
Why was Huang Kecheng awarded the title of General? In addition to seniority, there is also a skill, which is called "a must"

If the state's recognition of the founding fathers is the 1955 award ceremony, the people who have been awarded the title this time are people who have made outstanding contributions in various periods. Any one of them is a magnificent history.

One of these generals who were awarded the rank was rather peculiar because he wore thick myopic glasses. Whether it is the period of the agrarian revolution, or the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation, the marching army relies on the close-range precision strike of light artillery, and it is difficult to imagine how a highly myopic person can go into battle to kill the enemy.

This person is Huang Kecheng, and high myopia is indeed a disadvantage on the battlefield, but even in the case of such a disadvantage, Huang Kecheng still grows step by step into an important military commander of our army. Huang Kecheng can award the rank of general, in addition to seniority, there is also a skill, known as "a must"!

Why was Huang Kecheng awarded the title of General? In addition to seniority, there is also a skill, which is called "a must"

Repeated demotions, the original intention has not changed

Huang Kecheng, whose original name was Huang Shixuan, was born in 1902 in a peasant family in Yongxing County, Hunan Province, although the family was poor, he still studied in private school for several years under the sponsorship of relatives and friends, and later entered the county's primary school, and was admitted to the Hunan Provincial Third Normal School in Hengyang at the age of 20.

Here, Huang Kecheng began to come into contact with progressive ideas, and actively participated in the student movement when social turmoil was in the process of social unrest, hoping to do his part to change the face of old China.

Although he studied in a normal school, After graduation, Huang Kecheng did not become a teacher, but actively devoted himself to the revolutionary cause. In the previous anti-encirclement and suppression struggles, the troops he led were always able to complete their tasks well, and he participated in the battles of Tuancun and Guangchang; he also successfully completed the task of covering the transfer of large troops on the way of the Red Army's Long March, and participated in the Sidu Chishui and Zunyi Campaigns.

Why was Huang Kecheng awarded the title of General? In addition to seniority, there is also a skill, which is called "a must"

However, during the agrarian revolution, Huang Kecheng was also demoted and punished many times for daring to speak out, but these did not affect his confidence to continue to join the revolution.

After the Red Army arrived in northern Shaanxi, the party also carried out some series of reflection and self-innovation, and Huang Kecheng was also reused by the organization. Because many of our party's ideas in the early days have been in the stage of exploration and practice in connection with China's actual situation, many correct ideas have not been established in a timely manner, resulting in unfair treatment of some party members who adhere to correct opinions.

Huang Kecheng was a man with a relatively bumpy political future; during the Red Army period, he successively served as director of the division's political department, divisional political commissar, and director of the military's political department; at that time, he was repeatedly excluded and demoted because he insisted on some personal opinions, but his political views were later proved correct by history.

Why was Huang Kecheng awarded the title of General? In addition to seniority, there is also a skill, which is called "a must"

For example, in 1927, in view of the failure of the Great Revolution, he advocated opposing the "insurrection"; in 1930, after comprehensively analyzing the domestic situation and the strengths and weaknesses of our army, he opposed the idea of attacking the central cities.

Sprinkle beans into soldiers, and people are called a must

By the time of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Huang Kecheng had grown into an excellent commander of our army, and his thinking was very clear; by mobilizing the masses, establishing democratic political power, expanding the anti-Japanese armed forces, implementing rent reductions and interest rate reductions, organizing production and self-help, and so on, he constantly enhanced the party's cohesion and centripetal force, constantly expanded his own ranks, and finally successfully smashed the large-scale sweeping of the Japanese army on many occasions.

In the later Liberation War, Huang Kecheng still gave full play to his advantages and made important contributions to the cause of the party and the country. Huang Kecheng held many positions in the army, especially good at doing ideological and political work, and when he led the Third Division of the New Fourth Army, he also picked the division commander and political commissar on his shoulders. Huang Kecheng, who had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, worked diligently, making the evaluation of the Third Division of the New Fourth Army in the Central China Bureau very high.

Why was Huang Kecheng awarded the title of General? In addition to seniority, there is also a skill, which is called "a must"

When Huang Kecheng was awarded the rank of great general, some people compared his military merits with others, and his seniority was always recognized as an old revolution from the period of the Red Army, the War of Resistance Against Japan, and the Period of Liberation. But in directing the war, some people think that Huang Kecheng's rank and ranking are too high.

In fact, from Luo Ronghuan's evaluation of Huang Kecheng, we can see the mystery, Luo Ronghuan said: "In addition to seniority, Huang Kecheng's ability to sprinkle beans into a soldier, few people can reach, it is also a must." ”

Why was Huang Kecheng awarded the title of General? In addition to seniority, there is also a skill, which is called "a must"

Huang Kecheng's ability to sprinkle beans into a soldier is not a waste of time. In 1940, Huang Kecheng was ordered to open up the anti-Japanese base area in northern Jiangsu, and in just five years, Huang Kecheng developed the original army of more than 20,000 people to more than 70,000 people.

Some may question whether the surge in the number of Huang Kecheng's troops is based on not participating in the war, because the war will certainly bring about a reduction in numbers. How could an anti-Japanese base area not participate in the War of Resistance Against Japan? During this period, Huang Kecheng participated in more than 5,000 wars, annihilating more than 60,000 enemy soldiers and suffering as many as 10,000 soldiers.

Why was Huang Kecheng awarded the title of General? In addition to seniority, there is also a skill, which is called "a must"

Firm thinking, talented

Huang Kecheng is very good at doing ideological and political work, which is the key factor in achieving his ability to sprinkle beans and become a soldier. As far as his course of building the anti-Japanese base areas in northern Jiangsu is concerned, on the one hand, through the establishment of a democratic political power and policies such as rent and interest reduction, he has fully demonstrated the excellent traditions of our party and the national army and attracted more people to devote themselves to the great revolutionary cause.

On the other hand, he actively cracked down on bandits and waged anti-Japanese struggles, thus establishing the image and prestige of our army in the war. In addition, he understood the principle of coming from the masses to the masses, mobilized the local masses extensively, and pulled some weak-willed backbones into the ranks of the revolution.

Why was Huang Kecheng awarded the title of General? In addition to seniority, there is also a skill, which is called "a must"

Huang Kecheng's third outstanding point is his management ability, and he is particularly good at calculating economic accounts. In 1941, Liu Shaoqi presided over a large-scale conference in Yancheng, Huang Kecheng had the most people and the least cost, so he also got Liu Shaoqi's affirmation.

Premier Zhou also once commented on him: "He is a person who will live a life and spend ten thousand yuan as one hundred thousand yuan." "What we see is only the positive evaluation of his management ability by others, and behind this successful management experience is Huang Kecheng's dedication to calculation and planning."

Among the generals awarded the rank in 1955, Huang Kecheng ranked third, and some people said that he did not have the same military achievements as General Su Yu, nor did he create military miracles like General Xu Haidong, and some people even felt unfair that General Chen Geng ranked behind him. General Chen Geng may be slightly better than Huang Kecheng in terms of battle achievements, but in military thinking, Huang Kecheng is definitely better than Chen Geng.

Why was Huang Kecheng awarded the title of General? In addition to seniority, there is also a skill, which is called "a must"

brief summary:

The group of people who were awarded the title in 1955, no matter what rank they were in, or the number one, everyone was a well-deserved hero. Later generations are in the perspective of loving and cherishing talents, commenting on some of the size of military merits between them, in fact, they themselves do not care about these.

Because in their view, being able to live for the sacrificed comrades-in-arms until now is already the greatest happiness, and military merit and honor are not worthy of a new China of national peace and security, so there have been things that have been given up when awarding titles.

However, any one of them can bear their honor, Huang Kecheng can award the third place of the general, in addition to seniority, there is also a skill of throwing beans into the army, known as "a must". The history of each of their struggles is full of legends, but also full of hardships and difficulties, Huang Kecheng because of his high myopia, several times on the battlefield with the god of death, but these did not shake his revolutionary confidence and courage.

Even after repeatedly suffering unjust treatment, he still adhered to his communist beliefs and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the revolutionary cause, which was the mind and belief of the general.

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