
Lao Bo and Du Yuesheng did not know each other, so why did they help him sweep the grave for three years? In fact, the reason is very simple

Du Yuesheng is more able to control the overall situation than Jin Rong, in the Green Gang tycoon, Du Yuesheng has a good overall planning ability, so when Du Yuesheng becomes the boss of the Green Gang, it is also the most prosperous time for the Green Gang. Du Yuesheng and Jin Jinrong's origins are somewhat similar, both are from the bottom, he was born in the Pudong area, and later because his family was relatively poor, the young Du Yuesheng planned to come to Shanghai to make a living. When he first came to Shanghai, he was 14 years old, and because he was relatively young and very thin, he could not do physical work at all, so he went to a fruit shop as a guy.

Lao Bo and Du Yuesheng did not know each other, so why did they help him sweep the grave for three years? In fact, the reason is very simple

When Du Yuesheng was a buddy, the boss was a very good person and took good care of Du Yuesheng. However, Du Yuesheng was not willing to be a buddy and wanted to do it alone, and the boss agreed. At this time, Du Yuesheng asked the boss for a thing, and the boss thought that Du Yuesheng wanted to ask him to borrow money, but Du Yuesheng did not ask the boss for money, and wanted the boss to sell him rotten pears and rotten apples that could not be sold. The boss was worried that he couldn't dispose of these rotten fruits, so he readily agreed. The owner is curious, these rotten fruits are also bought? It turned out that Du Yuesheng had come up with a way to cut off the rotten parts of the rotten fruit, and then cut the good parts into pieces, insert bamboo sticks on them, and soak them in sugar water to sell.

Lao Bo and Du Yuesheng did not know each other, so why did they help him sweep the grave for three years? In fact, the reason is very simple

As everyone knows, there are still many people who come to buy, Du Yuesheng is good at cutting pears, the technique is very skilled, and there are many people who watch him cut pears at a time, so his pears are sold out quickly, and they are more expensive than fresh pears. With this craft, Du Yuesheng was able to support himself in Shanghai. At that time, Shanghai was full of such gangs, and Du Yuesheng knew that if he wanted to gain a foothold in Shanghai, he must find a patron. Later, after being introduced, Du Yuesheng went to Jin Rong's mansion to be the next person, so Du Yuesheng and Jin Rong had a connection. There were more disciples under Golden Rong's hands, and Du Yuesheng knew that as long as He served Golden Rong well, he would have a good future in the future. So Du Yuesheng worshiped Jin Rong as a teacher and became a disciple of Jin Rong, and Jin Rong did not pay attention to this thin boy at all, anyway, he had many disciples and did not care about this one.

Lao Bo and Du Yuesheng did not know each other, so why did they help him sweep the grave for three years? In fact, the reason is very simple

Du Yuesheng worked very hard in the Huang Mansion, but he felt that there was no way out after he became the next person, and he must let Jin Jinrong use himself. Jin Rong was very afraid of his wife Lin Guisheng, and Du Yuesheng knew that as long as he left a good impression in front of Jin Rong's wife, he would have a chance. So Du Yuesheng in front of Lin Guisheng showed a lot of hard work, and the work was more careful, Lin Guisheng saw that Du Yuesheng was indeed different, so he was ready to test Du Yuesheng, give him a sum of money, see how he spend, Du Yuesheng has money, first of all, the previous debts are repaid, and then the previous friends are invited to dinner. After the master and mother read it, they felt that this person was trustworthy, and did not forget Ben, and was a usable person.

Lao Bo and Du Yuesheng did not know each other, so why did they help him sweep the grave for three years? In fact, the reason is very simple

Later, Jin Rong was arrested, and Du Yuesheng tried his best to rescue Jin Rong, and for a time he accumulated a lot of fame in Shanghai Beach. Later, Jin Jinrong knew that Du Yuesheng was extraordinary, and they opened an opium company together with Zhang Xiaolin. However, Du Yuesheng was different from the other two, he did not enjoy it after making money, but to help others. In Du Yuesheng's eyes, money should be spent so that there is friendship, and he was also a low-level person before, so he was willing to help when he saw the poor. Therefore, in Shanghai Beach, Du Yuesheng's fame soon surpassed that of Master Jin Rong.

Lao Bo and Du Yuesheng did not know each other, so why did they help him sweep the grave for three years? In fact, the reason is very simple

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, many rich local merchants left Shanghai, and only Du Yuesheng stayed in Shanghai and made a lot of contributions to the War of Resistance. Du Yuesheng contacted the Kuomintang in songhu to resist the war, saying that as long as he could help, he had made a lot of efforts for the war of resistance, and it could be said that he had scattered his family wealth. At that time, in order to mobilize the people to actively resist Japan, Du Yuesheng called on his disciples, many of his disciples at that time were students of Shanghai workers, these people actively went to the battlefield, the morale of the anti-war troops increased greatly, and Du Yuesheng organized a non-governmental anti-war team of more than 10,000 people. These people took to the streets to actively resist japan and made great contributions in the War of Resistance.

Lao Bo and Du Yuesheng did not know each other, so why did they help him sweep the grave for three years? In fact, the reason is very simple

Later, Du Yuesheng went to Hong Kong, and in his later years, Du Yuesheng's life was relatively miserable, and he did not have any money in his hands, and his family had to go out to work. Du Yuesheng has severe asthma, especially in his later years, an asthma attack can not be controlled at all, breathing is very difficult, often get up at night, and do not rest well at all. Later, Du Yuesheng died, the funeral was very short of money, when he died, he only had sixty thousand US dollars in hand, which was very little for such a big person. Secondly, Du Yuesheng scattered most of the money he earned, so his reputation in the jianghu is very good, he is very righteous, as long as his friend is in trouble, find Du Yuesheng, he is obligated. Secondly, Du Yuesheng has a sense of family and country, and actively stands up to make his own contributions to the country and the people when the country encounters danger. In short, the treatment of Du Yuesheng needs a dialectical view, only in this way can we fully understand Du Yuesheng, after Du Yuesheng's death, there is a person who sees that Du Yuesheng's grave is full of weeds, he admires Du Yuesheng's personality, so he is willing to go to the tomb, a sweep is three years, he is Li Kaiming.

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