
Zheng Yuanjie: The 36-year-old "Fairy Tale King" was discontinued! Only because writers want to defend their rights

"Fairy Tale King", which accompanied generations of childhood, is about to stop publishing!

On December 15, writer @Zheng Yuanjie

The news was officially announced via Weibo


The suspension of publication is not zheng yuanjie's thoughts

Instead, at the age of 66, he wants to go all out for his rights defense

Zheng Yuanjie: The 36-year-old "Fairy Tale King" was discontinued! Only because writers want to defend their rights

Zheng Yuanjie shouted many times

We will devote all our energy to defending our rights

In fact, this news was clearly disclosed as early as November 15, Zheng Yuanjie's "A Letter from Zheng Yuanjie to Three Trademarks" published on Weibo.

"I have decided to stop writing the monthly fairy tale king from January 2022 and devote all my energy to defending your rights. Your unrepentant infringement led to the closure of the monthly magazine "Fairy Tale King" in January 2022, which has been published for 36 years since its inception in 1985 and has affected millions of readers with a total circulation of more than 200 million copies. Zheng Yuanjie shouted in the letter about trademark infringement.

This suspension of publication, hidden in the Weibo rights protection letter, did not attract particularly much attention from netizens at that time.

It wasn't until the official release of the December issue of "Fairy Tale King" that fans really felt that "childhood memories of generations" really wanted to say goodbye to us!

Zheng Yuanjie: The 36-year-old "Fairy Tale King" was discontinued! Only because writers want to defend their rights

"A Letter Written by Zheng Yuanjie with Tears" published on the cover of the December issue of "Fairy Tale King" is the same letter written by Zheng Yuanjie to the "three trademarks" on Weibo.

"I alone have written "Fairy Tale King" magazine for 36 years, published 495 issues, with a total print run of more than 200 million copies... "Fairy Tale King" magazine has grown up with five generations of Chinese readers after 70, 80, 90, 00 and 10. Millions of readers met me through the monthly fairy tale king, they wrote to me, and they became friends with me. For 36 years, I got up at 4:30 a.m. every day to write the monthly magazine "Fairy Tale King", without a single day interruption. In the past, I thought nothing would stop me from writing the monthly fairy tale king, but I was wrong. Your three trademarks prevented me from writing the monthly Fairy Tale King, and you did. It can be seen that the protection of intellectual property rights plays a crucial role in building a cultural power. ”

Zheng Yuanjie: The 36-year-old "Fairy Tale King" was discontinued! Only because writers want to defend their rights

"I want to say sorry to the millions of readers and friends who have supported the monthly magazine "Fairy Tale King" for 36 years, sorry that I have limited energy at the age of 66, and I can only devote all my energy to fighting with the 7197328 Pipilu trademark, the 8229932 Fairy Tale King trademark, and the 5423972 Shuk trademark by stopping writing the monthly "Fairy Tale King" monthly magazine. I also want readers to cheer me on. The way to refuel is that everyone respects intellectual property rights, advocates originality, despises plagiarism, and stays away from businesses and goods that illegally profit through unfair competition... Finally, I would like to give you three trademarks a word: Do not do to others what you do not want. ”

Zheng Yuanjie: The 36-year-old "Fairy Tale King" was discontinued! Only because writers want to defend their rights

Which three trademarks? Pippiru sells pork skin, Shuk sells underwear, fairy tale kings sell children's clothes...

In a Letter, Zheng Yuanjie specified three infringing trademarks in detail.

1. The No. 7197328 Pipilu trademark was registered in bad faith by Zou Mouhong, a natural person in Chengdu, in 2010, and was used by Chengdu Huicheng Food Co., Ltd. to sell Pipilu brand pork skin meat.

Zheng Yuanjie: The 36-year-old "Fairy Tale King" was discontinued! Only because writers want to defend their rights

2. In 2011, Guo Mouqiang, a natural person in Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province, maliciously registered the No. 8229932 Fairy Tale King Trademark.

Zheng Yuanjie: The 36-year-old "Fairy Tale King" was discontinued! Only because writers want to defend their rights

3. In 2009, Jiangsu Shuke Garment Co., Ltd. (legal representative Yang Mouchun) maliciously registered the No. 5423972 Shuke trademark without authorization, and used the trademark to sell underwear. The company fearlessly and unscrupulously declared on the company's official website that "Shuk" is Zheng Yuanjie's original little mouse Shuk.

Zheng Yuanjie: The 36-year-old "Fairy Tale King" was discontinued! Only because writers want to defend their rights

Zheng Yuanjie said in the letter: "You three trademarks combined, I have used 32 years to defend my rights and have not yet succeeded. Behind you, there are 672 infringing trademarks waiting for me to defend my rights. I can only suspend the writing of the monthly magazine "Fairy Tale King" from January 2022 and devote all my energy to defending the rights of the three of you infringing trademarks until all 672 infringing trademarks are successfully defended. ”

In this letter, Zheng Yuanjie also mentioned that the name of the lawyer hired by the magazine was published on the copyright page of the inaugural issue of Fairy Tale King, which was launched in May 1985. Almost every issue of Fairy Tale King magazine has a lawyer's statement of rights protection. When he named Pipilu, Rusisi, Shukbeta, and Roque the Great Bad Wolf from 1981 onwards, he deliberately did not use common Chinese words as the names of original literary characters, such as "Shuk" and not "Comfort". Since 1993, 280 trademarks have been registered for well-known original characters such as Pipilu. "My awareness of intellectual property protection is not strong, but I still can't hide from coveting and crazy plagiarism and infringement."

In fact, Zheng Yuanjie has said many times before that the trademark bad faith squatting has greatly affected his writing. In recent years, Zheng Yuanjie has either been in the process of safeguarding rights or on the way to defending rights. He revealed that the most difficult thing about trademark protection is that it takes money and time. "It costs about 90,000 yuan for me to successfully defend a trademark. Among my 672 infringing trademark rights protection, the shortest 6 years of successful protection and the longest is 14 years. Therefore, there is no hope for trademark protection now. ”

In order to fight trademark infringement, Zheng Yuanjie made a decision two years ago that the latest work she wrote would not be published unless the trademark infringement stopped at any time. As a result, there are still new registered trademarks that are still infringing. He writes every morning, and there is already a backlog of five million words on his computer, but the infringement prevents his new work from being published. That's why he made this decision, not hesitating to "cut off his own arm": "I want to use the suspension of "Fairy Tale King" to awaken everyone's attention to the protection of intellectual property rights in the field of trademarks, so that if it is not used, then I may only be able to stop publishing all my books in the future." ”

66-year-old "Fairy Tale King"

One man insisted on writing "Fairy Tale King" for 36 years

In China's children's publishing market, "The Fairy Tale King" itself is a "fairy tale" that is difficult to reproduce - it was founded in 1985 and has published 495 issues so far, with a total print run of more than 200 million copies, setting a world record. And each story is written independently by Zheng Yuanjie.

In 1985, the inaugural issue of "Fairy Tale King" was also auctioned for 100,000 yuan.

Zheng Yuanjie: The 36-year-old "Fairy Tale King" was discontinued! Only because writers want to defend their rights

For the post-70s, post-80s, and post-90s generations, every character in "Fairy Tale King", Pipilu, Rusisi, Shuk, Beta..... They are all the most familiar fairy tale images in childhood.

Zheng Yuanjie: The 36-year-old "Fairy Tale King" was discontinued! Only because writers want to defend their rights

In 2011, the United Nations selected the world's top ten books, and "Pippiru" and "Harry Potter" created by Zheng Yuanjie tied for fourth place.

Zheng Yuanjie: The 36-year-old "Fairy Tale King" was discontinued! Only because writers want to defend their rights

Born in 1955 in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, Zheng Yuanjie served in the military, repaired airplanes, and worked as a worker. He began his literary career in 1977 and has been working tirelessly for more than 40 years. His works have been loved by generations of readers, and Zheng Yuanjie was once the writer with the highest royalty income in China, and can be called the "fairy tale king".

Zheng Yuanjie: The 36-year-old "Fairy Tale King" was discontinued! Only because writers want to defend their rights

Zheng Yuanjie did not shy away from it, and dropped out of school in the fourth grade of primary school. It is worth mentioning that in the summer of the second year of the "Fairy Tale King", he was ridiculed by a university professor because of his low level of education: "Some of us here do not know the sky is high, and actually want to write a monthly magazine alone, if he can write for two years, I will write the name backwards." 」 ”

Zheng Yuanjie turned the anger he held back into the courage to create, hid at home, immersed in writing, and by the third year, the monthly print volume of "Fairy Tale King" exceeded 1 million copies.

To this day, the 66-year-old Zheng Yuanjie still maintains a spirit of not accepting defeat, whether in literary creation or rights protection.

Readers lament: the memories of generations

Zheng Yuanjie: The 36-year-old "Fairy Tale King" was discontinued! Only because writers want to defend their rights
Zheng Yuanjie: The 36-year-old "Fairy Tale King" was discontinued! Only because writers want to defend their rights
Zheng Yuanjie: The 36-year-old "Fairy Tale King" was discontinued! Only because writers want to defend their rights

After learning of this news, many netizens rushed to buy the December journal to keep it as a souvenir, and they expressed their support for rights protection readers and looked forward to resuming the publication as soon as possible

Zheng Yuanjie: The 36-year-old "Fairy Tale King" was discontinued! Only because writers want to defend their rights
Zheng Yuanjie: The 36-year-old "Fairy Tale King" was discontinued! Only because writers want to defend their rights
Zheng Yuanjie: The 36-year-old "Fairy Tale King" was discontinued! Only because writers want to defend their rights

Shanghai News Broadcast is synthesized from @ Zheng Yuanjie Weibo, City Express, Red Star News, News Workshop, etc

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