
Diabetes is just an increase in nocturia? Diabetes without treatment? One-article analysis

Do you know how many diabetics there are in our country? About 120 million people. Nearly 90% of these people with diabetes are type 2 diabetics.

The so-called type 2 diabetes, refers to the acquired abnormal increase in blood sugar, although type 2 diabetes and genetic factors are related, but more patients will appear the disease, that is, affected by the acquired unhealthy living and eating habits.

Diabetes is just an increase in nocturia? Diabetes without treatment? One-article analysis

Relevant data surveys show that obesity caused by long-term sedentary and overnutrition is the fundamental factor that promotes diabetes. As mentioned in all the articles on type 2 diabetes, its most typical symptom is "three more and one less", that is, the patient eats more, urinates more, drinks more, and loses weight rapidly.

It is also this kind of knowledge contact, many people think that as long as the number of urination increases, it is a manifestation of diabetes. Moreover, the body does not have any symptoms, indicating that the blood glucose index is still normal. But in clinical terms, this idea is actually very wrong. There are all kinds of myths about diabetes, and it's time for you to learn about it!

Diabetes is just an increase in nocturia? Diabetes without treatment? One-article analysis

1, no symptoms, no diabetes: the prevalence of diabetes in China is about 3.5 to 11.6%, but the awareness rate of diabetics is quite low. In China, at least 46.5% of patients remain undiagnosed.

This is the case because the typical symptoms of three more and one less appear in patients with type 1 diabetes, which is clinically called insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, and the symptoms are particularly pronounced because the patient's islet function is severely impaired.

However, in the early stages of type 2 diabetes, it is only manifested as high blood sugar and insulin resistance, and the body can not have any symptoms;

Diabetes is just an increase in nocturia? Diabetes without treatment? One-article analysis

2, urine is mostly diabetes: urination is actually the waste generated by the body's metabolism, healthy people urinate about 4-6 times a day, and the total urine volume is about 1000-2000ml.

Frequent urination is clinically divided into two categories: physiological and pathological, and the increase in the number of physiological urination is mainly related to eating a lot of water-containing food, drinking a lot of water, and being too nervous.

The increase in the number of pathological urination is related to a variety of factors, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, kidney diseases, urinary tract infections, urinary system tumors, diabetes and so on. Therefore, it cannot be said that the increase in urination is diabetes;

Diabetes is just an increase in nocturia? Diabetes without treatment? One-article analysis

3. Diabetes is only an increase in nocturia: many popular science articles have emphasized that diabetes is manifested as increased nocturia. But in fact, diabetics urinate more often throughout the day.

Because the blood glucose in the patient's body is seriously exceeded, the renal glucose threshold has been exceeded. Glucose filtered out by the glomeruli cannot be completely absorbed and utilized by the renal tubules, eventually forming permeable diuresis.

Usually, the more the patient's blood glucose exceeds the standard, the more urine glucose will be excreted, and the total amount of urine excreted by the patient within 24 hours can even reach about 5000-10000ml;

Diabetes is just an increase in nocturia? Diabetes without treatment? One-article analysis

4, diabetes does not need treatment: some people mistakenly believe that since there are no signs in the early stage of type 2 diabetes, it means that it will not cause harm to the body, and naturally does not need treatment. But in fact, the reason why the clinic emphasizes that diabetes needs to be treated immediately once it is found is not because of the rise in blood sugar itself.

But because the blood sugar that continues to run out of control will cause damage to multiple organs in the body, it will cause many complications such as diabetic nephropathy, eye disease, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, and diabetic foot.

Therefore, regardless of whether diabetics have symptoms or not, as long as the diagnosis is confirmed, it should be treated.

Diabetes is just an increase in nocturia? Diabetes without treatment? One-article analysis

In a word, the increase in the number of urination does not mean the arrival of diabetes, and everyone should first find the reason from diet and mental factors. However, if the number of urine has increased abnormally recently, and has not improved for many days, and is accompanied by symptoms such as eating more, losing weight quickly, and drinking more water, this may be a manifestation of the arrival of diabetes, and it is necessary to seek medical examination in time.

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