
What to do if a child chokes on a cough

Choking cough refers to the cough caused by aspiration, such as gas, water, or food inhaled into the airway. The respiratory tract cannot tolerate foreign bodies, as long as there are some foreign bodies, it will cause the body's cough reflex. Coughing is often caused by aspiration, such as aspiration, choking, or aspiration of gastroesophageal reflux, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, and vocal cords. If the foreign body is inhaled into the lungs after coughing, it can cause inhalation bronchitis or aspiration pneumonia, or even inhalation atelectasis, and the symptoms may be relieved when the foreign body is removed, and secondary infections require anti-infective treatment.

What to do if a child chokes on a cough

And choking coughing in children is more dangerous than adults! The most common is to drink milk or drink water to encounter cough, because the baby's trachea encounters external stimuli will make a conditioned reflex, foreign body if it has not been taken out, then, the child will always cough, so many times choking cough must be separated from ordinary cough, choking cough is generally very intense, there will be redness, breathing, and even breath holding, so it is very dangerous.

What to do if a child chokes on a cough

What to do if a child chokes on a cough

First of all, to confirm and judge whether the foreign body has entered the trachea, observe the child's condition, if the cough is good for a while, then there is generally no need to worry. However, if the child continues to have a strong choking cough, and the face is red, breathing is not smooth, the appetite is poor, and the cough is repeated, then it is necessary to consider that the trachea has entered a foreign body, and should go to the hospital for examination and treatment in time.

If the situation is critical, parents should deal with it in time, put the child's head down on their knees, drag the child's chest with their hands, pat the child's back hard, help the child cough out the foreign body, and there is a method of vomiting, put the finger into the child's mouth, but can not be fatally buckled, stimulate the child's tongue root, help the child spit out the foreign body.

What to do if a child chokes on a cough

If you don't understand the parents, try to calm the child down, and then send the child to the nearest hospital as soon as possible, and let the doctor of the department of otolaryngology help the child take out the foreign body.

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