
The poet who can eat is not only Su Shi? From Huang Tingjian's five views on food, look at the food philosophy of the Northern Song Dynasty

author:Humility talks about the style of writing

Text: Humility talks about the style of writing

Editor|Humility talks about the style of writing

The poet who can eat is not only Su Shi? From Huang Tingjian's five views on food, look at the food philosophy of the Northern Song Dynasty

When Qian Zhixi discussed Huang Tingjian's "learning from the ancient and innovating", he mentioned Huang's use of classics in terms of law and rhetoric, but he emphasized Huang's creativity more, which is also in line with the characteristics of Huang Tingjian's poetry.

Huang Tingjian's food poems are mostly composed when singing and giving gifts, but there are also special works, but there are traces of learning from the ancients.

The poet who can eat is not only Su Shi? From Huang Tingjian's five views on food, look at the food philosophy of the Northern Song Dynasty

The food and drink of "melting classics for sustenance" is different

Huang Shi's ancient rhetoric is especially reflected in the use of classics, that is, taking "Chen Yan into Han Mo". What we are talking about here is the study of the words of the predecessors, but at the same time, it also contains the emphasis on creativity, "cultivation" is the meaning of re-casting and using it for me, which is why there is a self-contained Huang poem.

The valley food poem seems to depict everyday things, but it also reflects the author's thoughts and emotions, and can "melt the classics to sustenance". "Allusions" and "Xingji" seem to have nothing to do with each other, but the process of using allusions is also the process of the poet confessing his heart.

The poet who can eat is not only Su Shi? From Huang Tingjian's five views on food, look at the food philosophy of the Northern Song Dynasty

Qian Zhixi believes: "Classical art, in a broad sense, should also be classified as a method of artistic expression in the category of Xingji. "The use of classic poems to borrow the past as a metaphor for the present is sustenance, and the use of yellow poems has this characteristic.

This kind of poetry is also widely used in food poems, in addition to "Ganshang Lotus Eating Feeling" and "Second Rhyme Zizhan Spring Vegetables", there are many "classics" into "gold" food works.

Huang Tingjian's food poems mostly use allusions to deliberately create "fun" in poetry, which is also the embodiment of his attitude towards life, such as "From Bin Old Begging Bitter Bamboo Shoots" and "Dai Er's Chelate Interpretation", which are exemplars. These two poems are both seven uniques, which are shorter in length and have endless charm.

The poet who can eat is not only Su Shi? From Huang Tingjian's five views on food, look at the food philosophy of the Northern Song Dynasty

"From Bin Old Begging Bamboo Shoots" contains two allusions. The first two sentences of "Nanyuan bitter bamboo shoots feed the meat, and the dragon is wronged and Mo Cai Green", and Lu Tong's "Sending Men's Poems" is "The dragon is wronged, don't kill into Rukou."

Ding Ning instructed you, and you live and the dragon is not "a pawn; The last two sentences of "annoying the gentleman will cause the cangyu bundle, and tomorrow's wind and rain will become bamboo", with "the doctor wears water cuiyu" in "The Book of Rites: Yuzao" and "Don't hesitate to eat, the south wind blows as bamboo" in Lotte's "Bamboo Shoot Poem", here the allusion is interesting, showing the poet's love for bamboo shoots. According to Ren Yuan's catalogue of Huang poems, this poem was written in the Rongzhou period.

The poet who can eat is not only Su Shi? From Huang Tingjian's five views on food, look at the food philosophy of the Northern Song Dynasty

"Dai Er's Chelate Interpretation" involves three allusions: "Immortal Confucianism used to roll turtle shells, and clams can wash their sorrowful faces", with "Huainanzi" "The people of Zhongzhou should not go far here" to explain the ridicule, and "Hanshu" Sima Xiangru said "The Confucianism of the immortals, living between the mountains and rivers, is very described", which contains the difficulty of the situation.

"It's not better than the flavor of the two chela, that can be the wine to the West Mountain", borrowing the poem of retreat "I have nothing to do, the wine to the South Mountain" (Nanshan refers to the "West Mountain", that is, Wuchang), to express their free and easy feeling. This poem was written when Huang Tingjian left Rongzhou to Jingzhu.

The poet who can eat is not only Su Shi? From Huang Tingjian's five views on food, look at the food philosophy of the Northern Song Dynasty

The poet was implicated in Su Shi's "Wutai Poetry Case", and was degraded several times, "clams" and "washing sorrows" were fake, and "drinking wine to Nanshan" was even more lonely, so he had to "relieve ridicule on behalf of Er" to express his inner loss. Reading these two poems without knowing the background of the poet's life experience, what you experience is humor and open-mindedness, but if you go deeper, you will see the clues.

It can be seen that some of Wong Ting-kin's food poems (including those written during singing) are caused by the poet's inner depression and unrelieved humor. Although Huang Tingjian is not as enthusiastic about politics as Su Shi and others, as a scholar, he still has a complex for loyalty and patriotism, which is one of the reasons why he has repeatedly praised Du Fu for not forgetting his monarch.

The poet who can eat is not only Su Shi? From Huang Tingjian's five views on food, look at the food philosophy of the Northern Song Dynasty

Therefore, the light-hearted fun of Huang Zhi's food poems is mostly intentional, using elegant methods to comfort friends and heal heartaches, which hides his unique outlook on life.

Huang Tingjian also wrote several hymns about food, such as "Praise of Green Vegetables" and "Ode to Sugar Frosting", as well as "Ode to Pure Wine", "Ode to Mellow Wine", "Ode to Mellow Bi", "Ode to Jade Li" and "Ode to Lychee Green" which are dedicated to praising wine. These poems, or three, four, or miscellaneous, are written in classical language, which is very fresh and elegant to read, and also involves a large number of allusions, linking material nature and personality, and expressing one's ambition by praising food.

The poet who can eat is not only Su Shi? From Huang Tingjian's five views on food, look at the food philosophy of the Northern Song Dynasty

The food and drink are "vulgar things", and with the elegance of the classics, the poetic style of Huang Shi turning the vulgar into elegance has been achieved. He understands elegance and newness more as spiritual transcendence, so that interesting and well-reasoned food can be born.

He emphasized the inherent righteousness of the poet's personality, and the specific method is to achieve the consciousness of ethics and morality by curing the mind and cultivating the character, "not to care about whether the content of the poem directly plays the role of ethics (ethics in a broad sense, including political consciousness and other social factors), but to emphasize the ethical essence of the poet, that is, the cultivation of ideology and morality." ”

The poet who can eat is not only Su Shi? From Huang Tingjian's five views on food, look at the food philosophy of the Northern Song Dynasty

The so-called "morality has no more heart", therefore, in the treatment of the issue of elegance and vulgarity, we can abandon prejudices: "If you use sacred learning, you will not learn the Tao, and if you use secular learning, you will not learn instead of things." ”

The Tao exists in all things, and we should feel it with our hearts, rather than narrowly opposing the "sacred" and "secular", and pay more attention to our own unknown realms.

Although food and drink are "vulgar things" that can be seen and obtained, as long as the poet holds "righteousness" in his heart, he can "turn the vulgar into elegant", which is also recognized by many literati in the Song Dynasty.

The poet who can eat is not only Su Shi? From Huang Tingjian's five views on food, look at the food philosophy of the Northern Song Dynasty

In addition, the upper-class scholars of the Song Dynasty paid special attention to the etiquette and norms in their diet, which was consistent with their concept of life aesthetics. When Huang Tingjian describes the process of making food, he often uses a large number of allusions, so that the food and drink have a bookish and artistic taste on its own basis.

In order to highlight the wonder of food, poets often go from one to many, so that people can trigger rich associations when reading, such as the famous "Ten Rhymes of Bamboo Shoots" makes full use of this technique.

The allusions in Huang Tingjian's food poems write the original taste of food, and extend the "other taste", which not only expresses its own taste, but also realizes "sustenance", which can be described as full of poetry and far-reaching meaning.

The poet who can eat is not only Su Shi? From Huang Tingjian's five views on food, look at the food philosophy of the Northern Song Dynasty

The poetic idea of "learning to cultivate love".

Song poetry's emphasis on "pushing through the old and bringing forth the new" is based on "learning". In addition to the study of Confucian classics, the Song people also paid attention to the study of traditional excellent poetic styles, hoping to find poetry for their own use.

Huang Tingjian said in "With Wang Lizhi (No. 3)": "If you want to make 'Chu Ci' and follow the ancients, you must read the "Chu Ci" well, observe the twists and turns of the ancients' intentions, and then write. For example, Qiao Nuwen embroidered Miao I.

The poet who can eat is not only Su Shi? From Huang Tingjian's five views on food, look at the food philosophy of the Northern Song Dynasty

If you want to make brocade, you must get a brocade machine, but you can become a brocade ear. If you want to create Chu Ci style, you must be familiar with Chu Ci works, taking "Qiao Nu Wen Embroidery" as an example, showing that the creation of other genres naturally also needs "brocade machine" - tools and methods to embroider "brocade". And allusions and allusions are tools and methods.

The frequent use of allusions but their meanings are not superficial and intangible is a major feature of Huang Tingjian's poetry, and food poems basically follow this law of dictionaries. The reason why Huang Tingjian uses dictionaries as a method of "sustenance" is fundamentally because the era in which he lived and he personally regarded "learning" as a way to cultivate a moral foundation.

The poet who can eat is not only Su Shi? From Huang Tingjian's five views on food, look at the food philosophy of the Northern Song Dynasty

The food poems of the Song Dynasty, together with the poems of other themes, exist as the outward projection of the poet's inner cultivation, which is related to the moral consciousness of the entire literati circle in the Song Dynasty.

Poetry and romance are the consensus of ancient and modern times, and Huang Tingjian also advocates that poetry expresses temperament, but his temperament theory is different from general self-expression, but has specific ethical connotations. Huang said in "The Book with Xu Shichuan":

"The nephew of the hero. However, it is necessary to govern the scriptures, explore their roots, and imitate the ancients one by one. The words and deeds of a gentleman are not only virtuous and vulgar, but also greater than them, so that the mavericks of the ancients are all at the bottom of it. ”

The poet who can eat is not only Su Shi? From Huang Tingjian's five views on food, look at the food philosophy of the Northern Song Dynasty

That is to say, a person has morality in his heart, starts from the root of his heart, learns from the ancients, has no other choice in body and mind, and follows his heart wholeheartedly, not only to transcend the customs, but more importantly, to surpass the ancients with his own heart.

The "maverick" actually comes from Han Yu's "Ode to Boyi", in which there is a saying that "the maverick of a scholar is only suitable for righteousness", which means to seek the heart inward.

The reason why Huang Tingjian was able to become a generation of grandmasters who influenced Song poetry was not only because of his extensive knowledge, but also because he knew how to "cultivate feelings with learning", so that his poetic emotions were always unassuming and not cramped.

The poet who can eat is not only Su Shi? From Huang Tingjian's five views on food, look at the food philosophy of the Northern Song Dynasty

His "Shibi Hui Poem Seeking Shunquan Wants to Use Chang'an Crisp to Cook a Cup of Rhyme Response", written in Beijing, although it is a "drama answer", but its allusions are quite "positive". Shiyun: "The cold and thin rice are left as good guests, and the beetles are made into neighbors." Liang Hong, who avoided the land, was really studious, and he was not completely poor when he wrote books. The jade crisp was refined to three dangerous dews, and the stone fire burned into a spring.

Shading explores the soup for drinking, and no one is worried about the word. Involving Du Shi, Liang Hong, Yang Xiong's "Chasing the Poor", and Bai Juyi's poems, which have the meaning of peace and happiness, recuperation, and tranquil life, these are the "spirit of music" of Yan Hui's style of "a spoonful of food, a scoop of drink, people are unbearable, and they will not change their pleasures", and Huang Tingjian uses these allusions in this poem to convey this spirit.

The poet who can eat is not only Su Shi? From Huang Tingjian's five views on food, look at the food philosophy of the Northern Song Dynasty

Of course, Huang Tingjian's academic training is not only Confucian thought, but also Lao Zhuang and Buddhist classics appear in his food poems. In his early years, he wrote seven poems about food and drink, one of which was "This body is a world and a house, and the world consumes green sideburns."

After all, a few people really get a deer, and they don't know that they dream of being fish all day long", there are a few allusions here: Lu Lu, speaking out of "Zhuangzi" "Benevolence and righteousness, the first king's Lu also, can stay overnight, but not for a long time"; "Green sideburns", the ancients used "green" or "green" instead of black, two words, and Wu Jun's "He Xiao Washes Ma Zixian Ancient Poems" "Green sideburns are changed in sorrow, and red faces are extinguished"; "Deer" refers to the story of "Banana Deer Dream".

The poet who can eat is not only Su Shi? From Huang Tingjian's five views on food, look at the food philosophy of the Northern Song Dynasty

"Dream" and "fish" come out of "Zhuangzi - The Great Master", "And your dream is a bird and the sky is powerful, and the dream is a fish and is not in the abyss". The meaning of the whole poem is nothing more than that life is busy, few people can get their wishes, and everything is a dream. This poem was written in Ye County, Xining 4 years, when Huang Tingjian had just begun his political career.

At the beginning of his tenure, he wrote "The First Arrival in Ye County", which contained the same emotions as "Miscellaneous Poems", "The white crane went to find the prince Jin, and the real dragon admired Shen Zhuliang." The thousand-year-old past is like a bird, and one day is sad about the sunset. The old man can be named Tang Duyi, and the broken monument is still a Jin article. Floating clouds do not make budding mulberry plans, only barren mountains will continue to grow", full of melancholy.

The poet who can eat is not only Su Shi? From Huang Tingjian's five views on food, look at the food philosophy of the Northern Song Dynasty

During this period, his wife fell ill and died, he was busy with official business, and the officialdom was seriously overturned, and his mood was dull, so he could only seek temporary comfort from Lao Zhuang and metaphysics.


The writing of food poems in the Song Dynasty was not only influenced by the poetic tradition and social material environment, but also the personality of the artistic life of the contemporaries, and the externalization of the Song people's "introspective" life philosophy. Huang's life has been up and down, and his poetry has changed from "strange" to "stable", which is certainly in line with the road of life, but more reflects his inner nature.

The poet who can eat is not only Su Shi? From Huang Tingjian's five views on food, look at the food philosophy of the Northern Song Dynasty

His food poems are the product of this state of mind, and they add a lot of interest and elegance to Huang Tingjian's life and poetic thoughts. He uses food as a source to dissolve his heart and discover poetry, whether it is friendship or a sense of career, he melts it into the poem, and then uses the ancient meaning to express the present, so that the food has a different taste, which is also the miraculous effect brought by Huang Shiqiao's use of allusions.

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