
Why does my temper get worse and worse after pregnancy?

During pregnancy, pregnant women are affected physiologically and psychologically, and are prone to emotional fluctuations, such as irritability, depression, anger and so on.

Women after pregnancy, whether physical or psychological, will undergo great changes, especially when encountering some things in life, it is easy to have emotional fluctuations, and sometimes husbands feel that their wives are like a changed person

Why does my temper get worse and worse after pregnancy?

There's a reason for that...

What emotional problems are easy to have during pregnancy?

Changes in hormones in the body of pregnant women

After pregnancy, the amount of hormone secretion in the female body will change, and the increase in the secretion of estrogen and progesterone will make the pregnant mother's body unable to adapt for a while, which will bring about some "reactions", sometimes a sentence can make her angry or rainy. Fathers-to-be find that their wives have changed their temperament after pregnancy, they need to understand more, maybe they don't want to do this, they are all hormones!

Pregnant women are stressed

Many new mothers and some pregnant mothers who are pregnant for a long time do not know much about the things during pregnancy, and are too worried about the safety and health of the fetus in the stomach, they will become anxious, irritable, and grassy. This excessive mental pressure will cause the pregnant mother's temper to become more grumpy, and the frequency of natural anger will increase. After pregnancy, pregnant mothers can learn more about parenting on their own, and raise and protect the fetus under the advice of the doctor.

The family's incomprehension and understanding

After pregnancy, pregnant mothers may become more sensitive than before, and what is most needed at this time is the understanding and tolerance of the family, especially the father-to-be. But many new fathers do not know it, and neglect their wives due to their own negligence, which leads to the emotions of many pregnant mothers. Family members should give more encouragement and support to pregnant women, and at the same time accompany her more to help her successfully pass the pregnancy!

Sleep is not good during pregnancy

With the increase of gestational age, the fetus grows larger and larger in the mother's body, especially in the later stages of pregnancy, many pregnant mothers will respond to the quality of sleep becomes very poor, frequent urination, leg cramps, fetal movements, back pain, etc., and it becomes extremely difficult to get a good night's sleep. Expectant mothers should not drink too much water an hour before going to bed at night, and do not eat too much at night, and can soak their feet and drink a cup of milk, which is helpful for improving the quality of sleep.

Why does my temper get worse and worse after pregnancy?

Harm to the fetus from bad mood during pregnancy

Bad emotions during pregnancy will not only affect the child's later personality behavior, but also other harms

1. Developmental delay

Fetal heart development and other heart function development have a lot to do with the mother's irritable mood swings during pregnancy

When pregnant mothers lose their temper, there may be insufficient oxygen supply and blood circulation, resulting in stunted fetal growth

2. Fetal malformations

The fetus in the abdomen is connected with the pregnant mother, and the excessive tension of the pregnant mother may make the fetus restless, and make a strong response, which is prone to fetal malformations

3. The baby is easily irritable

If the mood is low during pregnancy and the mood fluctuations change greatly, it will directly affect the mood of the fetus

After birth, babies will be irritable and cry. At 28 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is already able to sense the mother's uneasiness!

Why does my temper get worse and worse after pregnancy?

How to relieve bad mood during pregnancy

1. Self-regulation

Pregnant women should tell themselves when bad emotions arise, if they are angry, the baby will also feel it, so it is not good for the baby's health, and use this admonition method to calm their emotions

2. Listen to music and read books

When pregnant women are in a bad mood, they can listen to music and watch their favorite books or movies to distract their thoughts

3. Chat with friends

Pregnant women can chat with friends or share pregnancy experiences with other pregnant women, and through conversation, pregnant women's emotions can also be well released

4. Take a walk

Pregnant women can often go outdoors or to the park, and don't be bored at home all day

5. Do exercise

Pregnant women in the second trimester can do some exercise appropriately, and exercise will also make pregnant women happy and avoid bad emotions

Women during pregnancy because to carry the growth and development process of the fetus, but also to bear emotional and spiritual pressure, so women during this period will need more care and care, which requires the father-to-be and family around to take more care of women during pregnancy, whether it is diet, or life, need as much care as possible, here is Wei Dad, more pregnancy knowledge, in the baby housekeeper.

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