
Why is it that when another baby is born with a surprising amount of hair, your baby's hair is so small?

Yesterday when picking up the child from school, I saw a mother holding a small baby, the baby is about 2 months old, the hair is super much, the amount of hair is really amazing, and the hair is long, and all of them are erect, like an explosive head, really, specially do not make this hairstyle ah.

Although I go to pick up the baby every day, this mother is also holding this little baby for the first time, and when she sees the baby like this, the mothers next to her can't help but gossip. The baby's mother said that the baby is only more than a month now, and the hair of the little one is almost like this when he was born, because now the weather is cold and he is too lazy to cut it, so it is what we see now.

Refer to the following figure:

Why is it that when another baby is born with a surprising amount of hair, your baby's hair is so small?

How to say it, this baby's hair is like a pile of black weeds, tenaciously standing on the top of the baby's head, just like the hairstyles that the stars specially do in concerts, and the baby can keep warm with his proud hair, even without wearing a hat.

In fact, we usually see some newborns, in reality, there are TV series, and now that I think about it, each baby's hair volume is different.

Some babies can have a black and beautiful hair just after birth, and some babies have only a few thin and sparse hairs on the top of their heads, which makes people worry that the baby will be a small bald man in the future.

Why is it that when another baby is born with a surprising amount of hair, your baby's hair is so small?

Why is hair so rare at birth for newborns?

When it comes to newborn hair, it should actually start during pregnancy.

Around the 3th month of pregnancy, the fetus has begun to make various preparations for the body's "long hair", and the follicle matrix will appear on the face, head, body, limbs, etc. of the fetus, waiting for the next step of continuous development.

Around the 4th month of pregnancy, fetal hair begins to grow. Hair grows on the body, covering the fetus, and a small amount of hair grows on the head.

Especially after 5 months of pregnancy, the hair growth of the fetus enters a rapid growth period, and the fetal hair gradually thickens, and the fetal hair can already be clearly seen.

After 6 months of pregnancy, the fetal hair is already very thick, covering the entire head, only the back of the head, because of the wear and tear of the fetus's sleep, the growth is slightly slower.

At 7-8 months of pregnancy, the hair of the fetus will enter the shedding period, except for the back of the head, the hair will appear a large area of shedding. Because the hair in the back of the head grows more slowly, the shedding time will be postponed until after the baby is born.

Later, before the fetus is born, the fetus will grow a new batch of hair, and the hair on the back of the head will also grow together, and the baby will be born with a head of hair.

Why is it that when another baby is born with a surprising amount of hair, your baby's hair is so small?

After the baby is born, the hair on the back of the head will fall off after birth because it has not fallen out when it is in the womb.

In addition, in addition to the back of the head, the baby's other hairs that have not fallen off during the fetal period will also fall off after the baby is born.

Speaking of which, why is the hair of a newborn born so rare?

In fact, it is because:

Genetic factors

The main reason for the amount of hair in the baby is genetics.

If the amount of hair of parents is relatively small, then the baby has a relatively small amount of hair to a large extent.

If Mom and Dad's hair is thicker, the same way, the baby's hair will not be too little.

But we need to know that the amount of hair when the baby is born does not determine the amount of hair the baby will do later.

Because, if it is other reasons to cause the baby to be born less, then in the baby's growth process will be improved, the baby's hair will increase, it is only a matter of time.

Why is it that when another baby is born with a surprising amount of hair, your baby's hair is so small?

In short, the baby's hair volume and color have a lot to do with mom and dad.

However, there are no absolutes in everything, and some babies will counterattack successfully and have a satisfactory hair volume in the case of sparse hair from parents and mothers.

Inadequate intrauterine nutrition

During pregnancy, the nutrition that the mother consumes needs to provide for two people, which is more than before pregnancy, not only in quantity, but also in many types.

Although the fetus grows in the womb, if the pregnant mother's intake of nutrients is insufficient, no matter how to plunder, it cannot ensure the normal development of the fetus, and it will also affect the development of the hair follicle matrix, resulting in the fetus not being able to grow normal hair.

At birth, no other baby can have thick hair.

Therefore, during pregnancy, pregnant mothers should still supplement nutrition under the premise of controlling their weight, especially the protein that is inseparable from hair growth.

Why is it that when another baby is born with a surprising amount of hair, your baby's hair is so small?

Eat more eggs, milk, tofu, chicken, fish, lean meat and other high-protein foods, which will be of great help to the growth of fetal baby hair.

You can also eat more nutty foods such as black sesame seeds and walnuts, in addition to supplementing dha, you can also make the baby's hair black and shiny.

In addition, other nutrients are also very important, so the best thing for pregnant mothers is not to be partial to food, not to be picky, and nutritional balance is the best result.

Why is it that when another baby is born with a surprising amount of hair, your baby's hair is so small?

The hair that had fallen out in the palace had not yet had time to grow back

Now we all know that the fetus undergoes a massive hair loss around the 7th to 8th month of pregnancy, and then grows some new hair.

Some babies are born with rare hair simply because a lot of hair has fallen out in the womb, but it has not had time to grow back at birth, so it looks thinner.

Some babies will also have a certain amount of shedding after birth, and their hair will look less.

There are also babies whose hair on the back of the head is supposed to fall out once in about 8 weeks after birth, but because the baby sleeps dishonestly or lacks a certain vitamin, it leads to excessive friction and hair loss, and it looks like less hair.

Why is it that when another baby is born with a surprising amount of hair, your baby's hair is so small?

However, this is all after the birth of the baby.

Pay attention to help your baby wash his scalp to prevent sweat or other "garbage" from clogging the pores. Giving the baby adequate nutrition and taking the baby to the sun can also promote hair growth.

The eldest of the lazy mother's family had long and heavy hair when he was born, and now the amount of hair is also very large. The second brother was born with basically no hair, like a small bald head, and the lazy mother was also worried that the second brother would grow up and shave his head, in fact, now the second brother's hair is more and more, and it is basically the same as when he was born.


It is normal for newborns to have thin hair, and the baby will often have hair loss in the first six months of life, which does not mean that the baby will be the same in the future.

Therefore, there is no need to shave the baby's head deliberately because the baby's hair is small, so as not to hurt the baby's scalp, but to affect the normal growth of the hair.

Why is it that when another baby is born with a surprising amount of hair, your baby's hair is so small?

When the baby grows up a little, the hair follicles mature, and all aspects of nutrition keep up, and new hair will naturally grow, not small baldness.

I'm a lazy mom, a multi-platform original author, and your support is my motivation. The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringement is deleted.

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