
Is nocturia more bad for the kidneys? 4 reasons for increased nocturia! The second woman may be very happy

Probably many people have had this situation:

I just lay down on the bed and wanted to go to the toilet;

Sleep confused, just about to fall asleep and want to go to the toilet;

At night, after two or three hours, I have to get up and go to the bathroom;

Now on a cold day, I really don't want to get up...

Many people even doubt themselves whether they are kidney deficiency...

In fact, the situation of nocturia is very common, according to relevant statistics, 25% of women, 20% of men have nocturia, and in the elderly is more common, 40% of the elderly over 70 years old have nocturia.

Is nocturnal urine kidney deficiency?

Presumably, everyone is familiar with "kidney deficiency", especially the vigorous publicity of various types of health care products, which makes kidney deficiency enter everyone's field of vision.

In fact, kidney deficiency is a concept of Chinese medicine, generally known as kidney deficiency, may have back pain, limb chills, dizziness, tinnitus and dizziness, nocturia frequent, sexual quality of life decline and other symptoms.

According to the different combinations of symptoms, combined with pulse diagnosis, tongue image, etc., kidney deficiency can also be divided into kidney yin deficiency, kidney yang deficiency, kidney qi deficiency and other situations.

Is nocturia more bad for the kidneys? 4 reasons for increased nocturia! The second woman may be very happy

Therefore, ordinary people cannot determine whether they have kidney deficiency just by a certain symptom such as nocturia.

If you really want to clarify this question, get a professional Chinese medicine doctor to diagnose it, and the doctor can give the answer through comprehensive diagnosis.

What conditions may cause you to urinate more at night?

1. It's possible that you drink too much water before going to bed

This should be well understood, drinking too much water is definitely going to the toilet. Some patients in cold conditions will also increase the amount of urine, which causes an increase in the frequency of urination, which is a normal condition.

2. Pregnant women are prone to nocturia

If you are a woman who is trying to conceive, the recent sudden increase in nocturia may also be that the fetus is implanted, which is a sign of pregnancy.

Because when a fertilized egg implants, some people will have uterine congestion, which will irritate the bladder and lead to an increase in nocturia.

Therefore, for women who are trying to conceive, the number of nocturnal urine increases, do not worry, but may be the heart of the matter.

Is nocturia more bad for the kidneys? 4 reasons for increased nocturia! The second woman may be very happy

3. Kidney disease

Although water enters the digestive system first, the kidneys also absorb it again, and the rest of the excess water will follow in the formation of urine.

Studies have shown that the kidneys produce about 1.5 to 2 liters of urine in a day.

However, once the kidney has a disease, the reabsorption function of the water will be affected, resulting in an increase in the patient's urine output.

In addition, if there is hyperuricemia, diabetes and other diseases, although it will not cause damage to kidney function in the early stage, patients will have symptoms of drinking a lot of water.

At the same time, sugar and uric acid also require the kidneys to be metabolized, resulting in an increase in the number of patients with nocturia.

If left unchecked, it can cause damage to the kidneys and develop chronic kidney disease.

Is nocturia more bad for the kidneys? 4 reasons for increased nocturia! The second woman may be very happy

For the elderly, the increase in age itself, the function of the organ will decline, and the frequent urination of the elderly is also a manifestation of the aging of the body.

However, if you have high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis and other diseases, the symptoms of frequent urination at night will be serious.

Especially after the stage of renal arteriosclerosis, due to the serious shortage of blood supply to the kidneys, the function of concentrated urine in the kidneys is reduced, and the amount of nocturnal urine will increase rapidly.

4. Diseases of the urinary system

The sudden increase in the number of nocturia in women is often related to diseases such as uterine prolapse and urinary tract infections in elderly women.

When the uterus prolapses, the tissues around the bladder will also relax, and the bladder will bulge, which will lead to frequent urination and increased urination at night.

Frequent nocturia in men is related to prostate disease.

Is nocturia more bad for the kidneys? 4 reasons for increased nocturia! The second woman may be very happy

Prostate hypertrophy in men often causes compression and irritation to the bladder, resulting in abnormal contraction of the bladder, resulting in frequent urination, especially a significant increase in the number of urinations at night.

Therefore, frequent nocturia in addition to considering kidney deficiency, but also to consider the actual existence of diseases.

Do not appear as soon as the "frequent urination", naturally and "kidney deficiency" is related, and then eat health care products, diet therapy, blindly follow up, in the end found that it is caused by disease.

To determine what is causing this, a scientific examination should first be done so that it can be treated appropriately.

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