
From 4 p.m. to 4 p.m. today, Yong Shaohang reported 39 new confirmed cases

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly news reporter Xie Chunhui Sheng Rui Zhang Ran Huang Weifen

Today (December 18) at 5:00 p.m., the 92nd press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Zhejiang Province was held.

Present at the press conference and answering reporters' questions were Sun Liming, deputy director of the Provincial Health Commission, Lu Yongfu, deputy director of the Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, Zhu Runye, deputy secretary general of the Shaoxing Municipal Government and second-level inspector, and Wang Hongda, secretary of the party committee and director of the Shaoxing Municipal Health Commission. The press conference was presided over by Li Gao, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee and director of the Information Office of the Provincial Government.

From 4 p.m. to 4 p.m. today, Yong Shaohang reported 39 new confirmed cases

At the press conference, it was mentioned that --

From 4:00 p.m. on December 17 to 4:00 p.m. today, 39 new confirmed cases were reported in Ningbo, Shaoxing and Hangzhou (including 6 cases in Ningbo, 29 cases in Shaoxing, and 4 cases in Hangzhou), including 1 case converted from an asymptomatic infected person to a confirmed case (in Shaoxing). No new asymptomatic infections were reported.

Since December 5, as of 4 p.m. today, a total of 460 confirmed cases and 1 asymptomatic infected person have been reported in the three places of our province. Among them, Ningbo has reported a cumulative total of 74 confirmed cases; Shaoxing has reported a cumulative report of 358 confirmed cases and 1 case of asymptomatic infection; and Hangzhou has reported a cumulative report of 28 confirmed cases.

The province has cumulatively checked 25,823 close contacts and 37,987 sub-close contacts, all of which have implemented control measures.

The three places have carried out a total of 15.5321 million nucleic acid collection tests, and 14.9805 million copies have been produced, except for the above-mentioned infected people, all of which are negative.

The province has been included in the isolation and control 713971, of which 70,158 are in centralized isolation, 45,576 are under home health observation, and 598237 are under daily health monitoring.

Grassroots medical and health institutions are an important threshold for strict epidemic monitoring and improvement of emergency response capabilities, and are also an important force to achieve the goals of "no spillover", "total reduction" and "early clearance" of the epidemic. Recently, our province issued a notice on further implementing the epidemic prevention and control work of grass-roots medical and health institutions, and put forward specific requirements. In accordance with the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council and the decision-making and deployment of the provincial party committee and provincial government, grass-roots medical and health institutions and front-line medical personnel in all localities should adhere to efficient coordination, implementation of responsibilities, and go to the end, while providing medical services to the broad masses in the vicinity, strictly and tightly implement various prevention and control measures, and weave a tight grass-roots prevention and control network.

The first is to implement the management requirements of pre-examination triage, select experienced medical personnel to engage in pre-examination triage, strictly "two codes" inspection, and accurately triage. Implement closed-loop management of patients with "ten symptoms" such as fever, and for patients with epidemiological history who have "ten symptoms", they should be immediately reported to the local prevention and control office, and transferred to the fever clinic of designated hospitals in a closed loop. Medical institutions that do not have fever clinics (outpatient clinics) should strengthen guidance to ensure that all patients with "ten symptoms" go to the fever clinic (outpatient clinic).

The second is to strictly enforce the work process of the fever clinic (outpatient), standardize the epidemiological history consultation, relevant information registration, nucleic acid detection specimen collection, isolation and observation, etc., the first doctor should do a good job of test result notification and home health follow-up, and strictly implement the closed-loop management of patients with fever and so on.

The third is to strengthen the prevention and control measures of hospital infection, strengthen the closed-loop management of personnel, environment and processes of grass-roots institutions, and strictly prevent cross-infection in hospitals. All personnel involved in nucleic acid sampling should strictly do pre-job training and personal protection to prevent occupational exposure. Focus on strengthening infection prevention and control for staff at centralized isolation points.

The fourth is to increase the health monitoring of staff, during the epidemic period, the staff of grass-roots medical and health institutions in various places, including medical personnel, administrative management, logistics support, third-party companies, etc., the frequency of nucleic acid testing is uniformly adjusted to once every 2 days. Areas where the epidemic occurs should appropriately increase the frequency of nucleic acid testing for key personnel, and expand the scope and coverage of epidemic surveillance.

The fifth is to strengthen the guarantee of nucleic acid testing at the grass-roots level, coordinate the implementation of the nucleic acid sampling specimens of grass-roots institutions for inspection, take the county as the unit, designate special vehicles, determine the frequency and time of specimen collection, and ensure the standardized and effective operation of the grass-roots fever clinic (outpatient). In principle, the collection and testing of hospitals led by the Medical Community (MEDICAL FEDERATION) is carried out uniformly.

The sixth is to actively carry out health education work, guide the masses to be the first responsible person for their own health, do not believe in rumors, do not spread rumors, enhance risk awareness, consciously abide by prevention and control measures such as wearing masks, washing hands frequently, gathering less, and 1 meter line, pay more attention to their mental health during the epidemic period, grasp the dynamics of the epidemic, reasonably arrange travel, and take practical actions to strengthen the group prevention and control defense line in our province.

According to the release of the Provincial Meteorological Observatory, our province has entered the period when the impact of cold air is the strongest. All localities and units should do a good job in epidemic prevention and daily necessities, especially the frontline anti-epidemic workers at the grass-roots level should pay attention to keeping warm and resting reasonably, constantly enhance their will to fight, and work together with the broad masses to win victory at an early date.

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