
That's how your blood sugar gets out of control

That's how your blood sugar gets out of control
That's how your blood sugar gets out of control
That's how your blood sugar gets out of control
That's how your blood sugar gets out of control
That's how your blood sugar gets out of control
That's how your blood sugar gets out of control
That's how your blood sugar gets out of control
That's how your blood sugar gets out of control
That's how your blood sugar gets out of control
That's how your blood sugar gets out of control
That's how your blood sugar gets out of control

90% to 95% of diabetes are type 2 diabetes, and type 2 diabetes is the most closely related to lifestyle habits of almost all chronic diseases:

High-sugar, high-salt, high-fat diet, sedentary, lack of exercise these bad habits are all high risk factors for diabetes, the blood sugar in the body is experiencing ups and downs every day, insulin resistance is becoming more and more serious, islet B cells work overtime every day, excessive fatigue...

All of this may be happening silently in your body.

It has been shown that simple lifestyle modifications can be effective in preventing or delaying the onset of type 2 diabetes.

6 points to stabilize blood sugar:

A little more miscellaneous

Reduce white rice and white noodle staples

Replace half with whole grains and potato vegetables

Moderate amount of protein, plenty of vegetables

Mixed diet controls blood sugar

A little rougher

Staple foods are coarse and good, don't be thin

Choose whole wheat instead of white noodles

Choose brown rice, not polished rice

Be a little thinner

Meat can not be less, but choose lean and discard fat

Eat less skin when eating chickens, ducks and geese

Eat less fat lard and replace it with vegetable oil

Get lazy

Vegetables can be finely cut without being finely chopped

Beans can be eaten whole without boiling

Fruit can be eaten whole without juice

Potatoes whole are better than mashed potatoes

Lighten up a bit

Less oil and salt

You can add some vinegar appropriately

Be tough

Don't smoke, don't drink, and sit soon

Control weight and enhance exercise

Don't bow to genes and bad habits

Give us the little pancreas that we work hard to complain about, and reduce the burden!

This article is reviewed by experts


[1] Li Yongze, Teng Di, Shi Xiaoguang, Qin Guijun, Qin Yingfen, Quan Huibiao et al. Prevalence of diabetes recorded in China using 2018 diagnostic criteria from the American Diabetes Association: national cross sectional study BMJ 2020; 369 :m997

[2] Internal Medicine 9th Edition[M]. :People's Medical Publishing House, 2018. 725-744.

This article was first published by Dr. Lilac

Curator: Deanna | Executive Producer: Feidi

Illustration: Strong | Cover image source: Strong

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