
The essence of the collapse of the Soviet Union: the CPSU overthrew its own system for its own benefit

The Soviet Union is the world's first socialist country, in 1922 in the surrounding many capitalist countries surrounded, the Soviet Union can be said to have turned out, spanning two continents of Europe and Asia, the total area accounts for one-fifth of the world's land area, the Soviet Union could have become the founder and leader of socialist development, but did not expect that only a few decades later, the Soviet Union in 1991 announced the formal disintegration, the socialist system was completely abandoned.

The brief glory of the Soviet Union is quite regrettable by the death of Qin II, the Soviet Union, like the Great Qin Dynasty thousands of years ago, also experienced internal unification, social changes, reached a new height in history, but in the same period, there were irreconcilable contradictions, and finally towards decline and destruction, and another of their great similarities is that the fortresses were attacked from the inside. Qin was because of tyranny, while the Soviet Union was corrupt and degenerate internally.

After Brezhnev came to power, corruption within the government and the rampant practice of the privileged classes had become a trend, and it can be said that at this time the members of the CPSU had thrown aside such noble declarations as a lifelong struggle for communism, and they did not think about defending their own interests at every moment, but in order to safeguard their interests, they wanted to abolish communism and implement capitalism, so that their own assets could continue to expand, and eventually they overthrew their own communist system.

The essence of the collapse of the Soviet Union: the CPSU overthrew its own system for its own benefit

Stalin's criticism laid hidden dangers

The road of building communism in the Soviet Union was extremely tortuous, and many detours were taken, including the Stalin model that Stalin concocted after Stalin came to power, that is, the use of a highly centralized political and economic system for socialist construction.

This model achieved certain historical achievements in the early days of the establishment of the Soviet Union, helping the government to stabilize the people's hearts and minds in a turbulent international context, concentrate national forces against enemy countries, and organize centralized construction.

However, in the period when the country's development was stabilizing, the application scenario of the Stalin model had changed, and the Stalin model could no longer bring a positive effect to the development of the country, but instead of abolishing the model, Stalin intensified it, established an incorrect cult of personality, trampled on the basic principles of socialist democracy and the rule of law, and replaced the socialist nature of democratic centralism with the will of the chief, thus staining this socialist system with a centralized color.

The essence of the collapse of the Soviet Union: the CPSU overthrew its own system for its own benefit

After Khrushchev came to power, he made a thorough criticism of the Stalin model, but this criticism, although harsh, did not really criticize the idea, and did not prevent the later Soviet government from taking the road of specialization.

On the contrary, Khrushchev's criticism of Stalin in disguise escalated into a criticism of the socialist system itself, which shook the foundation of a socialist country like the Soviet Union and laid hidden dangers for the later disintegration of the Soviet Union.

Stalin's real problem is that he does not know how to change the national policy accordingly according to the changes in the national conditions, and blindly engages in a cult of personality, losing respect for democracy and the rule of law, but there is no problem with the original socialist thinking, and stalin's mistakes cannot be used to cancel out all these merits of his previous victory in leading the Soviet Union to victory in World War II.

The essence of the collapse of the Soviet Union: the CPSU overthrew its own system for its own benefit

But Khrushchev's thorough criticism of Stalin obliterated almost all of Stalin's actions as a single individual, and imagining that the hero of world war II, once beloved by the Soviet people, suddenly became the object of thousands of fingers, this was bound to confuse the minds of ordinary people, and the ideal of building socialism that had been firmly built would be shaken.

Along with Khrushchev's sharp criticism of Stalin, there was a wave of demolition of Stalin's monuments and monuments throughout the Soviet Union, and the belittling and accusations of Stalin in the news media were overwhelming, and eventually the criticism of Stalin rose to become a rejection of the history of the Party and the state during the Stalin period, and even some basic principles of Marxism and socialism were negated.

It is conceivable that the generation of young people who grew up in the wave of criticism of Stalin by the whole people, who originally lacked a basic understanding of socialism, lacked confidence in the construction of a socialist country, and were educated in an environment full of criticism and negation of socialism, it was almost impossible for them to cultivate in their hearts the adherence to socialism, and their generation was the biggest hidden danger to the disintegration and disintegration of the Soviet Union in the future.

The essence of the collapse of the Soviet Union: the CPSU overthrew its own system for its own benefit

Corruption in the Soviet Union from the top down

The corruption of the CPSU was complete, thorough, starting with the core senior officials, from top to bottom, and the corruption was like a cancerous tumor, from the inside out, step by step to infringe on the Soviet Union. Corruption in the Soviet Union began in the Brezhnev era, or brezhnev was the leader of corruption, and Brezhnev himself was the generation that had grown up under the overall criticism of Stalin.

This shows that this generation of young people who lack faith grow up into politics, and the goal of governing is no longer to sacrifice and serve the people, but only to earn benefits for themselves. It is the confusion about ideals that leads to their greed for personal gain.

Brezhnev was very fond of luxury goods, cars, and shotguns, and he had unabashedly toyed with a large diamond ring given to him by Aliyev in front of the television media camera, which was a kind of connivance and irritation for officials to take gifts and bribes, and the corruption of the powerful and the powerful who took the back door.

The essence of the collapse of the Soviet Union: the CPSU overthrew its own system for its own benefit

Upward and downward effects, the upper big greed, the lower small greed, the upper collusion with the party henchmen, the lower also pull gangs, for a time the internal atmosphere of the CPSU is a mess, almost no officials put their minds on the consideration of the people, for economic development, everyone is busy taking sides, cultivating cronies, excluding dissidents, consolidating their positions of power.

The Soviet Union's long-term system of leading cadres and the system of appointing and dismissing cadres, as vested interests, in order to safeguard their existing interests and privileges, oppose any reform that threatens their own power, even if this reform is of great benefit to the development prospects of the Soviet Union, Brezhnev once responded loosely to the people's call for reform: "What to change? Just do the job well. ”

The consequences of corruption

When Gorbachev came to power in 1985, he opposed Brezhnev's old ways and actively promoted new reforms, but this reform was actually disguised as collecting wealth for himself.

The essence of the collapse of the Soviet Union: the CPSU overthrew its own system for its own benefit

For example, he opposed state ownership and promoted private ownership, but let some officials who already controlled state-owned enterprises use their privileges to directly encroach on state-owned assets into private assets, and Brezhnev's reform actually legalized the private property of privileged officials.

While some officials used the huge wealth gained from corruption and bribery to run banks and open companies, and later directly evolved into a new financial oligarchy, it was impossible for a "Communist Party member" who was both a privileged official and a capitalist to want to develop communism, so at this time, in the eyes of many degenerate and corrupt Party members within the CPSU, the socialist system in the Soviet Union had become an obstacle to his own profit.

Corruption in the CPSU disintegrated socialism internally, a large number of senior cadres deviated from socialism, and in 1991 there was an ideological survey of high-level officials, which yielded the result that only 9.6 percent of all cpsu core officials had communist ideology, while 76.7 percent believed that capitalism should be practised.

The essence of the collapse of the Soviet Union: the CPSU overthrew its own system for its own benefit

The deep reason behind this is that first of all, the Soviet government failed to successfully open up a path for economic development in a socialist background, for individuals, there is no way to legally accumulate property, and the property obtained by a large number of elites and magnates through corruption is in danger of being exposed and confiscated under the socialist system, so the implementation of capitalism is most in the interests of these CPSU elites.

The corruption of the CPSU has long aroused public indignation, and the broad masses have expressed their dissatisfaction with the CPSU in various forms, such as the number of new members joining the Communist Party is decreasing year by year, and the grass-roots veteran party members are also constantly quitting the party, according to the 1991 poll, the Soviet government's support rate at that time was only 13%, and the support rate was 73%.

After the collapse of the Soviet government on December 25, 1991, there was no official record of any solidarity measures taken by the people in order to support the CPSU, and the CPSU government collapsed in the cold eyes of the people along with the socialist system they had once been proud of.

The essence of the collapse of the Soviet Union: the CPSU overthrew its own system for its own benefit

brief summary:

The of a thousand miles collapsed in an ant nest, and the Soviet Union, a building that once represented the hope of socialism, was also destroyed by corruption within, and the elite of the CPSU, with its privileges for its own profit, and finally for the greater good, personally overthrew its own system, and they were like moths inside the soviet edifice, slowly encroaching on this powerful country.

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