
Tears of the times! "Fairy Tale King", which has accompanied generations of children, will be discontinued

"Fairy Tale King" that accompanies generations of childhood

It's going to be discontinued!

On December 15, writer Zheng Yuanjie tweeted,

"Fairy Tale King" will be discontinued in January 2022,

This year's December issue will be its masterpiece.

Some people say,

It is a "fairy tale" that is difficult to reproduce.

Tears of the times! "Fairy Tale King", which has accompanied generations of children, will be discontinued

Image source: Zheng Yuanjie Weibo

One person wrote a monthly magazine for a full 36 years

This is a legendary children's publication in the history of Chinese publishing.

Founded in 1985 with a total circulation of more than 200 million copies, Zheng Yuanjie was the only contributor to the magazine for 36 years.

At its peak in 1988, the circulation exceeded 1 million copies per month, and the total number of genuine copies printed so far has exceeded 100 million copies.

Tears of the times! "Fairy Tale King", which has accompanied generations of children, will be discontinued

On January 10, 2007, at an auction in Beijing, the inaugural issue of "Fairy Tale King" was sold for 100,000 yuan

In 2011, the United Nations selected the world's top ten books, and "Pippiru" and "Harry Potter" created by Zheng Yuanjie tied for fourth place.

Zheng Yuanjie's fairy tales are easy to understand, but they have profound connotations. During this period, the peak of the monthly magazine "Fairy Tale King", Zheng Yuanjie gradually became one of the most famous children's literature writers in China.

Tears of the times! "Fairy Tale King", which has accompanied generations of children, will be discontinued

Data chart: Zheng Yuanjie. Photo by China News Agency, Sudan

Ten apartments were bought in one go: letters from readers

In the 1980s and 1990s, Zheng Yuanjie received thousands of letters from readers every day.

Despite the sheer number, he also arranged time and space to carefully read and store each letter. "To be kind to readers, one is to write the work well, so that readers can get something from reading it; the other is to be kind to the letters from readers."

When more and more letters from readers at home, Zheng Yuanjie bought 10 houses in Beijing to let the letter "live in". Zheng Yuanjie said, "At that time, I didn't know that the Internet was developing so fast, and the handwritten letters would become less, but I foresaw that there would be more and more letters, so I bought ten sets." ”

Today, the price of these houses has doubled by dozens to hundreds of times. Zheng Yuanjie revealed that these "school district houses" have never been inhabited, and they still store the letters of that year.

Tears of the times! "Fairy Tale King", which has accompanied generations of children, will be discontinued

Zheng Yuanjie wrote a letter with tears in her eyes

Why did you choose to stop publication at this moment? In "A Letter Written by Zheng Yuanjie with Tears", he explained:

"I want to say sorry to the millions of readers and friends who have supported the monthly magazine "Fairy Tale King" for 36 years, sorry that I have limited energy at the age of 66, and I can only devote all my energy to fighting with the 7197328 Pipilu trademark, the 8229932 Fairy Tale King trademark, and the 5423972 Shuk trademark by stopping writing the monthly "Fairy Tale King" monthly magazine. I also want readers to cheer me on. The way to refuel is that everyone respects intellectual property rights, advocates originality, despises plagiarism, and stays away from businesses and goods that illegally profit through unfair competition. The 7197328 Pipilu trademark, the 8229932 fairy tale king trademark, the 5423972 Shuk trademark, my letter to you is coming to an end. Finally, I would like to give you three trademarks a word: Do not do to others what you do not want. ”

Tears of the times! "Fairy Tale King", which has accompanied generations of children, will be discontinued

Netizen: Childhood memories of generations

For the post-70s, post-80s, and post-90s generations, every character in "Fairy Tale King", Pipilu, Rusisi, Shuk, Beta..... They are all the most familiar fairy tale images for children in childhood.

From "The Legend of Shuk Beta", "Roque the Great Bad Wolf", "Pentium Money Detector" to "Rubik's Cube Mansion", Zheng Yuanjie has created a large number of classic fairy tales.

Tears of the times! "Fairy Tale King", which has accompanied generations of children, will be discontinued

Brother @Yuo: The only extracurricular reading material that his parents were allowed to buy in his childhood.

@Three-way Ball King: Goldfinger, the only book that has lived for more than 30 years and read the whole all-nighter

@ Everyday Liner: Since elementary school, I have been buying fairy tale kings every month, until I bought them for several years after work, and now a cabinet of fairy tale kings is still treasured.

@Beautiful Allen: Five apples toss the earth! My favorite story.

@Hair HIOVN: Shuk and Beta! It has been with me throughout my childhood and is now my daughter's childhood.

@bj Nivea: Pipilu and Lusisi, who didn't finish reading it in the library of the elementary school, clamored for their mother to buy a copy and loved it. Later, I also bought the full biography of Lucisi. Great memories of childhood

@Seven-horned Unicorn: My hobby of reading started with the "Fairy Tale King" that my mother subscribed to me when I was a child. At that time, the family was not financially prosperous, and my mother would let me choose whether I wanted to buy books or buy toys and snacks, and I always chose to buy books.

@No. 2 Road: After buying a fairy tale queen at a stall 20 years ago, I became a fan of Teacher Zheng, and I will always like PippiRushi and Shuk Beta

Tears of the times! "Fairy Tale King", which has accompanied generations of children, will be discontinued

Although Zheng Yuanjie dropped out of school in the fourth grade of primary school, with his diligence, he still became the favorite fairy tale king of Chinese since the new century.

Although Zheng Yuanjie, 66 years old today, has long been the year of Hua Jia, he is still very active, always maintaining a spirit of not accepting defeat and insisting on literary creation.

Tears of the times! "Fairy Tale King", which has accompanied generations of children, will be discontinued

"Reading makes life interesting."

At the end of this year,

Although "Fairy Tale King" is painted with a rest,

But Zheng Yuanjie's story will continue.

The Fairy Tale King

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