
The main brigade of the Eighth Route Army, the brigade commander is a general, the deputy brigade commander is also a general, but the chief of staff has no rank

At the beginning of the establishment of the Eighth Route Army, there were 6 main brigades, in addition to Chen Geng's 386th Brigade is very famous, the 34th And 4th Brigade under the 115th Division is also very famous, the brigade commander is Xu Haidong, the deputy brigade commander is Huang Kecheng, and the chief of staff is Chen Manyuan.

The main brigade of the Eighth Route Army, the brigade commander is a general, the deputy brigade commander is also a general, but the chief of staff has no rank

Xu Haidong's qualifications were among the best among the founding generals, and he was also a corps commander during the Red Army period, and he was good at treating diseases and was good at business; therefore, during the war, his troops were very rich, which can be said to be very special in other Red Army ranks.

The main brigade of the Eighth Route Army, the brigade commander is a general, the deputy brigade commander is also a general, but the chief of staff has no rank

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Xu Haidong became the brigade commander of the main brigade, followed the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army around the War of Resistance, and made many military achievements, but due to physical reasons, Xu Haidong had to resign and live idly in Yan'an to recuperate, and after recovering from illness, he entered the Marxist-Leninist Academy to study, until he returned to the army a year later, but not long after the recurrence of the old disease, he has been treating and recuperating since then, and has lacked several years of anti-Japanese war

The main brigade of the Eighth Route Army, the brigade commander is a general, the deputy brigade commander is also a general, but the chief of staff has no rank

However, in 1955, Xu Haidong was still awarded the rank of general, you know, the lack of the Anti-Japanese War to be awarded the rank of general is very low, let alone the rank of general, Xu Haidong believes that he should not be awarded such a rank, but the supreme chief believes that Xu Haidong's award of the rank of general is well deserved, because Xu Haidong has made very outstanding contributions to the revolution in the Red Army period.

The main brigade of the Eighth Route Army, the brigade commander is a general, the deputy brigade commander is also a general, but the chief of staff has no rank

During the period of the Red Army, Deputy Brigade Commander Huang Kecheng made many military achievements, and he resolutely carried out the right and resolute implementation, and he resolutely said no, which was wrong, experienced several ups and downs, served as deputy brigade commander during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, made indelible contributions to the anti-Japanese base areas, and served as chief of the general staff after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The main brigade of the Eighth Route Army, the brigade commander is a general, the deputy brigade commander is also a general, but the chief of staff has no rank

Chief of Staff Chen Manyuan is an old revolutionary, the Red Army period was the division political commissar, during the War of Resistance Against Japan was the brigade chief of staff, and then the corps chief of staff and deputy commander, according to seniority, Chen Manyuan was awarded the rank of lieutenant general or even admiral, but before the founding of the country, he transferred to the local government, so there was no title, after the founding of the country, he served as the principal and vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Reclamation and many other important positions.

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