
The most popular meal packs in bakeries teach you to make at home, cotton as soft as soft, overnight better squeezed squeeze small meal pack material recipe tips

author:Baking Gang

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="105" > squeeze the small meal packet</h1>

Many friends are always confused about the bread they make, why it becomes hard overnight, and the bread bought by the bakery can be put for a day or two. Additives aside, the main reason is that the production method is different. Compared with the direct method, the medium seed and the liquid seed can play a role in delaying aging, and today is a simple liquid squeeze small meal bag.

Liquid seed, also known as Polish seed, is flour and liquid 1:1, and then add yeast mixed, after degree of fermentation of yeast, the difference with the middle species is higher water content, more suitable for the production of high moisture content bread than the middle seed. In addition to the practice, you have to understand that no matter what the way, the bread will eventually age, so it is important to preserve it correctly. First of all, "sealing" is the premise, on this basis, refrigeration aging is the fastest, room temperature aging is slower, but it is easy to deteriorate, frozen aging is the slowest and not easy to deteriorate, the only trouble is that it needs to be thawed before eating.

The most popular meal packs in bakeries teach you to make at home, cotton as soft as soft, overnight better squeezed squeeze small meal pack material recipe tips

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="103" > material</h1>

#液种 #

Milk 143g / High gluten flour 130g / Dry yeast 1.5g

#主面团 #

Liquid all / high gluten flour 300g / milk powder 20g

Caster sugar 70g / milk 90g / egg mixture 50g

Salt 4 g / high sugar resistant dry yeast 2.5 g

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="100" > approach</h1>

▼ Step 1

The most popular meal packs in bakeries teach you to make at home, cotton as soft as soft, overnight better squeezed squeeze small meal pack material recipe tips

We have to prepare the liquid one day in advance, 143g of milk plus 1.5g of high-sugar resistant dry yeast, and then add 130g of high-gluten flour.

▼ Step 2

The most popular meal packs in bakeries teach you to make at home, cotton as soft as soft, overnight better squeezed squeeze small meal pack material recipe tips

Stir until there is no dry powder, cover with plastic wrap and ferment at room temperature for 2 hours, then send to the refrigerator for refrigeration for fermentation overnight.

▼ Step 3

The most popular meal packs in bakeries teach you to make at home, cotton as soft as soft, overnight better squeezed squeeze small meal pack material recipe tips

The fermented liquid has a pronounced sour and winey taste and is filled with honeycomb-like tissue inside.

▼ Step 4

The most popular meal packs in bakeries teach you to make at home, cotton as soft as soft, overnight better squeezed squeeze small meal pack material recipe tips

Put the liquid into the dough mixing jar and add 300g of high gluten flour, 20g of milk powder, 70g of caster sugar, 90g of milk, 50g of egg mixture, 4g of salt and 2.5g of high-sugar dry yeast.

▼ Step 5

The most popular meal packs in bakeries teach you to make at home, cotton as soft as soft, overnight better squeezed squeeze small meal pack material recipe tips

Cook machine 5 stops stir for 5 minutes, then add 60g of unsalted butter that has been softened in advance and continue stirring in 6 stops for 8 minutes.

▼ Step 6

The most popular meal packs in bakeries teach you to make at home, cotton as soft as soft, overnight better squeezed squeeze small meal pack material recipe tips

Until the transparent and ductile film can be opened.

▼ Step 7

The most popular meal packs in bakeries teach you to make at home, cotton as soft as soft, overnight better squeezed squeeze small meal pack material recipe tips

Roll the dough round and cover with plastic wrap and let it rise at 28 degrees for 45 minutes until the volume is 2 times larger.

▼ Step 8

The most popular meal packs in bakeries teach you to make at home, cotton as soft as soft, overnight better squeezed squeeze small meal pack material recipe tips

Remove the dough and press for exhaust.

▼ Step 9

The most popular meal packs in bakeries teach you to make at home, cotton as soft as soft, overnight better squeezed squeeze small meal pack material recipe tips

Then press 33g one, the average divided into 25 servings.

▼ Step 10

The most popular meal packs in bakeries teach you to make at home, cotton as soft as soft, overnight better squeezed squeeze small meal pack material recipe tips

Flatten the small dough.

▼ Step 11

The most popular meal packs in bakeries teach you to make at home, cotton as soft as soft, overnight better squeezed squeeze small meal pack material recipe tips

Smooth facing outwards, adducted on all sides.

▼ Step 12

The most popular meal packs in bakeries teach you to make at home, cotton as soft as soft, overnight better squeezed squeeze small meal pack material recipe tips

Then buckle on the table top and roll the circle.

▼ Step 13

The most popular meal packs in bakeries teach you to make at home, cotton as soft as soft, overnight better squeezed squeeze small meal pack material recipe tips

Evenly place in 28 square discs.

▼ Step 14

The most popular meal packs in bakeries teach you to make at home, cotton as soft as soft, overnight better squeezed squeeze small meal pack material recipe tips

Cover the plastic wrap at 35 degrees and ferment for 60 minutes until the volume is 1.5 times larger.

▼ Step 15

The most popular meal packs in bakeries teach you to make at home, cotton as soft as soft, overnight better squeezed squeeze small meal pack material recipe tips

Mix the egg mixture 1:1 with water and brush the thin egg liquid on the surface with a wool brush.

▼ Step 16

The most popular meal packs in bakeries teach you to make at home, cotton as soft as soft, overnight better squeezed squeeze small meal pack material recipe tips

Use a rolling pin to dip a little egg mixture, then dip the white sesame seeds and dot on the bread.

▼ Step 17

The most popular meal packs in bakeries teach you to make at home, cotton as soft as soft, overnight better squeezed squeeze small meal pack material recipe tips

Place in the lower and middle layers of the oven preheated at 160 degrees on top and bottom heat, bake for 28 minutes, and color until golden brown. Since everyone's oven is different, the baking temperature time is for reference only, and it needs to be flexibly adjusted according to the temper of your oven.

▼ Step 18

The most popular meal packs in bakeries teach you to make at home, cotton as soft as soft, overnight better squeezed squeeze small meal pack material recipe tips

After the blast mold is released as soon as possible to avoid moisture at the bottom.

▼Finished product

The most popular meal packs in bakeries teach you to make at home, cotton as soft as soft, overnight better squeezed squeeze small meal pack material recipe tips

This soft brushed squeeze bag is sealed and preserved, even if it tastes the same overnight!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="83" > tips</h1>

1, the liquid species looks very similar to the middle species, huh?

The liquid seed has similarities with the middle seed, the difference is that the liquid seed has a greater water content, and the main role of the liquid seed is to promote the film, increase the flavor, and delay aging.

2. What should I do if the dough is hot when I beat the dough?

In summer, the dough must be kneaded to control the temperature of the noodles not to exceed 28 degrees, otherwise it will destroy the formation of gluten. We can cool down by turning on the air conditioner, tying ice packs, freezing the churning vat in advance and using ice water and ice milk.

3, requiring 28 degrees or 35 degrees of fermentation, but I do not have a fermentation box how to do?

The fermentation time is not set in stone, but varies according to the actual fermentation temperature, depending on the dough state.

4. Can I put filling in the small meal bag?

According to your own needs, add fillings to small meal bags, such as honey beans, meat floss, bean paste, etc. If there is no 28*28 square disc, you do not have to stick to the rules, you can flexibly shape and plate.

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