
The degree of destruction of the Western Jin Dynasty far exceeded that of the Southern Song Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, so why did later generations rarely mention it?

In the course of historical development, the change of dynasties will inevitably lead to the demise of a period of rule. In the process of the development of China's feudal history, many people believe that as long as it is a dynasty ruled by Han Chinese, it belongs to its own dynasty, in other words, in the eyes of ordinary people, only the dynasty ruled by Han people is a regular dynasty.

The degree of destruction of the Western Jin Dynasty far exceeded that of the Southern Song Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, so why did later generations rarely mention it?

If the ethnic minorities in the border areas entered the Central Plains and became the rulers, it may lead to some negative thoughts among the people of the Central Plains. In feudal history, the occurrence of the shame of Jingkang at the end of the Song Dynasty made many people sigh. However, through our continuous understanding of history, we will find that at the time of the demise of the Western Jin Dynasty, there were more tragic events than the shame of Jing Kang.

First of all, let's understand the shame of Jing Kang, in 1127 AD, the Jin soldiers successfully captured the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, Tokyo, in this case, Song Huizong and others became prisoners of the Jin army. As a result, the Northern Song Dynasty was completely destroyed. Not only that, after the northern Song dynasty was captured, it also suffered constant insults from the Jin army, which not only lost its personal dignity, but also led to the people being in a hot living situation. For the rulers of the Song Dynasty and the people, this was a very humiliating thing.

The degree of destruction of the Western Jin Dynasty far exceeded that of the Southern Song Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, so why did later generations rarely mention it?

In fact, the Song Dynasty would experience the shame of Jing kang, which was not an accidental event. After all, when the Jin army went all the way south, the Northern Song Dynasty had many opportunities to intercept and strike at the Jin army, but the Northern Song army did not take any effective defensive measures, which led to the final victory of the Jin army. From the above introduction, it can be seen that the experience of the Northern Song Dynasty is relatively tragic, but compared with the demise of the Western Jin Dynasty, this is not the most serious process of demise.

Speaking of the Western Jin Dynasty, in fact, its beginning is very good, after all, it successfully ended the chaotic situation of the Three Kingdoms period and achieved great unification of the Central Plains. However, due to the division and division of the Western Jin Dynasty from the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Three Kingdoms Period, the power of many warriors was far greater than that of the emperor.

The degree of destruction of the Western Jin Dynasty far exceeded that of the Southern Song Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, so why did later generations rarely mention it?

Although this situation of division was gradually brought under control by Sima Yan's rule, with the introduction of some faint policies in Sima Yan's later years, the situation in the world returned to a state of chaos. After Sima Yan's death, the Rebellion of the Eight Kings was born, which led to the society of the Western Jin Dynasty suffering very great trauma, and eventually directly led to the demise of the Western Jin Dynasty.

For the Sima family, it is a pity that the Jiangshan that was built with great efforts at the beginning did not succeed in holding it in their own hands. Not only that, through the turmoil in the Western Jin Dynasty, the ethnic minorities on the border also officially entered the Central Plains and became an emerging rising force. Later, the concept of emphasizing literature and light martial arts promoted during the Song Dynasty further narrowed the gap in strength between ethnic minorities and the Central Plains, and eventually, the Central Plains could not resist the attacks of ethnic minorities from time to time.

The degree of destruction of the Western Jin Dynasty far exceeded that of the Southern Song Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, so why did later generations rarely mention it?

So for the rulers of the Western Jin Dynasty, were they really unaware of the threat posed to them by border minorities? In fact, future generations cannot fully understand what kind of thinking the Sima family had behind the behavior of supporting ethnic minorities at that time. For the rule of the late Western Jin Dynasty, due to the internal aggression of ethnic minority forces, coupled with the power differentiation of the bureaucratic class of the scholar clan. Eventually, the Central Plains fell into deep chaos.

By comparing the two events of the shame of Jingkang and the fall of the Western Jin Dynasty, we will find that the impact of the fall of the Western Jin Dynasty on the entire nation is far greater than that of the shame of Jingkang, but why are later generations not very impressed by the fall of the Western Jin Dynasty? In fact, because compared with the powerful Song Dynasty, the Western Jin Dynasty was only a small dynasty that had just been established for a long time and had a relatively chaotic internal rule, so many people would naturally ignore the existence of such a dynasty in the process of studying history.

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