the west bank of Lop Nur where Sven Hedin excavated some wood carvings, fabrics, and some ancient Han Wei and Roman coins, and these wood carvings had a Central Asian Greek style, and they were convinced that this site was the ancient country of Loulan that disappeared in Chinese history.

China found the "Loulan Beauty" 3800 years ago, and Japan restored it to its appearance and stunned the four sides

From 1906 to 1914, British archaeologists heard about Sven Heding's research and came to Lop Nur to explore, in addition to excavating a large number of cultural relics, they also excavated two male skulls of Loulan, which were identified as Belonging to the European Caucasian species.

In 1927, Sven Hedin came to Loulan again, and they found a large number of cultural relics in a tributary of the Peacock River, and for the first time found a female mummy, Lady Loulan had a thin face, a strong nose, and was known as the "Queen of Loulan" because of her luxurious dress.

China found the "Loulan Beauty" 3800 years ago, and Japan restored it to its appearance and stunned the four sides

According to the carbon 14 identification of the sheepskin residue on her body, this is a 3800-year-old ancient corpse, since the ancient country of Loulan has been excavated and stolen many times, China has finally attached importance to the protection of cultural relics, but the loss of the "Queen of Loulan" is no chance to return to the motherland, since the excavation of the female corpse of Loulan, China's archaeological team has also gone to Lop Nur many times.

In 1981, China's archaeological team found a "Loulan Maiden" corpse in Lop Nur and according to the identification, it was also 3800 years ago, there was an unearthed corpse of Loulan woman, which aroused the interest of many people, and many archaeologists wanted to restore her appearance before she was born.

China found the "Loulan Beauty" 3800 years ago, and Japan restored it to its appearance and stunned the four sides

With the development of overseas cultural relics exhibition, Japan also hopes that "Loulan Beauty" can tour the exhibition in Japan, when China in the spirit of establishing diplomatic relations, it agreed to this request, not only that, China also exhibited the Terracotta Warriors in Japan, it can be seen that China is full of sincerity, in 1992, "Loulan Beauty" arrived in Japan.

Japanese archaeologists caused a huge wave, Japanese archaeologists are also the same as Chinese archaeologists, all want to restore loulan beauty, because the previous excavation of loulan is caucasian, Japan's restoration is more biased towards Western Europe, brown skin, three-dimensional facial features, looks like a Western beauty.

China found the "Loulan Beauty" 3800 years ago, and Japan restored it to its appearance and stunned the four sides

Since the restoration of the Loulan beauty in Japan, Zhao Chengwen, who is known as the "ancient restoration master" in China, is not far behind, Zhao Chengwen has long been responsible for the restoration of ancient statues, he has restored Mrs. Xin Chai of Mawangdui (not Xin Chai in the museum), most of the foreign restorations are three-dimensional, adding skin.

China found the "Loulan Beauty" 3800 years ago, and Japan restored it to its appearance and stunned the four sides

And he relied on hand painting, according to the skull of the deceased, according to the "three courts and five eyes" and other theories, copied the eyes, nose, lips, etc. of the deceased, and finally used aesthetics, anthropology, medicine and other knowledge to make, but Zhao Chengwen's ancient corpse restoration drawings are now of a folk nature, but it has to be said that his hand painting is indeed superb.

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