
Pregnant hawthorn, lychee can be eaten! The real can't eat these 5 types

When it comes to pregnancy, do you often hear the saying "pregnancy can't be eaten, you can't eat it"? Indeed, pregnancy is a very important period in a woman's life, and a reasonable diet during pregnancy is related to the absorption of nutrients by the fetus, and the role of fetal development and growth cannot be underestimated. But, is it true that this can't be eaten, and that can't be eaten? When pregnant women are pregnant, what are the taboos in diet, and what foods are really not eaten by pregnant women when they are pregnant?

Pregnant hawthorn, lychee can be eaten! The real can't eat these 5 types

Raw eggs

Eggs are rich in protein and are an essential nutritious food for families in daily life. However, pregnant women cannot eat raw eggs, because raw eggs are susceptible to infection by pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella, and raw eggs contain avitin protein that inhibits the absorption of biotin, which will affect the absorption of biotin.

If pregnant women eat raw eggs, especially pregnant women with weak resistance, it is very likely that acute gastroenteritis will occur, resulting in vomiting and diarrhea, posing a certain threat to the fetus in the abdomen.

Alcohol or alcoholic beverages and food

Alcohol is one of the things that expectant mothers must not touch during pregnancy. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy may lead to fetal alcoholism syndrome, which can eventually lead to malformations or mental retardations after birth. Therefore, expectant mothers must avoid drinking alcohol or quoting alcoholic beverages and foods, such as alcohol, when pregnant.

Pregnant hawthorn, lychee can be eaten! The real can't eat these 5 types

Undercooked meat, underilized dairy products, and unwashed vegetables

Raw meat, such as undercooked steak or sashimi, is highly likely to be infected by microorganisms such as E. coli, Toxoplasma gondii, listeria, etc. If the meat is not cooked, pregnant women will eat it, which will bring danger to themselves and their babies, and may even lead to fetal fetal stillbirth.

In addition, dairy products that have not been pasteurized, such as soft cheese sold by imported supermarkets, and vegetables that have not been washed, may have bacteria, which will pose a certain danger to the fetus and the expectant mother, and should also be avoided.

Fish with high mercury content

Pregnant hawthorn, lychee can be eaten! The real can't eat these 5 types

For pregnant and lactating women, large carnivorous fish such as swordfish, sharks, marlin, or big-eyed tuna should be avoided. Fish may be contaminated with methylmercury, which is gradually enriched when swallowed by large carnivorous fish, resulting in increased mercury levels.

Methylmercury is lipophilic and easily distributes to the central nervous system and crosses the placenta, having a serious effect on the fetal brain. Therefore, expectant mothers who are pregnant must pay attention to whether the fish ingested is a fish with a high mercury content.

Leftovers in the refrigerator that are not sufficiently heated

Foods stored in the refrigerator are prone to carry Listeria when they are not adequately heated, a very lethal foodborne pathogen. Expectant mothers during pregnancy have weaker resistance and reduced immune function, so eating leftovers that are not sufficiently heated is more likely to be infected with germs. Once infected, a pregnant woman may be transmitted to the fetus through the placenta, resulting in severe consequences such as premature birth or stillbirth.

Pay special attention

There are some foods, such as hawthorn or lychee, etc., everyone feels that eating them will cause pregnant women to miscarry, in fact, these statements are unscientific, the biggest problem with most fruits is mainly that the sugar content is relatively high, eating too much can easily lead to weight gain, gestational diabetes and so on. As long as it is consumed in moderation, and pregnant women have no previous history of allergies and do not cause stomach discomfort such as diarrhea, it generally will not have much impact.

Pregnancy is a very important and critical period, in order to be able to grow and be born in the womb of the fetus, expectant mothers must pay attention to dietary taboos, should not eat food must not eat indiscriminately, especially the above several foods, expectant mothers must not eat!

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