
Buy a fuel truck just to hear a ring? It is better to dwell on exaggerated remarks than to change perceptions

"I can't understand at all, why do you still buy oil trucks now, in addition to being able to smell some gasoline, what else is good?" Listen? Li Bin, founder and chairman of WEILAI Automobile, did not expect that his speech on "NIO DAY 2021" on Weilai Day actually caused controversy.

Buy a fuel truck just to hear a ring? It is better to dwell on exaggerated remarks than to change perceptions

Some netizens complained: In Li Bin's remarks, whether it is "not understanding", "gasoline smell", or "listening to a sound", all show his contempt for traditional fuel vehicles, "pulling electric vehicles can be, but you don't have to step on the oil truck", and then conclude that "Li Bin has drifted". Some netizens also supported: "Bin Brother said something casual, but the words are not rough, many electric vehicles in the driving control and intelligent experience, indeed has been better than the oil car"; more people publicly declared, "driving electric vehicles, you no longer want to drive oil trucks."

Such tit-for-tat, emotional shouting is difficult not to stimulate people's nerves. In this regard, Li Bin explained: "My original intention is that in the past few years, the charging and replacing infrastructure is indeed not convenient enough, and there are few good electric vehicles, and now the infrastructure is developing rapidly, and there are many good products in various price segments to choose from." Now is the time to choose electric vehicles, and this trend is also illustrated by the sharp increase in electric vehicle penetration in China this year. It is reasonable to say that the dispute will also be settled here, and the "quarrel" will not be hyped up again. However, some people are afraid that things are not big, and they always like to create public opinion confrontation, intensify contradictions, bring some rhythm, and rub some traffic.

Buy a fuel truck just to hear a ring? It is better to dwell on exaggerated remarks than to change perceptions

Photo by Jiang Wenyao (Xinhua News Agency)

If you do not consider the purchase restriction factors in some cities, whether to buy a fuel car or buy an electric car, in the end, it is the consumer who has the final say, after all, the silver is in their own pockets. Reflecting on this dispute, many people pointed out that compared with Musk's frequent wild words, Li Bin's performance is completely "small witch and big witch". This was said a few years ago, and it is estimated that no one will take care of it, after all, electric vehicles and oil vehicles are not comparable. The reason why it can now set off an uproar can only show that everyone cares more and more about electric vehicles.

Whether such an analysis is reasonable or not, let's leave it alone, but it opens up a new perspective for us to observe and think about the development of new energy vehicles. It is undeniable that electric vehicles are currently speeding up into homes. According to the data released by the China Automobile Association, in the first 11 months of this year, the production and sales of new energy vehicles in China reached 3.023 million units and 2.99 million units respectively, an increase of 1.7 times year-on-year, and the penetration rate has reached 12.7%. Not only china's new energy vehicles ushered in "steep growth", the penetration rate of European and American countries is also accelerating, especially the penetration rate of electric vehicles in Norway is close to 100%, and the global electrification of automobiles can be described as a surging wave and unstoppable.

Buy a fuel truck just to hear a ring? It is better to dwell on exaggerated remarks than to change perceptions

Zhejiang Jinhua new energy vehicle production workshop. Photo by Hu Xiaofei (Zhongjing Vision)

International industrial development experience shows that when the market penetration rate of an emerging industry exceeds 10%, it means that its development ushers in an upward acceleration inflection point. It is also to see this trend, even Toyota Akio, who previously "shelled" electric vehicles, had to change his mouth and vowed to accelerate the pace of electrification transformation. According to Toyota Motor's latest plan, by 2030, its electric models will increase to 30 models, and the global annual sales will reach 3.5 million vehicles, for which the company will invest 4 trillion yen (about 223.88 billion yuan), which is worth pondering.

The reason why new energy vehicles have entered the fast lane is inseparable from the current global carbon reduction background, nor can it be separated from the strong support of national policies, but also related to the innovation drive of major enterprises, the increasingly rich supply of products, and the improvement of charging and replacing infrastructure. It should be noted that after more than 10 years of careful cultivation and innovative development, China's new energy vehicles have undergone major changes in technology, performance, quality and consumer cognition.

Buy a fuel truck just to hear a ring? It is better to dwell on exaggerated remarks than to change perceptions

In Anji Logistics Park, Liudong New District, Liuzhou, Guangxi, a batch of new energy vehicles will soon be loaded and shipped (photographed on September 6, 2021). Photo by Li Hanchi (Zhongjing Vision)

From the perspective of brand power and product cost performance, at present, many models of Weilai and Ideal have entered the market of BMW and Mercedes-Benz at the same price, highlighting the strong brand premium ability, which is difficult for independent brands in the field of traditional fuel vehicles in the past; and in the A0-level market, especially in the electric vehicle market below 50,000 yuan, its cost performance has exceeded that of fuel vehicles. Looking at the world, the Tesla Model 3 has surpassed its class of fuel vehicles to become the best-selling model in Europe.

At the same time, the continuous enrichment of new energy vehicle products and types is also leading and creating new market demand. Last month, for example, BYD's new energy passenger car sales exceeded 90,000 units, Wuling Hongguang MINIEV sales reached 45,600 units, the sales of the four head new forces represented by Weilai and Xiaopeng collectively exceeded 10,000 units, Tesla's wholesale sales were 52,900 units, and Volkswagen sales also climbed to 14,200 units. It can be said that whether it is a traditional car company or a new car-making force, it is using strong sales to prove the recognition of consumers and the market, and to raise the status of new energy vehicles.

The development of new energy vehicles is not only the only way for China to move from an automobile power to an automobile power, but also a strategic measure to cope with climate change and promote green development. Especially in the context of the triple pressure of China's economic development facing demand contraction, supply shock and expected weakening, the significance of promoting the consumption of new energy vehicles has become more and more prominent. Therefore, instead of dwelling on this slightly exaggerated remark, it is better to change the concept, adapt to the new trend of industrial change, and inject more positive energy into the world to accelerate the high-quality development of New Energy Vehicles in China.

Source: Economic Daily

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