
To help more young people innovate and start a business, the first batch of 7 entrepreneurial mentors of Zhihui Liangjiang Innovation Center were awarded the license

To help more young people innovate and start a business, the first batch of 7 entrepreneurial mentors of Zhihui Liangjiang Innovation Center were awarded the license

On December 17th, the "Collaborative Innovation, Empowering the Future" 2021 Zhihui Liangjiang Artificial Intelligence Youth Innovation Forum was successfully held in Zhihui Liangjiang Innovation Center.

More than 200 innovative representatives from young scientists, young entrepreneurs, returnees and other artificial fields from scientific research institutes attended the meeting.

The event was co-sponsored by 36Kr Group, Liangjiang New Area Science and Technology Innovation Bureau, Chongqing Yugao Emerging Technology Development Co., Ltd., and Kr Space (Chongqing) Innovation Center.

Experts and representatives attending the meeting gathered together to explore the future role of innovation elements such as science and technology, youth and industry in the economic development of the twin cities, look for more innovation opportunities, and help build Chongqing National Science and Technology Innovation Center.

Du Xinfeng, director of the Achievement Transformation Division of the Science and Technology Communication Center of the China Association for Science and Technology, said that he hopes to join hands with Liangjiang New Area to take the innovative development of the artificial intelligence industry as the guide, increase cooperation in the cultivation of young talents, decision-making consultation, collaborative innovation, exchange and cooperation and venture capital incubation, focus on building a smart city in Chongqing, and strive to build a national digital economy and a new generation of artificial intelligence innovation and development experimental area and core area, and continuously strengthen and expand the digital economy industry.

At this forum, Zhihui Liangjiang Innovation Center officially signed the first batch of entrepreneurial mentors and awarded licenses, including Chen Wei, co-founder of Yucun Technology, Chen Bokun, executive director of 36Kr Fund, Liu Yufei, professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Optoelectronic Engineering of Chongqing University, Dai Qingwei, vice dean and professor of the School of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering of Chongqing University of Science and Technology, Gao Feng, an artificial intelligence expert, Zhang Hao, managing director of Xinghan Capital, and Wang Jianfei, general manager of Beihang Investment.

The award of entrepreneurial mentor marks the gradual improvement of the entrepreneurial mentor system of Zhihui Liangjiang Innovation Center, and the center and the mentor will work together to help the development of enterprises, deepen the docking guidance of entrepreneurial mentors and parks and entrepreneurial enterprises, solve problems for young entrepreneurs, and further enhance the service capabilities of the base.

In order to give full play to the advantages of innovation resources in Liangjiang New Area, use digitalization to help investment decision-making and industrial innovation, and then promote the high-quality development of Chongqing.

At the event site, Dong Bo, senior vice president of 36Kr Group and CEO of Krypton Star Creative Service, also announced that the Zhihui Liangjiang Data Screen was officially launched, which updated the investment and financing information of Liangjiang New Area in real time, the GDP comparison of the national new area, the industrial map of Liangjiang, innovative resources, etc. The launch of the data screen marks a new exploration of the innovative development of the digital economy in Liangjiang New Area.

To help more young people innovate and start a business, the first batch of 7 entrepreneurial mentors of Zhihui Liangjiang Innovation Center were awarded the license

Dong Bo, senior vice president of 36Kr Group and CEO of Krypton Star Creative Service, said that Liangjiang New Area has very good resources and advantages from the innovation atmosphere to the development and opportunities of cutting-edge industries, and hopes to form a normalized series of youth innovation forums, link more young entrepreneurs, scientists, and returnees to form an interactive exchange of youth innovation.

In the future, Zhihui Liangjiang Innovation Center will continue to focus on the development of scientific and technological innovation talents in Chongqing and make more innovative explorations.

Upstream journalist Xu Ju

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