
A person's circle of friends is often a true reflection of his character

Text/Ye Feifei yff

Figure/Originated from the network

I am Ye Feifei yff, a non-famous emotional teacher, writing emotional texts that take the heart, hoping to use warm words to bring you some spiritual comfort.

In today's life, everyone is indispensable to send a circle of friends, and it has become a witness to record our good times.

However, some men and women send circles of friends, but they have changed their taste, giving people a very bad feeling, and even seeing it is very disgusting.

Why is that? It is nothing more than that these people do not know how to exercise restraint and always like to show off in front of others in order to gain the recognition and praise of others.

They often send some circle of friends that shows their lives, or instills some negative energy things, which not only violates the purity of the circle of friends, but also has a certain impact on others.

Such people like to create their own personality, take showing off as a daily routine, and impose personal particularly subjective things on others, so that the circle of friends instantly loses its original taste.

Although the circle of friends is a private platform, both men and women have the right to express their opinions.

However, if the content of your circle of friends becomes unpopular and loses the right direction, it will eventually not only be difficult to get the approval of others, but also may become the object of disgust in the eyes of others.

Therefore, a person's circle of friends is often a true reflection of the character. Men and women who often send circles of friends in this way are mostly of bad character and do not recommend deep intercourse.

A person's circle of friends is often a true reflection of his character

First, often complain about life, do not pay attention to the impact

Generally speaking, people who often complain about life in the circle of friends and do not pay attention to the impact are mostly people with negative energy.

Such people, both men and women, do not necessarily have good character. They themselves are not doing well, so they convey their negative emotions to others without the slightest scruples.

You know, no one wants to read the content of these complaints, and they don't want to be influenced by you. If you post this kind of content frequently, you may also be blocked by others.

People who like to send this kind of circle of friends often have a bad mentality and do not face the ups and downs of life with the right attitude.

They always make some grumbling words, and they also comment on other people's lives, and when others see it, they will mostly resent it.

Therefore, regardless of men and women, try not to send this circle of friends that complains about life, maintain a positive attitude, and send some sunshine content in order to get the favor of others.

A person's circle of friends is often a true reflection of his character

Now life, no one is easy, the pressure to make money, the pressure of work, and the pressure to deal with various interpersonal relationships, etc., all make us very tired.

At this time, most people hope to borrow the circle of friends to alleviate it, and need to watch some pleasant content to make life a little quieter.

However, often when we open the circle of friends, we find that a lot of complaining about the content of life, full of negative energy, will inevitably make the mood fall to the bottom in an instant.

Life is not easy, who wants to read this kind of content, if it is affected by these things, it is really not worth it.

This is also why many people don't like to look at the circle of friends, and also delete a lot of people who send circles of friends in this way, because no one wants to be negatively affected.

Therefore, those men and women who like to complain about the circle of friends of life, it is best not to send it again, let life be sunny, and maybe they can perceive the beauty of life.

A person's circle of friends is often a true reflection of his character

Second, often show off themselves, making people disgusted

In life, some people always like to show off themselves, afraid that others will not know that he has money, especially disguised.

Most of these people are very frivolous, and their character is not much better. They like to compare, and they are jealous when they see people who are better off than themselves, and they despise people who are worse than themselves.

They always love to show off themselves, and the content of the circle of friends is all carefully built high-quality life to prove that they are very happy.

They like to dry hotels, money, gifts, garages, all kinds of substances, whenever they see their circle of friends, there is a feeling of frivolity and contrivance.

Such a person has never checked himself, always uses his own appearance to prove that he is better than others, and usually looks down on others, and basically will be disliked by others.

The more a person lacks something, the easier it is to show off something, and people who like to send this circle of friends are mostly hypocritical and not worthy of deep friendship.

A person's circle of friends is often a true reflection of his character

I remember that there was a female colleague Xiaoting before, she was just an ordinary clerk, and her monthly salary was only a little more than four thousand.

However, she especially likes to show off, and the circle of friends is full of clothes, bags and exquisite life.

When you go out to eat, you will deliberately locate next to the hotel and send a circle of friends to show it. Then she went to a small restaurant nearby for fast food.

Going out shopping, she will also position herself in famous shopping malls to send circles of friends, but she will not buy things in high-end stores, but go to the stalls to choose.

If she travels, she will take a lot of photos, all carefully retouched before sending them out, hoping to get the envy and praise of others.

The most incredible thing is that she likes to take photos in front of various famous cars, often shows her life in the circle of friends, and if people who don't know her, they think that she has a lot of famous cars.

In fact, people like her, in reality, there are many, their circle of friends is all showing off, almost no connotation.

The more a person likes to compare, the more he likes to show off, the more it proves that his heart is very empty and his life is not satisfactory. This kind of person lives too hypocritically, and it is really not recommended to make deep friends.

A person's circle of friends is often a true reflection of his character

Third, often send product information, especially utilitarian

There are also people who like to send some product information in the circle of friends, with a strong purpose, which is particularly utilitarian.

They go out of their way to post this kind of content, and even send many messages every day, full of their propaganda, which is particularly disgusting.

Such people, especially utilitarian, always want others to pay the bill, and constantly persuade others, without paying the slightest attention to the influence between each other.

Therefore, such people are usually selfish, do not think about others, and only think about their own interests.

Just imagine, when we open the circle of friends, the screen is full of this useless information, which must have caused us a lot of interference.

Often trying to find a useful piece of information, it takes a long time, time and effort, which is the result of being influenced by those who send useless information.

A person's circle of friends is often a true reflection of his character

Some people say: The current circle of friends has really changed its flavor.

Indeed, the circle of friends is no longer the original appearance, there is no pure and simple at the beginning, and there is no pure friendship at the beginning.

We miss the past, that is, the innocent friendships and simple interpersonal relationships of the past.

Unfortunately, the current circle of friends can no longer go back to the past, which is full of calculations and has become more and more complicated.

Why do many people now choose not to look at the circle of friends and not to send the circle of friends? It is nothing more than disappointment in the heart, and is very disgusted with those who have bad character.

However, hindered by the dignity of adults, it is not easy to say directly, nor is it easy to delete, and it can only be shielded to maintain the purity of the soul.

Therefore, if you don't want to be too affected, it is recommended not to have a deep friendship with such a calculating person.

A person's circle of friends is often a true reflection of his character

Ye Feifei yff emotional message:

A person's circle of friends is often a true reflection of the character, and whether the other party can make deep friends is clear to see the circle of friends.

To sum up, men and women who often send circles of friends like this should not have deep friendships, most of them have bad character and are not worth consuming their enthusiasm.

They often complain about life, often show off themselves, often send product information, both act selfish, but also appear particularly utilitarian, it is better to stay away as soon as possible.

Although the circle of friends is a public space, everyone has the right to express themselves freely, but once everything becomes tainted, it loses its original meaning.

Therefore, away from this kind of person with bad character, more people with positive emotional intelligence, life will be more beautiful and happy.


Author: Ye Feifei yff, focus on the field of emotion creation and sharing, with emotions to communicate with you and my heart, but I hope you and I know each other here, like please pay attention to me.

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