
What was Stalin's purpose in the Korean battlefield, changing his mind, digging pits, and laying conspiracies?

What was Stalin's purpose in the Korean battlefield, changing his mind, digging pits, and laying conspiracies?

Peng Dehuai once said: "For hundreds of years, the era when Western countries could take away a country by setting up a cannon on the coast of the East is gone!" "

In 1950, the Chinese People's Liberation Army crossed the Yalu River and rushed to the Korean battlefield. In 1953, China defeated the United Nations army led by the United States and won the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. Since then, China has shaken off a century of humiliation and opened a new chapter.

The Korean War was of great significance to China, and the Chinese Volunteer Army defeated the Western invaders with its bare hands, and the difficulties in it can be imagined. In the later stages of the Korean War, the Soviet Union also participated in the war situation, and what people do not know is that in the Korean War, Stalin changed his mind, dug pits, and laid many conspiracies.

What was Stalin's purpose in the Korean battlefield, changing his mind, digging pits, and laying conspiracies?

The war began and ended

In 1950, the Korean War was fierce, and since the United Nations army joined the battlefield, Korea was gradually defeated and had to ask China for assistance. At that time, the United Nations military led by the United States frequently provoked near the 38th Parallel, seriously threatening the security of China's northeast region.

MacArthur in the United States was a famous war maniac, and his attempt to expand the war and frequent bombing, strafing and reconnaissance of China's borders really aroused the anger of the whole of China.

Out of the need to safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial security, and to carry forward the humanitarian spirit of aiding North Korea, China's invasion of the Korean War seems to have become the final result, but there are many domestic considerations for this. At that time, China had just been established, all kinds of construction were in ruins, China had experienced more than ten years of war, the whole country was devastated, and it was really unable to bear another large-scale military confrontation.

What was Stalin's purpose in the Korean battlefield, changing his mind, digging pits, and laying conspiracies?

While interfering in the internal affairs of the DPRK, the United States also sent a fleet into China's Taiwan Strait to prevent China's great cause of reunification. At that time, China was faced with a dilemma, New China had just been founded, and the heavy blows of the past had not yet been repaired, but in the face of the US invasion of North Korea, we had a cold concern.

At that time, the United States was a well-deserved military power in the world, and the degree of modernization of the army was extremely high, if China really decided to send troops, with a tired army, what chances could it have?

What was Stalin's purpose in the Korean battlefield, changing his mind, digging pits, and laying conspiracies?

For reasons of all sides, China has first tested the attitude of the United States. China has stated that if U.S. troops cross the 38th Parallel and invade China's territory, China will be forced to intervene. At that time, the United States was arrogant and arrogant, and did not take China to heart.

How can a poor country, without advanced weapons and equipment and strong military support, be able to confront a powerful country? Because of this, the United States is sure that China does not dare to send troops to North Korea.

What was Stalin's purpose in the Korean battlefield, changing his mind, digging pits, and laying conspiracies?

At that time, the war between China and the United States was on the verge of breaking out, and after considering all aspects, China still made the decision to send troops to Korea. China secretly formed hundreds of thousands of northeast border defense troops, made three months of preparations, and rushed to the Korean battlefield.

Although MacArthur of the United States received the news of the formation of a border guard in our country, he never paid attention to it. In MacArthur's view, China's participation in the war was the best outcome of the war, so that it could be eliminated.

What was Stalin's purpose in the Korean battlefield, changing his mind, digging pits, and laying conspiracies?

Stalin repented

MacArthur's view that China was not afraid was based on the contrast between China's military power and that of the United States. In the eyes of the United States, although China has a certain foundation for the army, it does not have the support of the navy and air force, and even the weapons and equipment such as tanks, and it is really impossible to oppose the United States.

This statement is not alarmist, there is no air force, no navy, and it is indeed a fatal threat to the Chinese Volunteers. Prior to this, China was hesitant to decide to send troops to North Korea, and had asked the Soviet Union for its opinion. The Soviet Union advocated China's troops, and China also put forward its own concerns and concerns.

Stalin did not feel that the lack of air force and navy would affect the final direction of the war, and he solemnly promised that if China really decided to participate in the Korean War, the Soviet Union would send air support to cover the Chinese Volunteer Army. Stalin's commitment strengthened China's confidence, and because of this, China was determined to participate in the Korean War.

What was Stalin's purpose in the Korean battlefield, changing his mind, digging pits, and laying conspiracies?

When it first entered the Korean battlefield, the situation was very unfavorable to China. At that time, 70,000 U.S. troops had already gained a foothold in Korea, and after the Inchon landing, Uncom troops also occupied the Pyongyang area, and the unification of North and South Korea was just around the corner. As soon as it sets foot on the Korean battlefield, China faces a powerful threat from the West.

Chinese Volunteers thought of Su Dalin's promise of air force assistance and communicated with the Soviet Union. Surprisingly, Stalin, who had vowed to provide air support to China, temporarily changed his mind, claiming that he could provide Air Force supplies to China, but he was silent about sending the Soviet Air Force to cover.

The Soviet Union even pretended to use its humanitarian aid spirit, promising to help China train pilots, which sounds absurd.

What was Stalin's purpose in the Korean battlefield, changing his mind, digging pits, and laying conspiracies?

China does not have a strong air force equipment, and all its troops are fully equipped and ready to send troops at any time, how can it still free up three months? Although Stalin's temporary coup left China in a passive state, the arrow was on the string and had to be sent, and Peng Dehuai led 260,000 Chinese volunteer army to set out on October 19, 1950, to participate in the war to defend the country.

No one expected that the new regime established by this humble developing country would have a powerful army. In a short period of time, China has won three battles, which has seriously dealt a blow to the arrogance of US imperialism. In the ensuing wars, large and small, China went all out and finally reversed the decline of the war.

What was Stalin's purpose in the Korean battlefield, changing his mind, digging pits, and laying conspiracies?

Later in the war, the Soviet Union, which had been watching the war, saw China's victory and participated in the war. The Soviet Union began to send air forces in the rear to protect China's transportation lines, lines of communication, power plants and other important equipment, so that the Chinese Volunteer Army had no worries.

In fact, China very much hoped that the Soviet Air Force would be able to cooperate with the volunteer army, but the Soviet Union never participated in the frontal battlefield.

What was Stalin's purpose in the Korean battlefield, changing his mind, digging pits, and laying conspiracies?

What is puzzling is that Stalin has suddenly changed his mind when he has promised air force assistance to China.

At that time, although the Soviet Union was secretly competing with the United States, it never had a large-scale frontal confrontation.

Many Western countries in the Korean battlefield, including the United States, have already participated in it, first, the Soviet Union does not want to tear its face with many Western countries, and second, the Soviet Union is worried that its participation in the Korean War will become a new world war, so it never mentions the matter of aiding China. Ultimately, the Soviet Union reneged on its promise to China out of its own interests.

What was Stalin's purpose in the Korean battlefield, changing his mind, digging pits, and laying conspiracies?

A conspiracy in the Korean battlefield?

Some have suspected that the Korean War did not break out for no reason, but was a complete conspiracy.

Beginning in June 1950, the Korean War was ostensibly an internal affair of the Korean Peninsula, but in fact its internal relations were complex. During the outbreak of the Korean War, the Soviet Union played a role in fueling the waves.

In fact, as early as 1950, Stalin was very opposed to The Korean Kim Il Sung's use of military means to unify the entire Korean Peninsula. At that time, the relationship between the Soviet Union and the United States was already very delicate, and the Soviet Union did not want to escalate the contradictions between the United States and the Soviet Union to the point of war. World War II had already badly damaged the Soviet Union, and the socialist power needed time to recuperate.

What was Stalin's purpose in the Korean battlefield, changing his mind, digging pits, and laying conspiracies?

Surprisingly, on January 30, 1950, Stalin abruptly changed his attitude toward the Korean War, agreeing to Kim Il Sung's use of force to unify the entire Korean Peninsula.

"Kim Il Sung wants to take such a huge action against the Southern Dynasty, and it needs to be fully prepared. This must be organized without taking too much risk. If he wants to talk to me about this, then I stand ready to meet him and talk to him. Please tell Kim Il Sung about this and tell him that I am ready to help him in this matter. Stalin said to his men.

Stalin stressed in particular that the issues he discussed with Kim Il Sung were top secret and could not be leaked, especially not to our comrades in Korea and China. What exactly did Stalin intend? Why, in just one month, did he change his attitude toward the Korean War and even hide china?

What was Stalin's purpose in the Korean battlefield, changing his mind, digging pits, and laying conspiracies?

People have speculated that perhaps Su Dalin's change in attitude is directly related to a historical event, that is, the recovery of the sovereignty issue in the northeast. On January 26, 1950, China submitted to the Soviet Union a draft agreement on Lushunkou, Dalian Port, and Zhongchang Road, which stipulated that China hoped to regain all sovereignty over the northeast within two years.

What was Stalin's purpose in the Korean battlefield, changing his mind, digging pits, and laying conspiracies?

New China had established an independent regime, and the Soviet Union had no reason to invade and occupy China's territory, which is why on January 28, the Soviet Union issued a statement agreeing to China's demands. Two days later, Su Dalin immediately changed his attitude toward the Korean War, not only agreeing to the use of force by North Korea's Kim Il Sung, but also trying to persuade China to send troops. This series of behaviors makes people think a lot.

If Kim Il Sung had won the Korean War, North Korea would have naturally been grateful to the Soviet Union, and Stalin would have found a new outlet to the sea. If the Korean War had failed and the United States had invaded China, China would have naturally joined the war. At that time, China would naturally ask for the assistance of the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union could legitimately continue to stay in the northeast region and occupy the port of Lushun.

What was Stalin's purpose in the Korean battlefield, changing his mind, digging pits, and laying conspiracies?

Behind the conspiracy

From people's analysis, the Korean War seems to be an elaborate game by Stalin, who lured China into the pit to achieve his own interests. Is this really the case?

What was Stalin's purpose in the Korean battlefield, changing his mind, digging pits, and laying conspiracies?

First, this inferred time node is not correct. At that time, although the United States was already on the Korean Peninsula, the war had not yet begun. That is to say, Stalin's analysis of all the situations is speculation, whether it is the United States to intervene in Korea or the future situation of the Korean War, Stalin has no conclusive evidence.

Stalin was unsure whether a pit of such magnitude had been laid out before the war had even begun, and if he tried to find nothing, it would become a money-losing deal. At that time, the Soviet Union was already facing a situation of serious internal and external troubles, and Stalin did not dare to risk his life.

What was Stalin's purpose in the Korean battlefield, changing his mind, digging pits, and laying conspiracies?

Second, the United States initially sent troops to North Korea only to protect the puppet regime it had fostered on the Korean Peninsula, that is, South Korea. At that time, they did not establish a plan in advance to push the front line to the vicinity of thirty-eight degrees north latitude, and the United Nations army was sure that it would cross the 38th parallel, in fact, after they occupied Seoul.

The president of the United States ordered MacArthur to cross the 38th line on September 29, and it is clear that Stalin did not have the ability to predict the prophet.

What was Stalin's purpose in the Korean battlefield, changing his mind, digging pits, and laying conspiracies?

At the same time, Stalin was simply unsure whether China was actually sending troops. Although Stalin wanted China to join the war, he clearly realized that China today is different from what it used to be. China had sufficient capacity to defend its territorial and sovereign integrity, and Stalin gradually felt that China was breaking away from Soviet rule.

If the Korean War was really a bureau set up by Stalin, if the protagonist of the game did not realize the danger and entered, then the Soviet Union was the biggest winner. If China had realized the danger of not participating in the Korean War, everything would have been a void.

Prior to this, the Soviet Union had provided Kim Il Sung with a lot of material and weapons aid, and if the main target of Stalin's confrontation was China, it was not entirely certain that China would participate, and it might not be too risky.

What was Stalin's purpose in the Korean battlefield, changing his mind, digging pits, and laying conspiracies?

In the end, even if China finally sent troops and stalin dug the pit smoothly, the situation in the Korean War was not clear. When New China was just founded, China signed the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance, and Mutual Assistance with the Soviet Union, and if the United States really entered China's territory, the Soviet Union, as an ally, had to send troops to participate in the war.

In this way, not only did the relations between the Soviet Union and the United States deteriorate rapidly, but also the Soviet Union itself suffered huge losses. From this point of view, the Soviet Union was faced with great risks. Stalin orchestrated a war sweeping across the Korean Peninsula for a mere port, which was too much of a fuss.

What was Stalin's purpose in the Korean battlefield, changing his mind, digging pits, and laying conspiracies?

In the view of some, in the early days of Korea's decision to start a civil war, Stalin also made a wrong prejudgment of the situation of the war. Stalin believed that the United States would not intervene in the Korean civil war, and that Korea would definitely win the war with the help of the Soviet Union, leaving aside factors other than the United States and China.

In fact, if Korea won the war, the Soviet Union could gain enormous benefits from it, which was also what the Soviet Union, which was in urgent need of consolidating the socialist camp, needed it most.

What was Stalin's purpose in the Korean battlefield, changing his mind, digging pits, and laying conspiracies?

People prefer to believe that the Korean War, which broke out under Stalin's great efforts, was actually caused by a wrong war prediction. Nevertheless, it was still impossible to change the losses inflicted on our army by the Temporary Change of Mind of the Soviet Union before China decided to send troops.

Now that decades have passed, the socialist regime in the Soviet Union has collapsed, China is no longer at the mercy of others, and the Korean War has become an eternal glory in the history of our country.

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