
Cow up – iron plate beef fillet

author:Ha Gui pot stickers

Teppanyaki beef fillet iron plate beef fillet is a cooking method that de-ribbed and washed the beef tenderloin, cut it into strips or slices to taste, combine it with onions and celery, and then put it into an extremely hot iron plate to cook and make the food fragrant. It is characterized by bright red color, tender flesh, overflowing aroma and rich freshness.

Cow up – iron plate beef fillet

Beef up iron plate beef fillet

The ingredients needed to make teppanyaki beef fillet are as follows:

Beef: 500 g Pepper 20 g Shallots 20 g Red Pepper 10 g Butter 5 g Egg 20 g

Starch 20 g


1. Soak the beef slices and marinate with gauze dried water, oyster sauce, egg white, starch, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence and dark soy sauce for 2 hours.

2. Cut the shallots into small pieces.

3. Cut the shallots into strips and set aside (mix the juice with salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, oyster sauce, soy sauce and water starch)

4. Put the oil in the pot and cook it to about 90 degrees Celsius, and slide out a good spoon under the ingredients, and put the beef sauce in the pot of green onion and ginger. Grill the teppanyaki with butter and shredded shallots, pour in the beef.

So finally, let's talk about what are the benefits of beef fillet: beef fillet is rich in protein, amino acid composition is closer to the needs of the human body than pork, can improve the body's disease resistance, in the winter is a good product to warm the stomach, but also can be safe and nourishing, strengthen muscles and bones, enhance human immunity, why don't you learn it?

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