
Tears of the times! "Fairy Tale King" will be discontinued in January next year

Tears of the times! "Fairy Tale King" will be discontinued in January next year

Today, Zheng Yuanjie announced on weibo that "Fairy Tale King" will be discontinued in January 2022, and this year's December issue will become his masterpiece.

Zheng Yuanjie explained the reason for the suspension: "I want to say sorry to the millions of readers and friends who have supported the monthly magazine "Fairy Tale King" for 36 years, sorry that I have limited energy at the age of 66, and I can only devote all my energy to fighting with the 7197328 Pipilu trademark, the 8229932 fairy tale king trademark, and the 5423972 Shuk trademark by stopping writing the monthly "Fairy Tale King" monthly magazine. ”

Founded in 1985, "Fairy Tale King" was launched, for 36 years, Zheng Yuanjie was the only contributor to the magazine, the magazine has a total print of more than 200 million copies, in the era without the Internet, he received more than 100,000 letters from small readers, and now hides them in a 100-square-meter house. Once, Zheng Yuanjie was also a writer with high royalties income for Chinese writers.

Source: Red Star News

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